Schools shouldn't exist. The problem with our society is that we waste too much. If we could maintain the same self reliant nature and values for equality that we have seen in our most succesfull societies throughout history, and the ability to co-exist with the natural world for the vast majority of our species existence, while we transition into our new digital age, than we could create a heaven on earth. We need to have the courage to return to the natural and fair simplicity of life. We can all agree that we are using too much of the earth's resources, polluting too much, have too much wealth discrepancy, and spend too much money on defense. The problem is we haven't figured out how to reduce this out of control consumption in a way that we can all agree on. I have read pretty much all the Classical History books on my website that you can link to below, and the common theme throughout them all is that a society does best when we make everybody equal, yet at the same time enforce moral behavior by rewarding people forbeing the best at what they do..
Humanity's biggest mistake since the explosion of technology has been our tendency to cause our magical new energy saving inventions to make our lives require MORE of our time to keep ourselves alive, instead of giving us more spare time to perfect ourselves as humans. Instead of doing natural activities like taking care of ourselves, now we have to sell our most precious commodity, our time, to maintain an ever growing inneficient machine. That's why we feel empty and drained at the end of the day.
If we all know that we need to streamline society, that the question is, where to start? We can't just suddenly stop spending so much money on defense, because people will say that we need to defend ourselves against our enemies, the totalitarian regimes. We can't just suddenly make laws to protect our environment, because the people who rely on those industries will protest. We can't tax billionaires out of existence, because too many people believe that they deserve every penny of their fortune because they earned it all legally, and we are a nation of laws. We can't just change laws because people buy themselves into power. We have to find a special sacred space for our collective ideologies to reside; a natural place of peace and growth that nobody can argue against; a place where if you put the work in, you get your reward. If we can prove that a new way of living is better, than we can grow it person by person until we all voluntarily make the transition. The industry that I propose we start with that will cause all the other systems to follow like falling dominoes, is the Education industry. Simplifying the educational industry is the easiest way to streamline our society because it is the easiest to replace, because all we have to do is go back to our natural way of living. The way that the smartest people from history have always espoused. The way of self reliance and a well laid out system of meritocracy.
Streamlining the economy means designing a society that ensures that each citizen spends the maximum hours of the day improving their lives and the lives of the people around them. In order to keep people busy working on good things, we have to think like astronauts, and have as many uses for one thing as we can. We have to think like Steve Jobs, who through a cell phone in a tank of water and told them to make a phone that was so compactly designed that it made no bubbles. We need to think like professional athletes, who do everything they can to be the best at what they do, and only do extra things if it fits into THEIR schedule. What we need to do is replace school buildings with family based education. Just like it was in the ancient times.
With unemployment rising from robots, we can use this a the perfect opportunity to train parents to replace teachers and take the responsibility to look after their own children's education. In that past that idea wouldn't have worked, because parents weren't educated enough to be effective teachers to their kids, but now with the Internet parents ahave the resources to make themselves better teachers to their kids than teachers ever were. School was not the best way to educate children even before the Internet. I know I would be much more ahead on my website than I am now if I had been allowed to get started on it when I was a child. All I needed was for my parents to say, "I trust you, go for it," and I would have been off to the races, perfecting all of my skills so that I could play a part in the advancement of our society by exercising all of my interests to their fullest potential. Instead what I got was orders to sit in a chair all day long for five days a week, nine months out of the year for 18 grueling years from when I was five all the way until I finally finished school at 23 and all I had to show for it was a useless English Degree from an embarrassing community college. To read about my horrific personal experiences with school click here.
