English - Logo Sight Wikipedia Science List English - Logo Sight
1 About Me
2 Education
3 Philosophy
4 Politics
5 News
6 Travel
7 Sports
8 Funding
1 Mammals 19

2 Reptiles 7

3 Professions & Applied Sciences 13

4 History 10

5 Social Sciences 10

6 Natural Sciences 6

7 Food 6

8 Formal Sciences 5

9 Humanities 5

10 Human Body 5

11 Unprocessed Zoological Stuff 4
HEre is my list of important stuff. Mainly science lists
Pages 63
Views PHP Hits Count
Visitors PHP Hits Count
1 Squamata 187
1 Lizards 163
2 Snakes
3 Worm Lizards
2 Dinosaurs 109
3  Amphibian 71
4  Testudines  31
5  Crocodilia 12
6  Shenodontia 1
1 Inventions 349
2 Empires 129
3 Bibles107
4 Roman Emperors 95
5 Ages 27
6 Regions 26
7 Subjects 13
8 Other Subjects 12
9 Wars 12
10 Events 7
1 Countries 183
2 Ethnic Groups 140
3 Geography 91
4 Economics 59
5 Sociology 56
6 Psychology 41
7 Political Science 23
8 Anthropology 20
9 Cultural & Ethnic Studies 11
10 Gender & Sexuality 11
11 Area Studies 9
12 Archaeology 7
1 Astronomy 284
1 Astronomical Objects 262
2 Solar System 22
2 Biology 120
3 Chemistry 84
4 Zoology 38
5 Cross Disciplines 14
7 Food 1158
1 Nuts 398
1 Nut-like Gymnosperm Seeds 341
2 Regular Nuts 47
3 Other Seeds 10
2 Vegetables 241
1 Beans (Podded) 53
2  Leafs  50
3  Beans that need cooking 43
4  Roots & Tubers 41
5 Fruiting & Flowering 26
6 Bulbs & Stems 14 
7 Sea 13
3 Herbs 184
4 Fruit 172
1  Berries 33
Fruits of Asian Origin 21
Edible Cacti 15
Fruits of Australian Origin 48
Fruits of North American Origin 19
Melons & other members of Cucurbitaceae or Solanaceae family 3
Mediterranean & subtropical fruits 6
Rosaceae family 22
Tropical Fruits 5
5 Grain 163
1 Standard 163
2  Cereals 14
3 Psuedo Cereals 10
1 Computer Science 83
2 Mathematics 54
3 Logic 40
4 Systems Science 38
5 Statistics 31
1 Philosophy 95
2 Religion 95
3 Literature 65
4 Languages & Linguistics 24
5 Arts 12
1 Hormones70
2 Ilnesses 46
3 Medicine 44
4 Organs 20
5 Glands 5
6 Micro 5
1 Kingdom 58
2 Groups formerly ranked as Phyla 20
3 Fungus 14
4 Unprocessed Biological Stuff 2
5 Phylum 2
6 Family 6
1 Mammals
1 - 1 Insects 241
21 Apsilocephalidae
22 Apterygota
23 Aquatic insects
24 Archeaeognatha
25 Aarchedyction
26 Arctiidae
27 Arctopsychidae
28 Arixeniidae
29 Asilidae
30 Asteiidae
31 Atelestidae
32 Athericidae
33 Auacigastridae
34 Auustropetaliidae
35 Axmyiidae
36 Batrachedridae
37 Bedelliidae
38 Beneficial insects
39 Bibionidae
40 Black fly
41 Bloastobasidae
42 Bloattoptera
43 Blephariceridae
44 Blow-fly
45 Blue banded bee
46 Bopmbycidae
47 Bombyliidae
48 Bookworm
49 Bostrichidae
50 Botfly
51 Brochadidae
52 Braulidae
53 Bucculatricidae
54 Callidulidae
55 Canacidae
56 Canthyloscelidae
57 Carnidae
58 Cave insects
59 Cecidomyiidae
60 Celyphidae
61 Ceraphytidae
62 chaeboridae
63 Chamaemyiidae
64 Chironomidae
65 Chloropidae
66 Crimeliidae
67 Clarkia Bee
68 Cleridae
69 Click beetle
70 Clusiidae
71 Coelopidae
72 Conopidae
73 Coreinae
74 Corethrellidae
75 Crane fly
76 Ctenosylidae
77 Cupedidae
78 Curtonotidae
79 Dermestidae
80 Derondontidae
81 Deuterophlebiidae
82 Diastatidae
83 Dictoyoptera
84 Deipseudopsidae
85 Disteniidae
86 Dixidae
87 Dolichopidae
88 Drosophilidae
89 Dryomozidae
90 Dystiscidae
91 Ecnomidae
92 Egg (phasmatodeaa)
93 Embioptera
94 Empipidae
95 Engopterygota
96 Ephydridae
97 Erotylidae
98 Eurychromoyea
99 Ecopterygota
100 Fanniidae
101 Firefly
102 Flea
103 Flesh-fly
104 Fly
105 Forficulidae
106 Glossosomatidae
107 Ground beetle
108 Grylloblattidae
109 Haloplidae
110 Geedylidae
111 Heleomyziae
112 Hemimeridae
113 Hemiptera
114 Hippoboscidae
115 Homoptera
116 Horse-fly
117 Hoverfly
118 Hybotidae
119 Hydrometridae
120 Hydrophychidae
121 Hydroptilidae
122 Hydroscahidae
123 Hyumenoptera
124 Insect
125 Insect mouthparts
126 Insect physiology
127 Jurodidae
128 Laucaniidae
129 Leaf beetle
130 Lepiceridae
131 Lepidoptera
132 Leptoceridae
133 Limnephilkidae
134 Limoniidae
135 Lonchaeidae
136 Lonchopteridae
137 Longhorn beetle
138 Lycainidae
139 Lycidae
140 Mantis
141 Mantophasmatidae
142 Many-plumed moth
143 Mayfly
144 Mecoptera
145 Megalopodidae
146 Melon fly
147 Micropezidae
148 Milichiidae
149 Mormotomyiidae
150 Mosquito
151 Muscina
152 Mycetophilidae
153 Mydas fly
154 Mythicomyiidae
155 Nemestrinidae
156 Neoptera
157 Neriidae
158 Neuropterida
159 Noteridae
160 Notoptera
161 Nycteribiidae
162 Nymphalidae
163 Nymphomyiidae
164 Odiniidae
165 Odonata
166 Odonatoptera
167 Opetiidae
168 Opomyzidae
169 Orsodacnidae
170 Orthopteroid
171 Oxypeltidae
172 Palaeoptera
173 Pallopteridae
174 Pantophthalmidae
175 Perisommatidae
176 Phasmotodea
177 Phengodidae
178 Philopotamidae
179 Phoredae
180 Picture-winged fly
181 Pieridae
182 Piesmatidae
183 Pipunculidae
184 Platypezidae
185 Platystomatidae
186 Polyentropodidae
187 Prehistoric insects
188 Protodiplatyidae
189 Pseudopomyzidae
190 Psilidae
191 Psocoptera
192 psychoedidae
193 Psychomyidae
194 Pterygota
195 Ptychopteridae
196 Pyrgotidae
197 Rhagionidae
198 Rhagophthalmidae
199 Rhinophoridae
200 Rhyacophilidae
201 Rhyparochromiae
202 Rhysodidae
203 Richardiidae
204 Riodinidae
205 Scathophagidea
206 Scatopsidae
207 Scenophinidae
208 Sciaridae
209 Sciomyzidae
210 Scraptiidae
211 Sepsidae
212 Scail-case caddisfly
213 Snakefly
214 Soolderi beetle
215 Sphaierus
216 Sphaeroceridae
217 Stalk-eyed fly
218 Stenopsychidae
219 Stratiomyidae
220 Strebliddae
221 Strepsiptera
222 Strongylophthalimyiidae
223 Swallowtail butterfly
224 Syringogaster
225 Tachinidae
226 Tanyderidae
227 Tanypezidae
228 Telephone-pole beetle
229 Tephritidae
230 Teratembiidae
231 Termite
232 Tethinidae
233 Thaumalaidae
234 Thrichoptera
235 Thrips
236 Thysanura
237 Titanoptera
238 Trichoptera
239 Western leafcutting bee
240 Willow Mining Bee
241 Zoraptera
2 Birds 75
3 Other Mammals 54

