English - Logo Sight Philosophy English - Logo Sight
1 My Philosophy 0 0
2 Common Philosophical Questions 0 0
3 Meaning of Life 0 0
4 Key to Happiness 0 0
5 Is there a God? 0 0
6 Reincarnation 0 0
7 Philosophy about Education 0 0

Everyone should have a general philosophy about life section on their website; organized the best way they can and still have it out there.

This is the "oldest" section of my website. This represents my raw personal philosophy about stuff when I wrote it at around 21 to 22 years old, propably high as fuck. Most of it was when I was hiking the colorado trail and writing stuff in my journal with a pen the old fasioned way. Then I typed it into an old Mac and a lot of stuff got corrupted. It has been through many transformations as my website has developed.

I have this here as my representation of my Philosophy because it is what I have right now. When I have the time I'll reconnect with the original ideas I had and update it.

I organized this page by aligning my scribbles from my notebook and common phylisophical questions that I came across somewhere.

My main philosophy about life is the following: The smarter we are the better off the world will be because we will know the right decisions to make about ourselves, and the best way to get smart is by learning and teaching the best we can.

1 Pages 0 Time
1 How Can Superior Western Philosophy have it Wrong? 0
2 We Live in a Democracy 0
3 Historic Stories & Reason's for Our Oneness 0
4 Buddhism & Christianity Should Unite 0
5 Buddhism vs Christianity 0
6 All Religions are One 0
7 Fractal Pattern Theory 0
8 Differences Between Men & Women 0
9 Good vs Evil is Independance vs Separation 0
10 It's the future man! 0
11 How to be Diplomatic 0
1 Customs 0
2 Fix the world by Learning to Communicate 0
3 Philosophy Show Mission Statement 0
4 Our problems and what we need to do to change 0
5 Change Manners 0
6 We Don't Need Rules 0
7 Age of Secrets is Over - ESP 0
8 It Doesn't Matter What You Beleive - Just Express It 0
9 Help Others Creatively, Be Diplomatic 0
10 Hide Nothing 0
11 How to Have a Religious Conversation Without Making it Confrontational 0
12 Intelligent Design vs Evolution 0
1 My Philosophy about the World in General 0
2 Where did we Come From? 0
3 Why do we Have to Die? 0
4 We Must Find the Truth 0
5 How to Find Truth 0
6 YouTube Vlogging Kills Ignorance 0
7 Why Humans are at the Top of the Food Chain 0
1 We Must Believe in a Paradigm Shift 0
2 We Need to Empower the Individual 0
3 Ignore the Devil 0
4 It's better to Believe 0
5 Change the Paradigm 0
6 It's all in the Mind 0
7 Understand Dualism 0
8 How To Stay Calm in a Crazy World 0
9 Live The Simple Life 0
10 Move out of your house now 0
1 Beleive in God 0
2 To Athiests 0
3 How Does God Keep it all Together? 0
1 Law of Evolution 0
2 We Remember 0
3 Everything is Related 0
4 Intelligent have always believed in Riencarnation 0
5 Consensus Says So 0
6 My Reincarnation Philosophy, How many lives to we live and where do we go after? 0
7 +&- of Believing Reincarnation vs Heaven & Hell 0
8 Bible & Koran Support Reincarnation 0
1 My Philosophy about Education 0
2 Teachers 0
3 Teacher's lives 0
4 Kids need to think for themselves 0
5 How to make people more educated 0
1 My Philosophy
1 How Can Superior Western Philosophy have it Wrong? 0

But belief in Heaven and Hell is what got us here in the first place, places that believe in Reincarnation are third world, so who is right?

If the belief in Reincarnation is so important why did the societies that believe in Heaven and Hell succeed in becoming the bringers of Civilization and not the societies that embraced Reincarnation?  My answer to that is that the rules are different in the days of Barbarianism and the days of Civilization.  Unfortunately as it is, it is sometimes beneficial to a world that is totally divided to have one large superpower bring order so there can be trade and thus, progress.  And sometimes these armies use fear to keep order in line.  The difference between Europe and India does not have so much to do with their religious viewpoints anyway. It has more to do with the fact that people in the North have to think more to survive and thus created a society that relied a lot on hard work and planning for the upcoming winter.  The belief in God and having to work hard in order to achieve heaven worked well for them. 