If everybody looked at school like I do, than school is nothing more than 17 years of prison where you don't learn anything. Apart from all the damage and waste of time that is perpetrated against the children, think about all the resources that we use to keep these death boxes going. There is all of the personnel that you have to hire, from the teachers to the janitors to the bus drivers, and everything in between like the principles and counselors and security. Then there is the expense of maintaining the buildings, and the grounds the buildings are on, and the buses. It is probably half our budget we spend keeping these schools going, and for what? The idea of school is to make competent citizens, THAT'S IT. We don't have competent citizens. After all this "education' all people end up turning into are a bunch of fat gray haired confused greedy old people who stupidly insult each other, showing that they don't even know anything and then they gobble up the rest of our tax dollars being taken care of because they never learned to take care of themselves correctly, and then they die, never having done anything to change the trajectory of the world for the better. God made us all equal so that we could all take care of ourselves, not with the idea that certain people get to hog all the wealth and power and tell everybody else what to do and think. When that happens, we go downhill. When we make everybody equal, we rise as a society. If you want to hear about all the historical instances of sharing being good for society and totalitarianism and wealth discrepancy click here.
I could have learned everything on my own, but that's me. My parents never would have let me learn on my own, and they never even understood the concept of them teaching me anything. I don't even remember either one of them even once asking to look at my homework. For any normal kid, having parents like mine would require school, but if kids have parents who understand the concept of home schooling, than people will spend their time from the BEGINNING of their lives treating technology the way astronauts do and making everything count and not using anything that they don't need, they would look at space like how Steve Jobs does and handy and ready to go, and they would treat time like how professional athletes do and make every minute count.
Home schooling has to mimic history and nature and be designed as a meritocracy. If we are to successfully make the transition from state supervised school buildings to parent controlled home schooling we need to make sure to keep kids competitive by rewarding outstanding behavior, so we need to tie all home schooled students together into a common culture where everybody knows what everybody else is doing, so we need to incorporate social media and personal websites into home schooling. The way to set up a system of home schooling that works with social media is by rewarding kids who excel, so they can inspire the rest of the kids to follow in their footsteps, and the best technology based and home controlled educational system is called bike school, because it packs in all of the most essential ingredients to education into the most cost and time effective and productive educational plan... Had to abandon to link Montesquieu, that's why it may sound unpolished.
How I educate myself:
My educational philosophy and goal for myself is to have a complete understanding of the world around me, so I can be a good teacher and example to the next generation, so we can have an integrated world full of intelligent people who constantly strive to improve themselves physically and mentally.
To have complete understanding, we need to determine what our limits as humans are, and then fill that space in with a technically developed, symmetrical and visually pleasing digital representation of that body of knowledge, so we all have the same path to guide us along our common never ending journey of learning that we each have to take individually.
The educational paradigm that I embody, the idea behind this website and what I believe is my personal contribution to raising our educational quality to the next level, is the concept of "quantifying the non quantifiable" with lists of everything that show us how many of everything there is from the large categories to the small. This way we literally have access to EVERYTHING. People need to start thinking in a way that we can number everything into lists that we know the size of, and stop being satisfied with vague generalizations of everything. If we have information at our fingertips, then we should package all of it into neat, clear and concise units of information so we can literally wrap our heads around it.
Until now we haven't had a clear idea of the world around us because it hasn't been complete because we haven't had finite lists of things. As long as something doesn't have clear boundaries around it, doesn't have a definite number attached to it and isn't gathered into a collection that we can look at in one glance, then it remains a mystery to us and appears to be bigger that it is. The inability to see the whole picture in one glance makes it difficult to understand the landscape in its entirety. It is with this philosophy of the idea that we can know how many of everything there is, that we can then dissect our knowledge base and eventually learn each part and thus the whole and come to a complete understanding of the world around us.
This website represents everything I need to know in my life. My philosophy is, if I learn everything here and can teach and motivate others to do the same, then we will have a perfectly healthy and fun Utopian world.
It is a good time to discover the best ways to use our new Internet information technology such as Google, Wikipedia, social media, and sights like mine to figure out the best ways to educate our youth and create a more perfect union of free individuals.
We are continuously improving our ways to help with quick and immediate access to information. We use keywords in Google searches, and look for key ideas and lists of reasons and examples when we read an article or scroll down the page.