1 Acorn worm

2 African golden cat
3 Amphibian
4 Anatidae
5 Aye-aye
6 Banteng
7 Beagle
8 Beaver
9 Bombyx mori
10 Book
11 Budrerigar
12 Caracal
13 Catopuma
14 Chinchila
15 Chipmunk
16 Circus arts
17 Cocinellidae
18 Colocolo
19 Columbidae
20 Degu
21 Drama
22 Dromedary
23 Dynamics
24 Early music
25 Ferret
26 Galago
27 Gayal
28 Gerbil
29 Gopher
30 Gorilla
31 Groundhog
32 Guinea pig
33 Harmony
34 History of literature
35 Honey bee
36 Hornet
37 Indigenous australians
38 Iriomote cat
39 Kodkod
40 Kudu
41 Llama
42 Lobster
43 Lorisidae
44 Louse
45 Lynx
46 Lyric poetry
47 Madagascar hissing cockroach
48 Magic
49 Mallard
50 Margay
51 Marmoset
52 Melody
53 Mink
4 Mustelidae 50
2 African Striped Weasel
3 American Badger
4 American Mink
5 Aonyx
6 Asian Badger
7 Bornean Ferret-Badger
8 Burmese Ferret-Badger
9 European Badger
10 European Mink
11 European Otter
12 Ferret
13 Ferret-Badger
14 Fisher
15 Galictis
16 Giant Otter
17 Hairy-nosed Otter
18 Hog Badger
19 Honey Badger
20 Ictonyx
21 Japanese Badger
22 Japanese Otter
23 Javan Ferret-badger
24 Lontra
25 Lutra
26 Lutrogale
27 Marbled Polecata
28 Marine Otter
29 Marten
30 Meles (genus)
31 Mink
32 Mustelidae
33 Mustelinae
34 Neotropical Otter
35 North American River Otter
36 Oriental Small-clawed Otter
37 Otter
38 Patagonian Weasel
39 Sable
40 Saharan Striped Polecat
41 Sea Mink
42 Sea Otter
43 Smooth-coated Otter
44 Southern River Otter
45 Spotted-necked Otter
46 Stoat
47 Striped Polecat
48 Tayra
49 Weasel
50 Wolverine
5 Domesticated Animals 48
2 Asians Elephant
3 Bactian Camel
4 Banteng
5 Barbary Dove
6 Budgerigar
7 Canary
8 Cat
9 Chicken
10 Cockatiel
11 Common carp
12 Corn Snake
13 Dog
14 Domestic duck
15 Domestic goose
16 Domestic sheep
17 Domestic turkey
18 Domesticaated Silver Fox
19 Donkey
20 Dromedary
21 European Rabbit
22 Fallow Deer
23 Fancy rat
24 Ferret
25 Fox
26 Gayal
27 Goat
28 Goldfish
29 Guinea pig
30 Guineafowl
31 Hamster
32 Hedgehog
33 Honey bee
34 Horse
35 Indian Peafowl
36 Japanese Quail
37 Llama
38 Mandarin Duck
39 Muskox
40 Mute Swan
41 Pig
42 Quail
43 Red Deer
44 Reindeer
45 Water Buffalo
46 Yak
47 Zebra Finch
48 Zebu
7 Arachnids 35
2 Amblypygi
3 Arachnid
4 Arachnology
5 Attercopus
6 Clover mite
7 Draculoides
8 Draculoides bramstokeri
9 Drompoda
10 Endangered spiders
11 Eremobates
12 Graeophonus
13 Haptopoda
14 Hubbbardiidae
15 Lutica
16 Maltese palpigrade
17 Mastigoproctus Columbianus
18 Novogenuata
19 Opiliones
20 Pacal
21 Palpigradi
22 Phalangiotarbi
23 Platyoides
24 Pseudoscorpion
25 Ricinulei
26 Schizomida
27 Scorpion
28 Serket
29 Solifugae
30 Spider
31 Spider web
32 Syndaesia
33 Tetrapulmpnata
34 Thelyphonida
35 Trigonotarbida
8 Edible Insects 28
2 Atta laevigata
3 Belosoamapardofelisdidae
4 Beondegi
5 Bogong moth
6 Bombyx mori
7 Bush coconut
8 Casu Marzu
9 Chahuis
10 Chapuliones
11 Cordyceps
12 Entomophagy
13 Escamoles
14 Gonimbrasia belina
15 Grasshopper
16 Honeypot ant
17 Huhu beetle
18 Hypopta agavis
19 Jumiles
20 Kosher locust
21 Lethocerus inducus
22 Maguey worm
23 Mealworn
24 Mezcal
25 Mezcal worm
26 Nuylga apple
27 Pandora pinemoth
28 Witchettyi grub
9 Primates 21
2 Aye-Aye
3 Capuchin monkey
4 Chimpanzee
5 Cro-magnon
6 Galago
7 Gibbon
8 Gorilla
9 Hominidae
10 Homo
11 Homo erectus
12 Lar Gibbon
13 Lemur
14 Marmoset
15 Monkey
16 Neanderthal
17 Orangutan
18 Rhesus Macaque
19 Siamang
20 Squirrel monkey
21 Tarsier
10 Canines 19
1 Domestic Dogs 18
2 Border Terrier
3 Boxer
4 Cavalier King Spaniel
5 Dachshund
6 Dog
7 English Cocker Spaniel
8 English Springer Spaniel
9 German Shepherd
10 Golder Retriever
11 Labrador Retreiver
12 Miniature Schsuzer
13 Poodle
14 Prairie dog
15 Shih Tzu
16 Stardshire Bull Terrier
17 West highland white terrier
18 Yorkshire Terrier
2 Wild Dogs 1
19 Grey Wolf
11 Ungulates 19
2 Camel
3 Cattle
4 Chevrotain
5 Even-toed ungulate
6 hippopotamus
7 Moose
8 Mule
9 Odd-toed ungulate
10 Okapi
11 Ox
12 Peccary
13 Pony
14 Pronghorm
15 Rhinoceros
16 Tapir
17 Ungulate
18 Yak
19 Zebra
12 Marsupials 17
2 Bilby
3 Dasyuridae
4 Dasyuromorphia
5 Diprotodontia
6 Dunnart
7 Kangaroo
8 Marsupial mole
9 Microbiotheria
10 Monito del Monte
11 Numbat
12 Opossum
13 Peramelemorphia
14 Quoll
15 Shrew opossum
16 Tasmanian Devil
17 Thylacine
13 Rodents 14
2 Chinchilla
3 Chipmunk
4 Colocolo
5 Degu
6 Gerbil
7 Gopher
8 Groundhog
9 Hamster
10 Mouse
11 Newt
12 Porcupine
13 Rodent
14 Squirrel
2 Reptiles
2 - 1 Squamata 187
2 - 1 - 1 Lizards 163
21 Caimanops amphiboluroids
22 Calotes
23 Ceratophora
24 Chameleon
25 Chelosania
26 Chersina angulata
27 Coechella Valley Fringe
28 Toad Lizard
29 Coleonyx brevis
30 Coleonyx reticulatus
31 Autumn Rademacher
32 Coleonyx variegatus
33 Colossochelys atlas
34 Common butterfly Lizard
35 Common Gliding Lizard
36 Common side-blotched lizard
37 Common Tortoise
38 Cotyphophalax
39 Ctotaphytidae
40 Cryptagama
61 Fringe-toed lizard
62 Galapagos tortoise
63 Gecko
64 Gekkota
65 Geochelone
66 Geometric Tortoise
67 Giant bufferly Lizard
68 Gopherus
69 Granite Spiny Lizard
70 Greater earless lizard
71 Hemitheconyx
72 Hermann's Tortoise
73 Holodactylus
74 Home's Hinge-back Tortoise
75 Homopus
76 Hoplocercidae
77 Horned lizard
78 Hydrasausus amboinensis
79 Hypsilurus spinipes
80 Iguana
81 Iguania
82 Iguanidae
83 Impressed Tortoise
84 Indian Star Tortoise
85 Indotestudo elongata
86 Indotestudo forstenii
87 Indotestudo travancorica
88 Japalura andersoniana
89 Japalura kumaonensis
90 Japalura major
91 Japalura planidorsta
92 Japalura splendida
93 Japalura tricarinata
94 Japalura variegata
95 Kinicys
96 Keinmann's Tortoise
97 Laudakia caucasia
98 Laudakia himalayana
99 Leaf-nosed Lizard
100 Leiolepis
121 Red-footed tortoise
122 Thino Horn Lizard
123 Russian Tortoise
124 Sagebrush lizard
125 Sailfin lizard
126 Salamander
127 Sceloporus arenicolus
128 Sceloporus grammicus
129 Sceloporus magister
130 Sceloporus malachiticus
131 Scelopuorus merriami
132 Sceloporus merriami annulatus
133 Sceloporus merriami longipunctatus
134 Sceloporus poinsettii
135 Sceloporus seffifer
136 Sceloporus variabilis
137 Seychelles giant tortoise
138 Shield-tailed Agama
139 Side-blotched lizard
140 Speckled Padloper Tortoise
161 Western fence lizard
162 Yinnietharra rock dragon
163 Zebra-tailed lizar



3 Amphisbaenians (worm lizards) 6
1 Amphisbaenidae Gray
1 Amphisbaena
2 Ancylocranium 
3 Baikia
4 Chirindia
5 Cynisca A.M.C.
6 Dalophia
7 Geocalamus 
8 Leposternon
9 Loveridgea 
10 Mesobaena
11 Monopeltis
12 Zygaspis
2 Bipedidae
Mexican mole lizard (Bipes biporus)
3 Blanidae 
1 Blanus alexandri 
2 Blanus aporus
3 Blanus cinereus 
4 Blanus mariae
5 Blanus mendezi
6 Blanus mettetali 
7 Blanus strauchi 
8 Blanus tingitanus 
4 Cadeidae
1 Cadea blanoides 
2 Cadea palirostrata
5 Rhineuridae
1 Rhineura floridana
2 Hadrorhineura hibbardi
3 Protorhineura hatcherii
4 Dyticonastis rensbergeri
5 Spathorhynchus fossorium
6 Spathorhynchus natronicus
7 Macrorhineura skinneri
8 Ototriton solidus
9 Hyporhina galbreathi
10 Hyporhina antiqua
6 Trogonophidae
1 Agamodon
2 Diplometopon
3 Pachycalamus
4 Trogonophis