The fact of the matter is that the western civilization and the Eastern Civilization have different strengths and different weaknesses.  The western tradition of one central power enforcing their desire to open up large trade routes with fear and war is beneficial to create an environment where people can communicate well enough to exchange useful ideas.  Whereas the Eastern tradition of trying to go inward to fix your own inner demons is not as conductive to motivating one to go out in the world and make a difference. However  I contest that this is a cause of race also. 

This is the perfect example of the beautiful poetry of the mind of God.  Different segments of the whole working together to create something new that is the mixture of the best of the two parts. The Western war machine brought us to the age of information, now the eastern view of Reincarnation and Indigenous traditions of enjoying the finer things in life can bring us back to the mystical experience of the misti volcano hike.


2 We Live in a Democracy
A lot of people think we live in a world that is totally controlled by "the Man", that one group of people is the cause of the problems or the good things of the world today.  and the fact of the matter is that we all created this world together.  It makes me sad when I think about the fact that we don't realize the fact that there are so many people casting the blame on people in control as if the ills that they themselves caused were caused by the leaders.  The leaders are the people who had the strength to try to make something of themselves and the world they live in.  A lot of the people who get the flack are the people who control a machine that serves to the destruction of the world instead of the growth of it. Lets take the automobile companies for example. the excuse everybody likes to give is that they all are in bed with one another making money with one another and that is the fault of the executives of these companies, and that is true. But we must recognize the fact that the lavish lifestyles they live are very addictive to them and they can't be expected to just give up their money on their own. They need the help of those who chose to be a part of their operation. Those who don't have so much to lose by changing the machine of destruction should be the real people who change the damage doing businesses into positive forces in the world.  But there is a great beauty in the belief that each person can make the change on their own. in the end what we have is exactly what we want.  The perfect example of this point is the main problem we have in the world today, energy.  but we can all do our part by putting solar panels on our houses. I am in the process of trying to put solar panels on my house here in Chile so I could get someone to start a business putting solar panels on people's houses.  Once we all understand how the panels and batteries word we will begin to understand how we can all live independently energy wise, and even live completely independently in our solar powered cars with solar panels.  But that can't happen until we all have a personal relationship with solar power being stored in batteries.  It is a beautiful thing because it gives us a personal relationship with the sun and how we live off of the earth and how living can be completely free and you can do what ever you want without being a slave to anything or anyone.  Once we realize that we aren't so desperate to survive that we have a choice to decide how we are going to divide our time, we can begin to make the world a truly sustainable place.  So in the end anyone who wants to complain about anything needs to consider the fact that if they have done their part energy wise first, because that is step one.  Another way to look at it is the chicken or the egg debate, which came first? And the answer is the whereever the baddass is, if the baddass is the chicken or the egg is the only question because someone has to be the person who started the beginning of the change.  there are always excuses for example you could have the excuse that you can't fix a place because the dirt bags will destroy it and so it is no use, but the proper thing to do is be the baddass and fix the place up in the first place and either not allow the dirt bags to fix the place or to fix the place more than the dirt bags can fuck it up.
3 Historic Stories & Reason's for Our Oneness
The Buddhists of yore have always said we are all one. and that it is useless to pay too much attention to this world that is only temporary, the world of eternity is what we should focus on, our souls and our relationships with each other. It is a truly mind boggling exercise when I think that the people in this class will meet each other again and again for eternity throughout the vast expanse of the universe. There by meaning that time itself doesn't even exist, but is merely an illusion in this world of life and death, as we are children changing so much every year and forgetting life time after life time, just as the 3 year old doesn't remember what he did the day before. Time is merely a measurement of growth. The perfect spirit free from growth is timeless, but the spirit of passion who sees everything as separate and not spiritual, or of one spirit, is very clever (bible) and tricks us into falling back into our animal instincts of separateness, and uses the mind to convince the heart that there is no point in life but to watch out for your self. Our western culture is the culture of the mind, separating and classifying which is perfectly natural for humans to do, but has been taken too far. In our journey of learning the world we classified and separated, thus seeing things as separate and unrelated. When we see things as unrelated we see them as competing, which yields only war. We see ourselves as the center of existence, and then socialize with others accordingly, imposing our beliefs on others and not regarding what they have to offer. But this classifying and separating mind set has yielded an earnest