The current system of School Grades is not appropriate to today's living environment. There are four problems with the current teaching model: 1. The lecturing system, 2. the K-12 Grade system, 3. The A through F Grade system and 4. Mandatory Attendance.
1. Lecturing students in classroom is out of date. The lecturing by the teacher should be limited to the teacher's own personal presentation on subject and leave the bulk of the lecturing for the student do digitally on their own. The vast majority of the social time should be spent with the students sharing what they have learned. H
We need framework that guides students through the stages of the educational process in way that keeps them interested.
My education pages consist of three things: 1. My original education ideas, 2. My unique way of categorizing e
ssential information and 3. Specific Subject Pages.
The most important stuff for an academic person to know in order of importance are: 1. History, 2. The worlds origin stories and 3. Which free audio books you can listen to, 4. The categorization of subjects.
1. History Timeline - The most important academic thing to do in the world is to Memorize all of the Events of History, and one of the essential tools to achieve this are good on line history timelines. Out of the 694 pages to link to from this page, 618 are part of the Timeline.
2. Free Audio History Books - My Free Audio History book collection comes from all of the free audio history books you can get from for MP3s and Amazon for Kindles. has the numbers in Red and Kindle has them in Black. I think there is about an equal number of books from each site. Unfortunately because of the Greed of Billionaire Jeff Bezos and the Amazonians, the only way to convert the Kindle books to MP3 so you can consolidate them on you phone is by physically recording the books. I'm working on that.
3. Bibles - We should all have all of the World's Origin Stories memorized because the stories are very interesting and it is possible for the human brain to remember pretty much all of the events in the all of the stories so we will know the entire history of the world from the time when every 500 miles people looked different racially and had completely different customs and languages.
4. Google Earth I have KMZ Google Earth files available for Download in the large and small files, as you can see with the Google Earth icon to the right of the title of the child as well as the parent files. I want to organize all the Google Earth Download files in a way that will encourage people to not save the files to their computers and organize them on their own, but just come here and individually download whatever file you want to look at at that time. I cant imagine a better way to organize my files anyway, and if you hear of one let me know.
Google Earth is essential to a historian because it is necessary to know how much territory each of the various types of political governing systems represent, from a stationary family all the way up to an Empire.
My Four Downloads by Location files are, 1. Africa, 2. Americas, 3. Asia and 4. Europe. The subfiles consist of each country's: 1. historical cities by location, 2. tracing of historical city walls, 3. historical genetic races, 4. historical languages, 5. historical tribes, 6. important historical places such as passes, lakes, forests, mountains, etc..., and 6. rivers. My Five Downloads by Subject files consists of four different things to help understand geography: 1. Area Circles, 2. Bike Racer Levels, 3. Colorado Trips, 4. Fantasy Landia & 5. History's Battles.
5. Data - My Data Collection is my main collection of lists and lists within lists that are represented in the Five Column, ten color format. The five pages on my data collection section are: 1. Science & Life list with 59 250 word pages worth of information, 2. Inventions Timeline 14 pages, Population 7 pages, Religions 66 pages, Religious Statistics 62 pages.
6. Space Aliens - One important realm of information that we now have available to us and is under represented is that of Extraterrestrials from outer space. I have Space Aliens divided into six pages: 1. New Age 151 pages, 2. Disclosure and Channelers, 154 pages, 3. Alien Bodies, 39 pages, 4. Crop Circles, 21 pages, 5. Megaliths 158 pages and 6. Sacred Geometry 140 pages.
7. Health - My five page incomplete, and never to be complete health collection consists of 1. Aromatherapy 41 pages, 2. Nutrition 15 pages, 3. Thai Massage 21 pages, and 4. Asian Medicine 10 pages.
8. Original Educational Ideas - 1. Bike School, 2. BoulderRome and 3. English Teaching..