3 Dinosaurs 109
21 Ceratopsia
22 Ceratopsidae
23 Ceratosauria
24 Ceratosauridae
25 Ceolophysidae
26 Coelophysoidea
27 Coeluridae
28 Coelurosauria
29 Coelurus
30 Compsognathidae
31 Deinonychosauria
32 Dicraeosouridae
33 Dilophosaurus
34 Dinosaur
35 Diplocid
36 Diplodocoidea
37 Dromaeosauredae
38 Dryptosaurus
39 Eoraptor
40 Euhelopodidae
61 Massospondylidae
62 Megalosauridae
63 Melanorosauridae
64 Monolphosaruus
65 Nemegtosauridae
66 Neosauropoda
67 Nodosauridae
68 Ornithischia
69 Ornitholestes
70 Ornithomimosauria
71 Ornithopod
72 Oviraptoridae
73 Oviraptorosauriea
74 Pachycephalosauria
75 Paralitan
76 Paraves
77 Pisanosaurus
78 Plateosauria
79 Plateosauridae
80 Proceratosaurus
81 Prosauropoda
82 Protoceratopsid
83 Psittacosauridae
84 Rebbachisauridae
85 Rhabdodontidae
86 Riojasaurus
87 Saturnalia
88 Saurischia
89 Sauropoda
90 Sauropodomorpha
91 Sclelidosaurus
92 Sinraptoridae
93 Spinsosauridae
94 Spinosaurioidea
95 Stegosauria
96 Telmatosaurus
97 Tenontosaurus
98 Tetanurae
99 Thecodontosaurus
100 Therizinosaur
4 Amphibian 71
21 Eleutherodactylidae
22 Frog
23 Gastric-brooding frog
24 Genyophryne thomsoni
25 Ghost frog
26 Giant salamander
27 Glass frog
28 Hyulidae
29 Hyloxalus
30 Huyperoliidae
31 Ichthyophiidae
32 Laliostominae
33 Leiopelmatidae
34 Leptodactylidae
35 Lungless salamander
36 Mantelllianae
37 Mantellidae
38 Megophryidae
39 Mesobatrachea
40 Mexican burrowing toad
61 Salamadroidea
62 Shovelnose frog
63 Sirenidae
64 Skunk frog
65 Sooglossidae
66 Strabomantidae
67 Tailed frog
68 Termatobiinae
69 Torrent salamander
70 True frog
71 True toad
5 Testudines 31
1 Alligator snapping turtle
2 Asian Leaf Turtle
3 Big-headed turtle
4 Bird of prey
5 Black-breasted Hill turtle
6 Box turtle
7 Chelidae
8 Chelydridae
9 Chersina angulata
10 Clemmys
11 Common Snapping Turtle
12 Emydidae
13 European pond terrapin
14 Geoemydidae
15 Giant Asian Pond Turtle
16 Kinosternidae
17 Leatherback turtle
18 Madagascar big-headed turtle
19 Leatherback turtle
20 Mesoamerican river turtle
21 Pelomedusidae
22 Philippine pond turtle
23 Pig-nosed turtle
24 Pleurodira
25 Podocnemididae
26 Sea turtle
27 Testudinoidea
28 Trionychidae
29 Trionychoidea
30 Turtle
31 Tortoise
7 Shenodontia 1
1 Tuatara
3 Professions & Applied Sciences 259 9.9GB if converted into mp3
1 Engineering 53 913 MB
2 Agricultural
3 Applied mathematics
4 Applied physics
5 Applied science
6 Architectural
7 Artificial intelligence
8 Automotive
9 Biological
10 Biomechanical
11 Biomedical
12 Ceramic
13 Civil
14 Computer
15 Computing
16 Control
17 Earthquake
18 Ecological
19 Electricle
20 Electronic
21 Energy
22 Energy storage
23 Engineering physics
24 Environmental engineering
25 Environmental engineering science
26 Environmental technology
27 Fisheries science
28 Food engineering
29 Forestry
30 Highway engineering
31 Indrustrial engineering
32 Instrumentation
33 Manufacturing engineering
34 Materials science
35 Mechanical engineering
36 Metallurgy
37 Microtechnology
38 Mining
39 Nanoengineering
40 Naval architecture
41 Nuclear
42 Ocean
43 Optical
44 Optics
45 Petroleum
46 Polymer
47 Quality assurance
48 Safety
49 Solfware
50 Structural
51 Systems
52 Telecommunications
53 Transport


3 Physical Performance & Recreation 31
2 Anaerobic exersize
3 Aerobic excersize
4 Aerobics
5 Agility
6 Athletic training
7 Body composition
8 Bone density
9 Cardiorespirotory fitness
10 Coach
11 Circulatory system
12 Endurance
13 Endurance training
14 Equilibrioception
15 Ergonomics
16 Fitness
17 Fitness & figure competition
18 Flexibility
19 Individual sport
20 Kinesiology
21 Physical fitness
22 Physical therapy
23 Reflex
24 Repiratory system
25 Skeletal muscle
26 Sport management
27 Sports biomechanics
28 Sports medicine
29 Sprint
30 Strength training
31 Team sport



4 Journalism 22
2 Animal communication
3 Boradcast journalism
4 Broadcasting of sports
5 Communicatin design
6 Cross-cultural community
7 Journalism
8 Magazine
9 Marketing
10 Mass communication
11 Media studies
12 New media
13 Newspaper
14 Nonverbal communication
15 progaganda
16 Public relations
17 Radio
18 Speech
19 Technical writing
20 Television
21 Television studies
22 Translation



7 Health Sciences 18
2 Addiction medicine
3 Alternative medicine
4 Andrology
5 Anethesia
6 Artery
7 Bariatric surgery
8 Beharioral medicine
9 Blood
10 Cardiothoracic surgery
11 Clinical biochemistry
12 Clinical psychology
13 Counseling psychology
14 Cytogenetics
15 Dential hygenist
16 Dental implant
17 Dental sugery
18 Dentistry
8 Law 16
3 Equity and trust law 5
1 Conflict of interests
2 Equity
3 Lease
4 Principles
5 Trust law
9 Environmental Science 15
1 Coastal Management
2 Conservation Biology
4 Enviromental Policy
5 Fisheries management
6 Foodservice
7 Language management
8 Natural resource management
9 Naval architecture
10 Optical engineering
11 Quality assurance
12 recreation ecology
13 Silviculture
14 Sustainable development
15 Wildlife management
11 Military Science 11
2 Artillery
3 Combat engineering
4 Military campaign
5 Military intelligence
6 Military medicine
7 Military science
8 Military tactice
9 Naval architecture
10 Naval tactice
11 Weapon
12 Transportation 6
2 Intermodal passenger transportation
3 Port management
4 Public transport
5 Road traffic safety
6 Ship transport
13 Architecture & design 3
2 Textile
3 Toy
4 History 771
1 Inventions 349 8.27GB
2 Air bag
3 Air condintioning
4 Airplane
5 Alternating Current
6 Altimeter
7 Aluminum
8 Ambulance
9 Anemometer
10 Answering machine
11 Arc converter
12 Archimedes screw
13 Architectural glass
14 Artificial heart
15 Asphalt
16 Aspirin
17 Assembly line
18 Astroturf
19 automated teller machine
20 Automobile
21 Baby transport
22 Ballistic missile
23 Balloon
24 Ballpoint pen
25 Band aid
26 Barbed wire
27 Barcode
28 Barometer
29 Baseball
31 Basketball
32 Battery
33 Blender
34 Blimp
35 Blood bank
36 Boiler
37 Boomerang
38 Bosque
39 Bow
40 Brace
61 Closed captioning
62 Clothes hanger
63 Coffee
64 Cold Fusion
65 Combined Oral Contraception
66 Compact disc
67 Compass
68 Computer
69 Computer tomography
70 Concrete
71 Constructed wetland
72 Contact lense
73 Cordite
74 Corkscrew
75 Corn flakes
76 Cortisone
77 Cotton gyn
78 Coupling
79 Crash test dummy
80 Crayon
81 Credit card
82 Cricket
83 Cruise control
84 Cyclotron
85 De Prony brake
86 Dental floss
87 Dentures
88 Depth charge
89 Detergent
90 Dialysis machine
91 Diaper
92 Diesel
93 Digital camera
94 Dishwasher
95 Door
96 Drinking straw
97 DVD
98 Dynamite
99 Escalator
100 Elastomer
121 Fluorescent lamp
122 Flouxetine
123 Flying shuttle
124 Food preservation
125 Fortran
126 Fountain pen
127 Freeze drying
128 Freon
129 Frozen food
130 Fuel cell
131 Full sprectrum light
132 Gas mask
133 Gasoline
134 Genetic engineering
135 Geodesic dome
136 George Westinghouse
137 Glasses
138 Glue
139 Golf
140 GPS
161 Jet ski
162 Jukebox
163 Kate
164 Kevlar
165 Kinescope
166 Lace
167 Laptop
168 Laser
170 Laserdisc
171 Lawn Mower
172 Letter box
173 Lie detection
174 Lighter
175 Liquid crystal display
176 Liquid paper
177 Lock
178 Loudspeaker
179 Magnetic ink character recognition
180 Microlyth
181 Microscope
182 Microwave oven
183 Mobile phone
184 Natural rubber
185 Naturally colored connon
186 Neoprene
187 Nuclear weapon
188 Nylon
189 Nystatin
190 Odometer
191 Oil refinery
192 Optical fiber
193 Orgone
194 O-ring
195 Outboard motor
196 Pacemaker
197 Paint roller
198 Pantyhose
199 Paper
200 Parachute
221 Polio vaccine
222 Polyester
223 Polystyrene
224 Polytetrafluoroethylene
225 Polyurethane
226 Polyvinyl Chloride
227 Popcorn
228 Polymerase chain reaction
229 Postage Stamps
230 Potato chip
231 Power loom
232 Prosthesis
233 Punched card
234 Quartz clock
235 Radar
236 Radio
237 Rail transport
238 RAM
239 Razor
240 Reaper
261 Seaplane
262 Seatbelt
263 Seismometer
264 Sewing maching
265 Shoe lasting machine
266 Shopping mall
267 Shrapnel shell
268 Sign language
269 Sildenafil
270 Silicon carbide
271 Skateboard
272 Skyscraper
273 Sleeping car
274 Sliced bread
275 Slide rule
276 Slow sand filter
277 Smoke detector
278 Snap
279 Snow blower
280 Snowmaking
281 Snowmobile
282 Snowshoe
283 Soap
284 Soda fountain
285 Sodium Thiopental
286 Soft drink
287 Softball
288 Solar power
289 Sonar
290 Sound recording
291 Spark plug
292 Spectrometer
293 Spinning jenny
294 Spinning mule
295 Spinning wheel
296 Steam engine
297 Steamboat
298 Steel
299 Stereotype
300 Street sweeper
321 Toilet
322 Toothbrush
323 Toothpaste
324 Touchscreen
325 Tractor
326 Traffic light
327 Transistor
328 Treatment pond
329 Trillian
330 Trivial pursuit
331 Tungsten
332 Tupperware
333 Typewriter
334 Umbrella
335 Vaccination
336 Vacuum cleaner
337 Vaccum Tube
338 Velcro
339 Vending machine
340 Video
2 Empires 129 3.76GB
21 Chera Dynasty
22 Chola Dynasty
23 Delian League
24 Durrani
25 Dutch
26 Elam
27 Empire of Brazil
28 Great Fulo
29 Haiti
30 Nicaea
31 Ethiopia
32 Fatimid Caliphate
33 1st Bulgarian
34 1st French
35 1st Mexican
36 Francia
37 French Colonial
38 Frisian
39 Gallic
40 Gepta
61 Incan
62 Indus Valley
63 Ireland
64 Italian
65 Japanese
66 Josean Dynasty
67 Khilji
68 Khmer
69 Khwarazm-Sha Dynasty
70 Kingdom of Israel
71 Kongo
72 Korean
73 Kushan
74 Latin
75 Lodhi
76 Macedonia
77 Magadha
78 Majapahit
79 Mali
80 Maratha
81 Maurya
82 Maya
83 Medes
84 Micronesian
85 Ming Dynasty
86 Mitanni
87 Moche
88 Mongol
89 Mughol
90 Nanda Dynasty
91 Nazi
92 New Kingdom
93 Olmec
94 Ottoman
95 Portuguese
96 Qing Dynasty
97 Rashidun
98 Republic of Venice
99 Roman Empire
100 Safavid Dynasty
121 Timurid Dynasty
122 Tu'i Tonga
123 Ulmayyad Caliphate
124 Vedic Period
125 Vijayanagara
126 Wari
127 Yuan Dynasty
128 Zapotec Civilization
129 Zulu Kingdom
3 Bibles 18/107 9.73GB
2 Hindu 4 9.73GB
1 Mahabharata 18
1 Book 1 - 1st 60 minutes, pt 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
2 Book 2 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
3 Book 3 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
4 Book 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
5 Book 5 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
6 Book 6 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
7 Book 7 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
8 Book 8 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
9 Book 9 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
10 Book 10 - 1, 2
11 Book 11 - 1, 2, 3
12 Book 12 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
13 Book 13 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
14 Book 14 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
15 Book 15 - 1, 2, 3
16 Book 16
17 Book 17
18 Book 18
2 Ramayana - Part 1, 2
3 Vedas
1 Rig Veda 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
2 Sama Veda - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
3 Kajur Veda 1 - 1, 2, 3
4 Kajur Veda 2 - 1, 2, 3
5 Kajur Veda 3 - 1, 2
6 Kajur Veda 4 - 1, 2, 3
7 Kajur Veda 5 - 1, 2, 3
8 Kajur Veda 6 - 1, 2, 3
9 Kajur Veda 7 - 1, 2, 3
10 Atharva Veda - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
4 Upanishads - 1, 2
3 Other 6
1 Buddhist Bible 1, 2
2 Mayan Popol Vuh 1, 2, 3, 4
3 Incan Bible 1, 2
4 Irish Book of Invasions 1, 2
5 Japanese Creation Story
6 Norse Eddas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
4 Egyptian 3
1 Legends of the Gods 1, 2, 3
2 Egyptian Book of the Dead 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3 Emerald Tablets of Thoth 1, 2
5 Greek 2
1 Aeneid 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
2 Timaeus - 1, 2, 3
6 Sumeria 2
1 Epic of Gilgamesh 1, 2
2 Mesopotamian Bible 1, 2, 3
4 Roman Emperors 95 1.92GB
21 Septimius Severus
22 Caracalla
23 Geta
24 Macrinus
25 Diadumenian
26 Elagabalus
27 Alexander Severus
28 Maximinus Thrax
29 Gordian 1
30 Gordian 2
31 Pupienus Maximus
32 Balbinus
33 Gorndian 3
34 Philip the Arab
35 Decius
36 Hostilian
37 Trebonianus Gallus
38 Volusianus
39 Aemilianus
40 Valerian
61 Constantine 2
62 Constantius 2
63 Constans
64 Julian
65 Jovian
66 Valentinian 1
67 Valens
68 Gratian
69 Valentinian 2
70 Theodosius 1
71 Arcadius
72 Honorius
73 Theodosius 2
74 Constantius 3
75 Joannes
76 Valentinian 3
77 Marcian
78 Petronius Maximus
79 Avitus
80 Majorian
81 Libius Severus
82 Anthemius
83 Olybrius
84 Glycerius
85 Julius Nepos
86 Romulus Augustus
87 Leo 1
88 Leo 2
89 Zeno
90 Basiliscus
91 Anastasius 1
92 Justin 1
93 Justinian 1
94 Justin 2
95 Joannes
5 Ages 27
2 Enlightenment
3 Axial
4 Bonze
5 Cold War
6 Copper
7 Dark
8 Era
9 Information
10 Iron
11 Lower Paleolithic
12 Mesolithic
13 Middle Ages
14 Middle Paleolithic
15 Neolithic
16 Paleolithic
17 Periodization
18 Planck Epock
19 Pre-Columbian
20 Renaissance
21 Shang Dynasty
22 Space
23 Spring & Autumn Period
24 Stone
25 Upper Paleolithic
26 Viking
27 Zhou Dynasty
6 Regions 26 874MB
2 Ancient Greece
3 Ancient Rome
4 Africa
5 Antarctica
6 Asia
7 Australia
8 Central Ameria
9 China
10 East Asia
11 Eurasia
12 Europe
13 India
14 Mesoamerica
15 Mesoamerican cronology
16 New Zealand
17 North America
18 South America
19 South Asia
20 South East Asia
21 Americas
22 Carribean
23 Levant
24 Middle East
25 Pacific Islands
26 United States
7 Subjects 13
2 Diplomatic
3 Ethnohistory
4 Future
5 Futurology
6 Gender
7 Historic Recurrence
8 History of Science and Technology
9 Labor
10 Intellectual
11 Military
12 Political
13 Social
10 Events 7
2 Behavioral Modernity
3 Control of fire
4 French revolution
5 Industrial revolution
6 Origin or the domestic dog
7 Scientific revolution
8 Other Subjects 12 345MB
2 Archaic Homo Sapiens
3 Atlatl
4 History
5 Magh Ithe
6 Modern History
7 Prehistory
8 Recent African Origin of modern Humans
9 Sennacherib
10 Tell Halaf
11 history of the world
12 Timeline of Big Bang