effort to objectively discover the truth, and has brought us full circle with the original idea that we are all one. Galileo changed the paradigm tremendously when he proved the earth wasn't the center of the universe. Then Newton came along and introduced the equal but opposite force theory. This revolution in the way we see reality was caused by quantum physics, when Einstein's E=MC(2) equation we still saw matter as being purely solid and separate, suggesting mass and light, which is energy, are the same thing. When Einstein imagined himself going the speed of light time would stop, as I understand it because movement determines time. Objects in space effecting each others movements according to their mass, among other things, it suggested that ? I admit I don't fully understand it, but by the way objects effect each other in space it convinced the physicists of the day that there is an unseen relationship between the matter of the universe. And this inspired other scientists like Neils Bohr and Robert Openheimer to imagine the structure of the atom as being units of opposing charges of energy, which led them to performing experiments with positively charged light particles which confirmed the existence of a small nucleus in an atom. this inspired the theories of large nucleuses of plutonium that are unstable because there are so many proton s bunched together almost overcoming the nuclear force. Meaning if you split the nucleuses you can use the positive charges of the protons to separate out in great force and split the nucleuses of all the other atoms, causing an nuclear explosion. This was the ultimate proof that mass is just solidified energy. Then we understood radio waves and billions of neutrinos (neutral, mass less particles). This vastly proved to the logical mind that the whole universe is connected and hence, one, just as the Hindus and Buddhists have said for eons. The point of the matter is that we all would have not come to this conclusion had it not been for the symbiotic relationship between theory verses experiment, and dreaming verses logic.
4 Buddhism & Christianity Should Unite
Why there needs to be harmony between Buddhism and Christianity- It could be said theri is no need to bring Christianity and Buddhism together and agree on riencarneation and God and just let both coexist peacefully to accomodate both types of people. But the practitioners of both religions are missing the beneficiance of the otehr. Buddhists and athiests think Christians, because of thier overzealous enforcement of laws that should be left to God out of a fear of this life being the only chance and can be ruined by breaking minor laws like pre-marical sex, masterbation, drugs, divorce, and faith. jesus's parables were told to primitive people who still beleived God as being a big white bearded man sitting on a throne with his angels sitting beside him. On Jesus' last day the Zebedee brotehrs asked Jesus if they could sit on either side of his throne. They were still afraid of teh environment motivation out of fear more. The knowledge of right and wrong has developed heaps since then. People needed to hear things in more of a drill sargent kind of way. But strict commands like: The sower, wicked tenants, house built on a rock, weeds among the wheat, dragnet, unmerciful servant, labourours in the vinyanrd, foolish maidens three servants and their talents, sheep from goats, door keeper on watch, barren fig tree, guests who made exxuses, Rich mand and Lazarous. 15 Parables, nearly half. The oly parable that mentions hell is only n Luke, and he never met Jesus. When Jesus said the iniquitous will be burned in hell fire, he was saying the iniquitous parts of us is not part of God which lasts forever ad therefore must perish and it is the fire that eradicates everything in this world, and things of this world are not part of God. He never said your soul can be doomed. Just as in the od testament Sodom and Gomara burn't not the people. They just died. Thisbeleif in the death of souls caused the inquisition, murder of five million earth women, and genocide of tribal people. Because of the beleif that if after you ear the word of God and doÕt accept it your soul is doomed, the church justified killing people. So naturally good people who know in their hearts that we alll have a right to live will be turned off to Christianity and turn to something not so morbid, or not care. The reason Christians are turned off to Buddhists is because Buddhists don't beleive in God, and accept Jesus Christ as the son of God. Buddhists dn't beleive in God, and accept Jesus Christ as the sone of God. Buddhists sometimes proudoy say 'We don't beleive in God'and say 'Jesus was just a man', and turn theri backs on the teachings. Not realizing that the backbone of their doctrine that gives that Jesus proved he is speaking the truth with undeniably sure documentation performed miracles. And alll of the idle worship in Buddhism is seen as one of the biggest hinderances to Christianity. Buddhism is great with philosophy, meditation chants and prostrations to righteousness when they are done when the primry focus is on dedicating yourself to give as much help and love to others as possible, and try to Separate your self from others the least, but when you start making chants in Tibetan and introduce others to chant then without knowing what thare sayaing or any philosophical prepign , and think the vibration of the words will bring you to God, you re merely refusing your responsibility andputting yourself in the hands of unseen spirits. The vibrfation of words to make a holy chant is just an Asian veresion of making rhymes with the king James Bible. We don't read the Bible in Latin. Or singing Om Mani Padmi Hum'in the hopes to get rich. And offerings to various Gods merely takes god out of the picture by confusing people into thinking they are practicing a special right and there fore more in tune than others gives them excuses to break the golden rules. The philosophy of Buddhism is good n that......