9 Wars 12
2 Dorian invasion
3 1st Messian War
4 1st sacred war
5 Greco-perian wars
6 Kurukshetra war
7 Lelantine war
8 Prehistoric warfare
9 2nd Messerian war
10 Trojan war
11 World War 1
12 World War 2
5 Social Sciences 651
1 Countries 183
21 Bolivia
22 Botswana
23 Brazil
24 Brunei
25 Bulgaria
26 Burkina Faso
27 Burma
28 Burundi
29 Cambodia
30 Cameroon
31 Canada
32 Cape Verde
33 Central African Republic
34 Chad
35 Childreach plane
36 Chile
37 China
38 Colombia
39 Comoro Islands
40 Congo
61 France
62 Gabon
63 Gambia
64 Georgia
65 Germany
66 Ghana
67 Greece
68 Grenada
69 Giunea
70 Giunea-bisau
71 Guyana
72 Haiti
73 Honduras
74 Hungary
75 India
76 Indonesia
77 Iran
78 Iraq
79 Ireland
80 Israel
81 Italy
82Ivory coast
83 Jamaica
84 Japan
85 Jordan
86 Kazakhstan
87 Kenya
88 Kiribati
89 Kuwait
90 Kyrgystan
91 Laos
92 Latvia
93 Lebanon
94 Lesotho
95 Liberia
96 Libya
97 Liechenstein
98 Madagascar
99 Malawi
100 Malaysia
101 Maldives
102 Mali
103 Malta
104 marshall islands
105 mauritania
106 Mauritius
107 Mexico
108 Moldavia
109 Monaco
110 Mongolia
111 Mozambique
112 Namibia
113 Nauru
114 Nepal
115 Netherlands
116 New Zealand
117 Niger
118 Nigeria
119 North Korea
120 Norway
121 Oman
122 Pakistan
123 Panama
124 Paraguay
125 Peru
126 Philippines
127 Poland
128 Portugal
129 Qatar
130 Republic of Macedonia
131 Romania
132 Russia
133 Rwanda
134 Saint Kitts & Nevis
135 Saint Lucia
136 Saint Vincent & Grendines
137 Samoa
138 San Marino
139 Sao Tome
140 Saudi Arabia
141 Senegal
142 Seychelles
143 Sierra Leone
144 Singapore
145 Slovakia
146 Slovenia
147 Soloman ilsands
148 Somalia
149 South africa
150 South Korea
151 Spain
152 Sri Lanka
153 Sudan
154 Suriname
155 Swaziland
156 Sweden
157 Switzerland
158 Syria
159 Taiwan
160 Tajikistan
161 Tanzania
162 Thailand
163 The Bahamas
164 Togo
165 Tonga
166 Tunisia
167 Turkey
168 Turkmenistan
169 Tuvalu
170 Uganda
171 Ukraine
172 United Arab Emirates
173 United Kingdom
174 Uruguay
175 Uzbekstan
176 Vanuatu
177 Vatican City
178 Venezuala
179 Vietnam
180 Yemen
181 Yugoslavia
182 Zambia
183 Zimbabue
2 Ethnic Groups 140
21 chelkans
22 Chukchi
23 Chukotko-kamchatkan
24 Chulyms
25 Chuvans
26 Chuvash
27 Circassians
28 Csangos
29 Dargin
30 Demographics of Asia
31 Dolgans
32 Enets
33 Eskimo
34 Ethnic group
35 Ethnic groups in Africa
36 Ethnic groups in Asia
37 Ethnic groups in Bangladesh
38 Ethnic groups in China
39 Ethnic groups in Europe
40 Ethnic groups in West Africa
61 Kamasins
62 Karachays
63 Karelians
64 Kereks
65 Ket
66 Khakas
67 Khanty
68 Kahanty-mansi
69 Koibal
70 Komi
71 Komi peoples
72 Koryaks
73 Kumankins
74 Kumyks
75 Lak gagestan
76 Lak Iran
77 Lezgins
78 Mansi
79 Mari
80 Mator
81 Maya peoples
82 Metis
83 Mongolic
84 Mordvins
85 Nagaybak
86 Nanai
87 Native Americans in United States
88 Negidals
89 Nenets
90 Nganasan
91 Nivkhs
92 Nogais
93 North America
94 Northern Athabascan
95 Oroch
96 Oroks
97 Ossetians
98 Pacific islander
99 Qizilbash
100 Russians
121 Tsimshian
122 Tulabar
123 Tungusic
124 Turkik
125 Tuvans
126 Udege
127 Udmurt
128 Ukranians
129 Ulchs
130 Ural-altic
131 Uralic
132 Uralic languages
133 Uralic-yukaghir
134 Veps
135 Warao
136 Wayuu
137 Yakuts
138 Yeniseian
139 Yukaghir
140 Yupic
3 Geography 91
21 Ecomonic geography
22 Environmental Geography
23 Environmental management
24 Epidemiology
25 Ethnography
26 Fauna
27 Flora
28 Feminist geography
29 Gemology
30 Geodesy
31 Geographic information
32 Geography
33 Geomatics
34 Geomorphology
35 Geopolitics
36 Geosophy
37 Geostatistics
38 Glaciology
39 GPS
40 Health
61 Oceanography
62 Palaeogeography
63 Paleoclimatology
64 Participant observation
65 Pedology
66 Pedosphere
67 Petroleum
68 Physical geography
69 Planetary science
70 Plate tectonics
71 Political
72 Population
73 Qualitative research
74 Quantitative revolution
75 Quarternary science
76 Regional
77 Regional planning
78 Regional science
79 Relion & geography
80 Remote sensing
81 Resource management
82 Satellite imagery
83 Soil science
84 Spatial planning
85 Strategic
86 Time
87 Tourism
88 Transport
89 Transportation
90 Urban
91 Urban planning
4 Economics 59
2 Agricultural
3 Austrian school
4 Behavioral
5 BioClimate change
6 Computational
7 Consumer
8 Demand response
9 Development
10 Domestic energy Consumption
11 Ecological
12 Econometrics
13 Economic growth
14 Economic sociology
15 Economic system
16 Efficient energy use
17 Elasticity
18 Energy conservation
19 Energy derivative
20 Energy economics
21 Energy elasticity
22 Energy market
23 Energy policy
24 Enrepreneurial
25 Enviromental
26 Environmental policy
27 Evolutionary
28 Experimental
29 Feminist
30 Finance
31 Financial economics
32 Fuel efficience in transportation
33 Game theory
34 Human development theory
35 Industrial organization
36 Information
37 Institutional
38 International
39 Islamic ecomomic Jurisprudence
40 Babour
41 Law
42 Macro
43 Micro
44 Managerial
45 Mathematicas
46 Monetary
48 Natural resource
49 Neuro
50 Public
51 Public finance
52 Real Estate
53 Socialist
54 Socio
55 Stock exchange
56 Sustainability
57 Transport
58 Welfare
59 World energy resources & consumption
5 Sociology 56
2 Collective behavior
3 Communication studies
4 Community informatics
5 Comparative
6 Computational
7 Conflict theory
8 Criminal justice
9 Criminology
10 Cultural studies
11 Demography
12 Developmental studies Deviance
13 Economic development
14 Environmental
15 Ethnomethodology
16 Feminist
17 Human ecology
18 Industrial sociology
19 Interactionism
20 Leisure studies
21 Medical
22 Military
23 Oganizational
24 Political
25 Population
26 Public
27 Pure
28 Rural
29 Science & technology
30 Science studies
31 Sexology
32 Social capital
33 Social control
34 Social development
35 Social ecomony
36 Social movement
37 Social network
38 Social policy
39 Social research
40 Social stratification
41 Social theory
42 Sociocybernetics
43 Socilinguistics
44 In practice
45 In theory
46 Cultural
47 Educational
48 Gender
49 Knowledge
50 Law
51 Religion
52 Sport
53 Family
54 Symbolic interactionism
55 Urban
56 Visual
6 Psychology 41
2 Applied
3 Behavioral sciences
4 Clinical
5 Cognitive behavioral therapy
6 Cognitive
7 Cognitive science
8 Community
9 Developmental
10 Educational
11 Emotion
12 Evolutionary development
13 Evolutionary education
14 Evolutionary
15 Experimental
16 Family therapy
17 Forensic
18 Gestalt therapy
19 Group psychotherapy
20 Health
21 Individual differences
22 Industrial & organiazational
23 Intrapersonal communication
24 Legal psychology
25 Media psychology
26 Medical psychology
27 Neuropsychology
28 Parapsychology
29 Personality psychology
30 Play therapy
31 Positive
32 Psychoanalysis
33 Psychodrama
34 Psychological evaluation
35 Psychometry
36 Psychophysics
37 Psychotherapy
38 Quantum
39 Social
40 Solution focused brief therapy
41 Sport


7 Political Science 23
2 Comparative Politics
3 Geopolitics
4 Information science
5 International education
6 International organizattion
7 International relations
8 Legal management
9 Media studies
10 Non-profit organization
11 Preace & conflict studies
12 Policy studies
13 Political culture
14 Political ecomony
15 Political history
16 Political philosophy
17 Politics
18 Politics of Canada
19 Politics of United States
20 Psephology
21 Public administsration
22 Public policy
23 Theories of political behavior
8 Anthropology 20
2 Anthropoogy of Religions
3 Biological anthropology
4 Cultural anthropology
5 Descriptive linguistics
6 Dual inheritace theroy
7 Economic antropology
8 Anthropology Education
9 Ethnolinguistics
10 Ethnology
11Forensic antropology
12 Hisorical linguistics
13 Human behavioral ecology
14 Human evolution
15 Medical anthropology
16 Paleoanthropology
17 Political antropology
18 Primatilogy
19 Psychological anthropology
20 Sociolinguistics
9 Cultural & Ethnic Studies 11
2 Chicano Studies
3 Childhood studies
4 Cultural studies
5 Ethnic studies
6 Latino studies
7 Native Ameican studies
8 Persian studies
9 Slavic studies
10 Scandivavian studies
11 Iranian studies
10 Gender & Sexuality 11
2 Heterosexism
3 Human sexual behavior
4 Human sexuality
5 Masculine psychology
6 Womens studies
7 Queer studies
8 Queer theroy
9 Sex education
10 Sexology
11 Women's studies
11 Area Studies 9
2 American studies
3 Appalachian studies
4 Asian studies
5 Celtic studies
6 European studies
7 Indology
8 Latin American
9 Sinology
12 Archaeology 7
2 Conservation-restorartion
3 Egyptology
4 Experimental archaeology
5 Meritime archeology
6 Near Eastern
7 Prehistoric archaeology
6 Natural Sciences 540
1 Astronomy 284
1 Astronomical Objects 262
21 Amor asteroid
22 Ap & Bp star
23 Apohele asteroid
24 Arjuna asteroid
25 Asterism
26 Asteroid
27 Asteroid belt
28 Astronomy
29 Astrophysical plasma
30 Astrophysics
31 Aten asteroide
32 Barium star
33 Barred spiral galaxy
34 Beta Aquarii
35 Beta Camelopardalis
36 Beta Capricorni
37 Beta Cephei variable
38 Beta Corvi
39 Beta Draconis
40 Beta Leporis
61 Compact star
62 Constellation
63 Cosmic microwave
64 background radiation
65 Cosmic string
66 Cybele asteroid
67 Damocloid asteroid
68 Dark galaxy
69 Dark matter
70 Dark matter halo
71 Dark nebula
72 Debris disk
73 Degenerate matter
74 Delta Cephei
75 Delta Trianguli Australis
76 Direct numerical simulation
77 Domian wall
78 Double star
79 Dwarf galaxy
80 Dwarf nova
81 Dwarf planet
82 Dwarf star
83 Dysnomia
84 Elliptical galaxy
85 Emission nebula
86 Eos family
87 Epsilon Canis Majoris
88 Epsilon Canis Minoris
89 Epsion Scuti
90 Fast neutron reactor
91 Flare star
92 Fluid dynamics
93 FU Orionis
94 FU Orionis star
95 Galactic astronomy
96 Galactic corona
97 Galactic halo
98 Galaxy
99 Galaxy filament
100 Galaxy formation and evolution
121 Infrared astronomy
122 Intermediate-mass black hole
123 Interplanetay medium
124 Interstellar medium
125 Iota Arietis
126 Iota Cancri
127 Iota Orionis
128 Irregular galaxy
129 Irregular variable
130 Jupiter trojan
131 Kappa Trianguli Australis
132 Koronis family
133 Kuiper belt
134 Lambda Orionis
135 Large Magellanic Cloud
136 Lenticular galaxy
137 List of Apollo asteroids
138 List of mars-crossing minor planets
139 Local Group
140 Luminous blue variable
161 Nova
162 Nysa family
163 Observational astronomy
164 Omega Scorpii
165 Omicron Centauri
166 Omniverse
167 Oort cloud
168 Open cluster
169 O-type main sequence star
170 Outer space
171 P Cygni
172 Pallas family
173 Peculiar star
174 Philosophy of physics
175 Philosophy of space and time
176 Phocaea family
177 Physical cosmology
178 Planet
179 Planetary nebula
180 Planetary system
181 Plutino
182 Preon star
183 Protoplanetary disk
184 Protostar
185 Psi Andromedae
186 Pulsar
187 Pulsar wind nebula
188 Quark star
189 Quasar
190 R Coronae Borealis variable
191 Radio astronomy
192 Radio galaxy
193 Red dwarf
194 Red giant
195 Red supergiant
196 Reductionism
197 Reflection nebula
198 Resonant
199 trans-Neptunian object
200 Rho Cancri
221 Stellar association
222 Stellar classification
223 Stellar evolution
224 Stellar nuclearsynthesis
225 S-type star
226 Subdwarf star
227 Subgiant
228 Supergiant
229 Supercluster
230 Supermassive black hole
231 Supernova
232 Supernova remnant
233 Symbiotic variable star
234 T Tauri star
235 Terebellum
236 Fabric of Reality
237 Theimis family
238 Theta Scorpii
239 Time travel
240 Trans-Neptunian object
261 Zeta Capricorni
262 Zeta Ohiuchi
2 Solar System 22

1 2 Pallas

2 3 Juno
3 4 Vesta
4 2060 Chriron
5 3753 Chruithne
6 Ceres
7 Earth
8 Jupiter
9 Mars
10 Mercury
11 Moon
12 Moons of Jupiter
13 Moons of Mars
14 Moons of Neptune
15 Moons of Saturn
16 Moons of Uranus
17 Neptune
18 Pluto
19 Saturn
20 Sun
21 Uranus
22 Venus
2 Biology 120
21 Botany
22 Cell Biology
23 Chronology
24 Cladistics
25 Cognitive Nueroscience
26 Comparative Anatomy
27 Computational neuroscience
28 Crustacean
29 Cryobiology
30 Cryptozoology
31 Cytology
32 Developmental biology
33 Disease
34 Ecology
35 Embryology
36 Endorcinology
37 Entomology
38 Environmental science
39 Epidemiology
40 Ethnobotany
61 Linnaean taxonomy
62 Malacology
63 Mammology
64 Marine biology
65 Matrix biology
66 Medical research
67 Microbiology
68 Molecular biology
69 Molecular virology
70 Morphology
71 Mycology
72 Myrmecology
73 Nematology
74 Neruoanatomy
75 Neuroethology
76 Neurophysiology
77 Nutrition
78 Oncology
79 Ontogeny
80 Oology
81 Ophiology
82 Ornithology
83 Paleobiology
84 Paleobotany
85 Paleontology
86 Paleozoology
87 Parasitology
88 Pathogen
89 Pathogenesis
90 Pathology
91 Phoyobiology
92 Phycology
93 Phylogenetics
94 Phylography
95 Plant pathology
96 Population biology
97 Population genetics
98 Primatology
99 Proteomics
100 Psychiatry
3 Chemistry 84
21 Chemical bond
22 Chemical compound
23 Chemical element
24 Chemical engineering
25 Chemical equilibrium
26 Chemical industry
27 Chemical kinetics
28 Chemical law
29 Chemical reaction
30 Chemical structure
31 Chemical synthesis
32 Chemical thermodynamics
33 Chemistry
34 Chemoinformatics
35 Chitin
36 Collagen
37 Computational chemistry
38 Computer program
39 Conservation of energy
40 Conservation of mass
61 Green chemistry
62 Henry's law
63 Hess's law
64 History of Chemistry
65 Hydrogenation
66 Immunochemistsry
67 Immunohistochemistry
68 Inorganic chemistry
69 Interface
70 Ion
71 Kevlar
72 Law of definite proportions
73 Law of multiple proportions
74 Machine
75 Mass-energy equivalent
76 Materials science
77 Mathematical chemistry
78 Mechanochemistry
79 Medicinal chemistry
80 Membrane transport protein
81 Metal
82 Molecular physics
83 Molecule
84 Nanotechnology
4 Zoology 38
2 Algae
3 Analogy
4 Anatidae
5 Behavioral ecology
6 Biological classification
7 Bombyx mori
8 Brown algae
9 Coccinellidae
10 Columbidae
11 Comparative anatomy
12 Coral
13 Dicotyledon
14 Echinoderm
15 Fern
16 Genus
17 Gymnosperm
18 Heredity
19 Homology
20 Lichen
21 Life
22 Mendelian inheritance
23 Monocotyledon
24 Mushroom
25 Parazoa
26 Phylogenetics
27 Phylogeography
28 Population genetics
29 Rallidae
30 Reproduction
31 Scalidophora
32 Species
33 Symbion
34 Systematics
35 Taxomony
36 Tetrapod
37 Variation
38 Vetulicolia
5 Cross Disciplines 14

1 Astrochemistry

2 Astrophysics
3 Biochemistry
4 Biophysics
5 Complex system
6 Environmental Science
7 Geochemistry
8 Geophysics
9 Informatics
10 Marine biology
11 Nanotechnology
12 Physical oceanography
13 Oceanography
14 Physical chemistry
7 Food 1158
1 Nuts & Seeds 398
1 Nut-like Gymnosperm Seeds 341
21 Acrotriche depressa
22 African cherry orange
23 Aizoaceae
24 Akebia quinata
25 Alkanna tinctoria
26 Amelanchier
27 Ampelocissus acetosa
28 Annona
29 Annona glabra
30 Araucaria araucana
31 Areca nut
32 Attalea speciosa
33 Austromyrtus dulcis
34 Averrhoa bilimbi
35 Babaco
36 Bactris gasipaes
37 Bael
38 Bailan melon
39 Bambara groundnut
40 Barbarea verna
61 Calandrinia balonensis
62 Capparis mitchellii
63 Carambola
64 Carissa lanceolata
65 Carob tree
66 Carpobrotus glaucescens
67 Carpobrotus rossii
68 Caryocar brasiliense
69 Cassytha melantha
70 Cauliflower
71 Cereal
72 Chaenomeles
73 Chenopodium berlandieri
74 Cherimoya
75 Chestnut
76 Chordate
77 Chrysophyllum cainito
78 Citron
79 Citrus
80 Citrus australasica
81 Citrus glauca
82 Citrus gracilis
83 Citrus limetta
84 Clausena lansium
85 Clementine
86 Coccoloba diversifolia
87 Coffea
88 Common fig
89 Comparative physiology
90 Corchorus
91 Cordyline fruticosa
92 Cork cambrium
93 Corylus maxima
94 Cowpea
95 Crescentia cujete
96 Cucurbita maxima
97 Cupuacu
98 Custard-apple
99 Cycad
100 Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
121 Eugenia uniflora
122 Eupomatia laurina
123 European Cornel
124 Euyole ferox
125 Evolutionary physiology
126 Exocarpos cupressiformis
127 Feijoa
128 Ficus benghalensis
129 Ficus coronata
130 Ficus platypoda
131 Ficus racemosa
132 Ficus sycomorus
133 Finger millet
134 Flower
135 Foxtial millet
136 Fruit anatomy
137 Fruit tree
138 Galia
139 Garden cress
140 Garden peach tomato
161 Herb
162 Heteromeles
163 Honeydew
164 Hordeum pusillum
165 Horned melon
166 Hovenia dulcis
167 Hyacinth bean
168 Ilama
169 Inga edulis
170 Irvingia
171 Iva annua
172 Jabuticaba
173 Jatoba
174 Job's tears
175 Jacote
176 Jujube
177 Kaffir lime
178 Kaniwa
179 Kumquat
180 Kunzea pomifera
181 Leaf
182 Lecythidaceae
183 Legume
184 Lemon drop mangosteen
185 Leucaena
186 Limonia
187 Lucuma
188 Lupin
189 Mabolo
190 Maclura tricuspidata
191 Malva
192 Mamey sapote
193 Mandarin orange
194 Manilkara kauki
195 Manoao
196 Marsdenia australis
197 Marsilea
198 Melastoma affine
199 Melodroum leichhardtii
200 Mimusops elengi
221 Olive
222 Opuntia
223 Opuntia ficus-indica
224 Oryza sativa
225 Osmanthus fragrans
226 Ovule
227 Owenia acidula
228 Pachira aquatica
229 Pachycersus pringlei
230 Paleobotany
231 Palynology
232 Panicum
233 Panicum decompositum
234 Pansy
235 Paranari nonda
236 Parsley
237 Passiflora edulis
238 Peanut butter fruit
239 Pepita
240 Persimmon
261 Podocarpus elatus
262 Polygonum
263 Pongamia pinnata
264 Portulaca intraterranea
265 Pourouma cecropiifolia
266 Pouteria campechiana
267 Proso millet
268 Prumnopitys
269 Psychosomatic medicine
270 Pulasan
271 Pulse
272 Purple mangosteen
273 Pyrus bretschneideri
274 Pyrus pyrifolia
275 Rangpur
276 Rapini
277 Redcurrant
278 Root
279 Rose
280 Rubus leucodermis
281 Rubus moluccanus
282 Rubus parvifolius
283 Rubus probus
284 Rubus rosifolius
285 Rye
286 Raguaro
287 Salak
288 Salal
289 Salvia hispanica
290 Santalum acuminatum
291 Santalum lanceolatum
292 Sapodilla
293 Sepal
294 Serenoa
295 Sesbania grandiflora
296 Solanum muricatum
297 Soursop
298 Spondias
299 Spondias dulcis
300 Stamen
321 Tropaeolum
322 Typha
323 Ugli fruit
324 Vanilla
325 Vascular cambium
326 Vicia faba
327 Watermelon
328 White sapote
329 Wood
330 Ximenia americana
331 Zante currant
332 Ziziphus mauritiana
21 Johnstone River almond
22 Kemiri nut
23 Kurrajong
24 Pandanus
25 Pecan
26 Shagbark hickory
27 Terminalia catappa
28 Hazel
29 Indian Beech
30 Kola nut
31 Macadamia
32 Malabar chestnut
33 Peanut
34 Peanut tree
35 Palm fern & zamia nuts
36 Pistacia
37 Pistachio
38 Red bopple nut
39 Mamoncillo
40 Maya nut
2 Vegetables 241
1 Podded Vegetables (Beans) 53
1 Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
2 Arracacha
3 Bamboo shoot
4 Beet
5 Bunium persicum
6 Burdock
7 Camassia
8 Canna (plant)
9 Carrot
10 Cassava
11 Conopodium majus
12 Cyperus esculentus
13 Daikon
14 Eleocharis dulcis
15 Ensete
16 Ginger
17 Hyacinth bean
18 Lablab
19 Lentils
20 Lupins
21 Jerusalem artichoke
22 Jicama
23 Lathyrus tuberosus
24 Pachyrhizus
25 Parsnip
26 Peas
27 Peanuts
28 Pigeon peas
29 Plectranthus amboinicus
30 Potato
31 Psoralea esculenta
32 Radish
33 Root vegetable
34 Rutabaga
35 Sagittaria latifolia
36 Scorzonera hispanica
37 Sium sisarum
38 Soybeans
39 Stachys affinis
40 Sterculia
41 Sweet potato
42 Taro
43 Tragopogon porrifolius
44 Ulluco
45 Velvet beans
46 Wasabi
47 Welsh onion
48 Winged beans
49 Yacon
50 Yam beans
51 Yam (vegetable)
52 Zucchini
53 Fava or broad beans
3 Beans that need cooking 43
1 Acacia aneura
2 Acacia cowleana
3 Acacia estrophiolata
4 Acacia ligulata
5 Acacia murrayana
6 Acacia tetragonophylla
7 Acacia kempeana
8 Acacia coriacea
9 Acacia notabilis
10 Acacia pyrifolia
11 Acacia victoriae
12 Acacia sophorae
13 Acacia stenophylla
14 Acacia tumida
15 Aleurites moluccana
16 Atriplex nummularia
17 Panicum
18 Panicum decompositum
19 Panicum australiense
20 Panicum effusum
21 Amaranthus mitchellii
22 Amaranthus grandiflorus
23 Brachiaria piligera
24 Brachiaria milliformis
25 Brachychiton diversifolium
26 Brachychiton gregorii
27 Brachychiton paradoxum
28 Brachychiton populneum
29 Bruguiera rheedii
30 Calandrinia balonensis
31 Canarium australianum
32 Canavalia maritima
33 Entada phaseolides
34 Eragrostris spp.
35 Eucalyptus leptopoda
36 Eucalyptus microtheca
37 Astrelba pectinata
38 Portulaca oleracea
39 Portulaca intraterranea
40 Marsilea drummondii
41 Nymphae gigantea
42 Rhyncharrhena linearis
43 Themeda australis
3 Herbs 184
21 Apple mint
22 Avocado Leaf
23 Barberry
24 Black Mustard
25 Blue Fenugreek, Blue melilot
26 Brown Mustard
27 Calamint
28 Calendula
29 Chili pepper
30 Caper
31 Caraway
32 Cardamom
33 Nepeta
34 Cinnamomum aromaticum
35 Cayenne pepper
36 Charnushka
37 Chervil
38 Chicory
39 Chili powder
40 Epazote
41 Chipotle
42 Chives
43 Cicely
44 Coriander
45 Cinnamon
46 Salvia sclarea
47 Clove
48 Coriander seed
49 Cumin
50 Tanacetum balsamita
51 Cuban Oregano
52 Cubeb
53 Cudweed
54 Eryngium foetidum
55 Curry leaf
56 Curry Plant
57 Dill seed
58 Dill herb or weed
59 Tasmannia
60 Elderflower
61 Estragon
62 Fennel
63 Fenugreek
64 Filé powder
65 Fingerroot, krachai, temu kuntji
66 French sorrel
67 Galangal
68 Galingale
69 Garlic chives
70 Garlic
71 Ginger
72 Ginkgo nuts
73 Golpar
74 Grains of paradise
75 Grains of Selim
76 Green tea
77 Ground ivy
78 Hops
79 Horseradish
80 Houttuynia
81 Hyssop
82 Indian Bay-leaf, Malabathrum,
83 Tejpat
84 Indonesian Bay-Leaf, Daun salam
85 Indonesian Cinnamon
86 Jasmine
87 Juniper berry
88 Jalepenos
89 Kaffir Lime Leaves
90 Kokam
91 Kala Jeera
92 Lavender
93 Laser, laserpicium, or lasarpicium - Lemon Balm
94 Lemon Basil
95 Lemongrass
96 Lemon Mint
97 Lemon Myrtle
98 Lemon Thyme
99 Lemon Verbena
100 Lesser Galangal, Kentjur
101 Licorice, Liquorice
102 Lime Flower, Linden flower
103 rice paddy herb
104 Long Pepper
105 Luohanguo
106 Mace
107 Marjoram
108 Mahlab
109 Nasturtium
110 Nigella sativa
111 Nutmeg
112 Olida
113 Oregano
114 Orris root
115 Osmorhiza, Sweet Cicely
Pandan flower, Kewra
116 Pandan leaf, Screwpine
117 Paprika
118 Paracress
119 Parsley
120 Pepper: black, white, and green
121 Peppermint
122 Peppermint Gum leaf
123 Perilla, Shiso
124 Pink Pepper
125 Piper sarmentosum
126 Poppy seed
127 Ramsons, wood garlic
128 Red Pepper
129 Riberry
130 Rice Paddy Herb
131 Rosemary
132 Rue
133 Safflower
134 Saffron
135 Sage
136 Saigon Cinnamon
137 Salad Burnet
138 Salep
139 Sassafras
140 Savory, Summer
141 Sheep's sorrel
142 Sichuan pepper
143 Silphium
144 Sloe berries
145 Smoked Paprika
146 Sorrel
147 Spearmint
148 Spikenard
149 Star anise
150 Sumac
151 Summer savory
152 Sweet cicely
153 Sweet woodruff
154 Szechuan pepper
155 Talinum
156 Tamarind
157 Tansy
158 Tarragon
159 Tasmanian Pepper
160 Tea
161 Teucrium polium
162 Thai basil
163 Thyme
164 Tulsi
165 Turmeric
166 Vanilla
167 Vietnamese Balm
168 Vietnamese Cinnamon
169 Vietnamese Coriander
170 Wasabi
171 Water-pepper, Smartweed
172 Watercress
173 Wattleseed
174 White Mustard
175 Wild thyme
176 Winter savory
177 Winter savory
178 Wintergreen
179 Wood Avens, Herb Bennet
180 Woodruff
181 Wormwood, Absinthe
182 Yellow Mustard
183 Za'atar herb
184 Zedoary
4 Fruit 172
3 Edible Cacti 15
1 Saguaro
2 Cereus repandus
3 Erdisia
4 Coryphantha
5 Strawberry Cactus
6 genus Echinopsis
7 Orchid cactus
8 Prickly Apples
9 chilitos
10 garambulos
11 prickly pears
12 Cardon
13 Arizona Queen of the Night
14 Barbados gooseberry
15 Organ Pipe Cactus
4 Fruits of Australian Origin 48
1 Atherton Raspberry
2 Black Apple
3 Blue tongue
4 Bolwarra
5 Burdekin Plum
6 Broad-leaf Bramble
7 Cedar Bay cherry
8 Cluster fig
9 Common apple-berry
10 Conkerberry
11 Davidson's plum
12 Desert fig
13 Desert lime
14 Doubah
15 Emu Apple
16 Fibrous Satinash
17 Finger Lime
18 Illawarra Plum
19 Little gooseberry tree
20 Kakadu lime
21 Kutjera
22 Kakadu plum
23 Karkalla
24 Lady apple
25 Lemon aspen
26 Midyim
27 Mountain pepper
28 Muntries
29 Native Cherry
30 Native currant
31 Native gooseberry
32 Pigface
33 Pink-flowered Native Raspberry
34 Purple apple-berry
35 Quandong
36 Riberry
37 Rose-leaf Bramble
38 Rose myrtle
39 Sandpaper Fig
40 Small-leaf tamarind
41 Snow berry
42 Sweet apple-berry
43 Tanjong
44 White aspen
45 Wild orange
46 Wongi
47 Yellow plum
48 Zig Zag Vine
6 Melons & other members of Cucurbitaceae or Solanaceae family 3
1 Cantaloupe
2 Sugar melon
3 Winter melon
7 Mediterranean & subtropical fruits 6
1 Key Lime
2 Lemon
3 Lime
4 Orange
5 Orangelo
6 Persian lime
9 Tropical Fruits
5 Grain 163
21 Chamomile
22 Cicely
23 Cinnamomum burmanni
24 Comfrey
25 Crataegus
26 Culantro
27 Curry plant
28 Curry tree
29 Cymbopogon
30 Cyperus
31 Digitalis
32 Dill
33 Dill oil
34 Dill seed
35 Dorrigo pepper
36 Echinacea
37 Elsholtzia ciliata
38 Epazote
39 Eucalyptus
40 Eucalyptus dives
61 Jasmine
62 Juniper berry
63 Kaempferia galanga
64 Kaffir Lime
65 Konjac
66 Lamiaceae
67 Lavender
68 Lemon balm
69 Lemon basil
70 Lemon mint
71 Lemon verbena
72 Lesser galangal
73 Limnophila aromatica
74 Liquorice
75 Long pepper
76 Lovage
77 Malabathrum
78 Marijuana
79 Marjoram
80 Marrubium vulgare
81 Matricaria recutita
82 Mentha spicata
83 Mullein
84 Nepeta
85 Nigella sativa
86 Nutmeg
87 Ocimum tenuiflorum
88 Opium poppy
89 Oregano
90 Orris root
91 Osmorhiza
92 Pandanas
93 Paprika
94 Parsley
95 Passion flower
96 Peppermint
97 Perilla
98 Piper sarmentosum
99 Plantago
100 Pokeweed
121 Schinus terebinthifolius
122 Sesame
123 Sichuan pepper
124 Silphium
125 Siraitia grosvenorri
126 Smearwort
127 Spikenard
128 Saint Johns wort
129 Star anise
130 Stringing nettle
131 Sumac
132 Summer savory
133 Syzgium
134 Syzgium luehmannii
135 Talinum
136 Tamarind
137 Tansy
138 Taraxacum
139 Tarragon
140 Tasmannia
161 Woodruff
162 Yerba nuena
163 Zedoary
2 Cereals 14
1 Barley
2 Fonio
3 Maize
4 Pearl millet
5 Oats
6 Palmer's grass
7 Rice
8 Rye
9 Sorghum
10 Spelt
12 Triticale
13 Wheat
14 Wild rice
8 Formal Sciences 5/246 3.59GB
1 Computer Science 83 1.13GB

1 Engineering

2 Internet
3 Algorithm
4 Artificial neural network
5 Automata theory
6 Automated reasoning
7 Business informatics
8 Compiler
9 Computability theory
10 Computational biology
11Computational complexety theory
12 Computational finance
13 Comutational fluid dynamics
14 Computational geometry
15 Computational linguistics
16 Computational mathematics
17 Computational number theory
18 Computational science
19 Computer science
20 Computer architecture
21 Computer graphics
22 Computer networking
23 Computer science
24 Computer security
25 Computer vision
26 Computer-aided engineering
27 Concurrency
28 Concurrent computing
29 Crypography
30 Data management
31 Data mining
32 Data structure
33 Digital humanities
34 Distributed algorithms
35 Distributed computing
36 Distributed database
37 Expert system
38 Fault-tolerant system
39 Finite element method
40 Formal methods
41 Formal science
42 Formal semantics of programing languages
43 Formal verification
44 Functional programming
45 Grid computing
46 health informatics
47 High availability
48 High-performance computing
49 History of computer science
50 History of computing hardware
51 Human-computer interaction
52 Humanistic informatics
53 Image processing
54 Information management
55 Information retrieval
56 Information systems
57 Information technology
58 Information theory
59 Knowledge management
60 Machine learning
61 Management information system
62 Mobile computing
63 Multimedia
64 Natural language processing
65 Numerical analysis
66 Object database
67 Object-oriented programming
68 Operating sytem
69 Parallel algorithm
70 Parallel computing
71 Programming language
72 Programming paradigm
73 Quantum computer
74 Randomized algorithm
75 Robotics
76 Scientific visualization
77 Strategy
78 Symbolic computation
79 Theory of computation
80 Type theory
81 Very large scale integration
82 Wireless network
83 World wide web
2 Mathematics 54 1.08GB
1 Algebraic number theory
2 Algebra
3 Algebraic geometry
4 Algebraic topollgy
5 Analytic number theory
6 Approximation theory
7 Calculus
8 Chaos theory
9 Coding theory
10 Combinatorics
11 Complex analysis
12 Computational Complexity theory
13 Convex geometry
14 Cryptography
15 Differential topology
16 Discrete geometry
17 Dynamic systems theory
18 Econometrics
19 Ergodic theory
20 Foundations of mathematics
21 Fractal
22 Functional analysis
23 Game theory
24 General topology
25 Geometric topology
26 Geometry
27 Geometry of numbers
28 Graph theory
29 Harmonic analysis
30 Information theory
31 Lie algebra
32 Mathematical physics
33 Mathematics
34 Mathematical statistics
35 Measure
36 Non-euclidian geometry
37 Non-standard analysis
38 Number theory
39 Numerical analysis
40 Operations research
41 Operator theory
42 Optimizaion
43 Ordinary differential equation
44 P-adic analysis
45 Partial differential equation
46 Porbability theory
47 Projective Geometry
48 Quantum field theory
49 Real analysis
50 Statistical mechanics
51 Theory of computation
52 Topology
53 Trigonometry
54 Vector space


3 Logic 40 734MB

1 Abductive reasoning

2 Argumentation theory
3 Associative algebra
4 Category theory
5 Computational symantics
6 Contingency
7 Deductive reasoning
8 Deontic logic
9 Differential algebra
10 Field
11 Formal language
12 Group representation
13 Group theory
14 Homological
15 Inductive reasoning
16 Intuitionistic logic
17 Lattice
18 Linnear algebra
19 Logic
20 Logic programming
21 Logical reasoning
22 Mathematical analysis
23 Mathematical logic
24 Modal logic
25 Modal theory
26 Multilinear albegra
27 Natural deduction
28 Necessity
29 Non associative algebra
30 Order theory
31 Philosophical logic
32 Possible world
33 Proof theory
34 Recursion theory
35 Retrotuction
36 Ring theory
37 Set theory
38 Symbolic computation
39 Syntax
40 Universal algebra


4 Systems Science 38 378MB
1 Affect control theory
2 Biochemical systems theory
3 Biocybernetics
4 Biological systems engineering
5 Chaos theory
6 Complex adaptive system
7 Complex systems
8 Complexity economics
9 complexity theory & organitations
10 Complexity theory & strategy
11 Computaional systems biology
12 Control engineering
13 Control system
14 Control theory
15 Cybernetics
16 Developmental sytems theory
17 Dynamical systems theory
18 Earth systems engineering and management
19 Ecological systems theory
20 Ecosystem ecology
21 Engineering cybernetics
22 Enterprise systems engineering
23 Living systems theory
24 LTI system theory
25 Management cybernetics
26 New cybernetics
27 2nd order cybernetics
28 Social dynamics
29 Sociotechnical systems
30 Synthetic biology
31 System dynamics
32 Systemic therapy
33 Systems analysis
34 Systems ecology
35 Systems immunology
36 Systems psychology
37 Systems science
38 Systems theory


5 Statistics 31 295MB
1 Analysis of variance
2 Block design
3 Bootstrapping
4 Cluster analysis
5 Computaional statisticsViking Age
6 Decision theory
7 Descriptive statistics
8 Design of experiments
9 Linear regression
10 Mathematical statistics
11 Multivariate analysis
12 Multivariate statistics
13 Nonlinear regression
14 Observational error
15 Official statistics
16 Optimization
17 Past life regression
18 Probability
19 Quality control
20 Randomization
21 Regression analysis
22 Reliability theory
23 Response surface methodology
24 Stimulation
25 Statistical model
26 Statistical theory
27 Statistics
28 Stepwise regression
29 Structural equation modeling
30 Survey sampling
31 Time series


9 Humanities 291
1 Philosophy 95 1.71GB
2 Aesthetics
3 African philosophy
4 Analytic philosophy
5 Anarcism
6 Ancient Philosophy
7 Animal rights
8 Applied ethics
9 Aristotelianism
10 Ash'ari
11 Averroism
12 Bioethics
13 Contemporary philosphy
14 Continental philosophy
15 Cynic
16 Deconstruction
17 Eastern Philosophy
18 Empiricism
19 Environmental ethics
20 Epicureanism
21 Epistemology
22 Ethics
23 Existentialism
24 Feminist philosophy
25 Frankfurt school
26 French materialism
27 German idealism
28 Hedonism
29 Hermeneutics
30 History of philosophy
31 Jurisprudence
32 Kalam
33 Logical positivism
34 Logicism
35 Marxism
36 Maturidi
37 Medieval philosophy
38 Meta-ethics
39 Metaphilosophy
40 Metaphysics
41 Modern philosophy
42 Murji'ah
43 Mu'tazili
44 Neoplatonism
45 Nihilism
46 Normative ethics
47 Objectivist movement
48 Ontology
49 Ordinary language philosophy
50 Phenomenology
51 Philosophical logic
52 Philosophical movement
53 Philosophy
54 Philosophy of artificial intelligence
55 Philosohy of biology
56 Philosophy of chemistry
57 Philosophy of economics
58 Philosophy of education
59 Philosophy of engineering
60 Philosophy of history
61 Philosophy of language
62 Philosophy of mathematics
63 Philosophy of mind
64 Philosophy of music
65 Philosophy of perception
66 Philosophy of physics
67 Philosophy of psychology
68 Philosophy of religion
69 Philosophy of science
70 Philosophy of Social Science
71 Philosophy of Space and Time
72 Platonic realism
73 Political philosophy
74 Postmodern philosophy
75 Post-structuralism
76 Pragmatism
77 Pre-Socratic philosophy
78 Pyrrhonism
79 Pythagoreanism
80 Qadariyya
81 Rationalism
82 Romanticism
83 Scholasticism
84 Social philosophy
85 Sophism
86 Stoicism
87 Structuralism
88 Systems philosophy
89 Teleology
90 Thomism
91 Utilarianism
92 Value theory
2 Religion 95 4.37GB
2 Ahmadiyya
3 Amish
4 Ancient Egyptian religions
5 Anglicanism
6 Armenian Apostolic
7 Assemblies of God
8 Atheism
9 Bahai
10 Biblical law in Christianity
11 Buddhism
12 Calvary Chapel
13 Candomble
14 Cao Dai
15 Catholic Church
16 Chinese Folk religion
17 Christadelphians
18 Christian theology
19 Christianity
20 Christology
21 Churches of Christ
22 Community of Christ
23 Comparative religion
24 Confucianism
25 Coptic Christians
26 Digambar
27 Disciples of Christ
28 Druze
29 East Asian religions
30 Ecclesiology
31 Eschatology
32 Ethiopian Orthodox
33 Evangelicalism
34 Falun Gong
35 Folklore
36 Gnosticism
37 Hermeneutics
38 Hindu Reform
39 Hinduism
40 Humanism
41 Iglesia ni Cristo
42 Indian religions
43 Islam
44 Islamic studies
45 Jainism
46 Jehova's Witness
47 Jewish studies
48 Juche
49 Judaism
50 Lamaism
51 Local Church
52 Lutheranism
53 Mahayana
54 Mandeans
55 Mennonite
56 Methodism
57 Mormonism
58 Mythology
59 New Religious Movement
60 Pneumatology
61 Quackers
62 Religion
63 Religion in Africa
64 Santeria
65 Scientology
66 Seicho-no-le
67 Seventh-day adventist
68 Shakers
69 Shamanism
70 Shango
71 Shia
72 Shinto
73 Sikhism
74 Soteriology
75 Southern Baptist Convention
76 Spiritism
77 Sthanakvasi
78 Sumerian religion
79 Sunni Islam
80 Svetambara
81 Taosim
82 Tenrikyo
83 Theology proper
84 Theravada Buddhism
85 Unitarian Univarsalism
86 United Church of Christ
87 Unity Church
88 Universal Church of the kingdom of God
89 Vaishnavism
90 Veerashnaivas
91 Vineyard Churches
92 Vodun
93 Western Esetericisim
94 Wonbulgyo
95 Zoroastrianism
3 Literature 65 1.73GB
2 American literature
3 Book
4 British literature
5 Bulgarian literature
6 Canadian literature
7 Chinese literature
8 Classics
9 Comedy
10 Comparative literature
11 Creative nonfiction
12 Creative writing
13 Critical theory
14 English literature
15 Epic
16 Fable
17 Fairy tale
18 Fiction
19 French literature
20 Gaelic literature
21 German language literature
22 Gothic fiction
23 Hebrew literature
24 Hindi literature
25 History of literature
26 Indian literature
27 Irish literature
28 Italian literature
29 Jewish american
30 Japanese literature
31 Latin American literature
32 Literary critisizm
33 Literary theory
34 Literature
35 Literature of brazil
36 Literature of Wales
37 Lyric poetry
38 Medieval literature
39 New Zealand literature
40 Non-fiction
41 Novel
42 Novella
43 Opera
44 Play
45 Playwright
46 Poetics
47 Poetry
48 Portugese literature
49 Postcolonial literature
50 Postmodern literature
51 Rhetoric
52 Russian literature
53 Saga
54 Satire
55 Scottish literature
56 Screenwriting
57 Short story
58 Southern literature
59 Spanish literature
60 Tamil literature
61 Tragedy
62 Tragicomedy
63 Verse
64 Would literature
65 Yiddish literature
4 Languages & Linguistics 24 485GB
2 Business english
3 Composition studies
4 Computational linguistics
5 Discourse analysis
6 Etymology
7 Historical linguistics
8 History of Linguistics
9 Interlinguistics
10 Language
11 Linguistics
12 Modern Language
13 Morphology
14 Natural language processing
15 New Englishes
16 Philology
17 Phonetics
18 Pragmatics
19 Rhetoric
20 Semantics
21 Semiotics
22 Sociolinguistics
23 Standard English
24 Syntax


10 Human Body 146
1 Hormones 70
21 Erythropoietin
22 Estirol
23 Estradiol
24 Estrogen
25 Estrone
26 Follicle-stimulating hormone
27 Gastrine
28 Ghrelin
29 Glucagon
30 Gonadotropin-releasing agent
31 Growth hormone
32 Histamine
33 Hormone
34 Human chorionic gaonadotropin
35 Human placental lactogen
36 Inhibitin
37 Insulin
38 Insulin like growth factor
39 Leptin
40 Leukotriene
61 Testosterone
62 Thrombopoietin
63 Thromboxane
64 Thyroid hormone
65 Thyroid releasing hormone
66 Thyroid stimulating hormone
67 Thyroxine
68 Trigonometry
69 Triiodothyronine
70 Vasopressin
2 Ilnesses 46

1 Cancer

2 Virus
11 Unprocessed Zoological Stuff 94
1 Kingdom 58
4 Subkingdom 1
1 Eumetazoa
8 Radiata 17
1 Cnidaria
2 Ctenophore
3 Superphylum Platyzoa
5 Class Micrognothozoa, order
6 Limnognathida, Family
7 Limnogonathiidae, Genus
8 Limnognathia, Species L. Maerski
10 Phylum Gnathostomulida
11 Gnathostomulid
12 Ecdysozoa
13 Fungus
14 Monera
15 Plant
16 Prokaryote
17 Protist
4 Unprocessed Biological Stuff 2
5 Phylum 2
1 Class
2 Order
100s 100s
200s 200s
300s 300s
400s 400s
500s 500s
600s 600s
700s 700s
800s 800s
900s 900s
1000s 1000s
1100s 1100s
1200s 1200s
1300s 1300s
1400s 1400s
1500s 1500s
1600s 1600s
1700s 1700s
1800s 1800s
1900s 1900s
2000s 2000s
2100s 2100s