Here I wish to clarify Buddhism's and Christianity to the practitioner's of the two religions. They are the two thoughts guiders of the world one for the East one for the west. First I will explain Buddhism and its relationship to eastern ideology. Values in the east that are of importance are peace, and obedience. Buddhism teaches the piece of mind. The positive aspects of Buddhism are the importance of quieting you mind to let peace enter and the importance of love and has many practices to train the mind to become comfortable living in peace, and divides the personality up into many different categories to be improved in an individual basis... Bullshit, I need to study buddhism more.

Buddhism's weakness is its non recognition of God, and Christianity's weakness is non recognition of, if these two religions would just concede to the realities they would coexist in perfect harmony. If Buddhism believed in God all of the Buddhists would not lose sight of the fundamental law of God: We are all Gods children and progressing to a land of perfection so naturally the number one rule of thumb is that we should give as much of our love to our brothers for the families sake. Buddhists get too side tracked with saying abstract prayers to imaginary deities that make the practitioner feel more separated from the rest of the world because 1) The rest of the world doesn't practice them, and 2) The prayer isn't directed to the rest of the world, but an imaginary character. I have seen people go to ceremonies and practices and leave and get angry with someone and know it wouldn't be like that if the practice was more directly related to loving our brothers, which is the primary focus.

Buddhism, being scientifically based, needs to incorporated itself with the rest of the scientific world, and in so doing acknowledge God, which is just as scientifically sound.

Christianity needs to widen its views and to acknowledge reincarnation. If you ignore the greater reality of the other sciences development of souls and the Earth, and just focus on the here after, you are bound to suffer from ethnocentrism and phobia. Thinking that all of your souls journey is in one life on earth, sets a morbid sense of urgency, fear of failure, and excuses to kill. It is merely another cause of separation ; the saved and the unsaved. And if the goal is unity, this idea must be abandoned. If the two religions would band together by relinquishing these two ignorance's, all of the people with other faiths would notice their shortcomings, and build their customs into the new widely accepted truth of unity. Causing the beginning of a new epoch of peace and love.

*Jesus sets the example

6 All Religions are One
all religions came from the same thing, so shut the fuck up if you think your the only one who knows what it means, its the 21st century you fundamentalist christian, its Armageddon, the seas are blood red, we are fucking our mama, we don't give a fuck, you love money, or your love power, you can't see eye to eye cause you think you are the only one whose right, you can't see all religions come from the same thing, you fucking fundamentalist christian, your fucking it up for all the other christians, I'm a christian but I bet you think I'm the devil cause I said fuck, I'm gonna burn in hell, brilliant philosophy please tell me more, how many parts will I have seeping sores, fucking shut up about the devil already, I thought you loved your jesus, but all you can talk about is the devil, but just maybe God separates the wheat from the chaff, so who the fuck you think you are telling me I got the wrath, just cause I like to chant, OM MANI PADME HUM, your the anti christ cause you don't believe in god, thinking the devil rules the world with an iron rod, but you can only believe in god if you think everyone is god, the antichrist is one thing and one thing only, he who is against god, so if you think I am the devil just cause I said fuck, guess whose anti god now, when you die good luck, but don't worry cause you'll get a second chance, its called reincarnation, gods way of forgiving you 77 times 7 times, so cut the shit and expand your mind, preach jesus is an alien and you just might find, people will like what you say and go your way, leaving the close minded atheists in their box until the day, Jesus comes with the clouds, and says hey, you guys can believe in god now, those fundamentalists just got confused, they didn't mean all that shit about hell, but that's another story give a fuck, you love money that its not you but who truly little revelation 8:9 'and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died.' reach jesus is an alien and you'll be quiet its the end of the environment and we don't seem to care we we we must screwing take marijuana be quiet speak of the wheat from the chaff, so who only if stuff ut hell, they just don't want us to burn in fire and brimstone like we did on mars
7 Fractal Pattern Theory

My Fractal Pattern Theory, or FPT is going to solve all of mankind's problems and make me rich famous (joke). I think FPT is going to be so tantamount to our civilization that it will eventually lead to the ever elusive great unifying theory.  It is a very simple theory but for some reason it doesn't appear to have been discovered yet.  To me it looks like a ripe cherry of knowledge just starring me in the face as I happenstanced upon it.  I feel very fortunate to have been the one to have discovered it; now I have to figure out a way to disseminate it. 

The Fractal Pattern Theory obviously comes from fractals, so I will explain what they are first.  A fractal is a beautiful natural phenomenon where a pattern

8 Differences Between Men & Women
Women are more emotional and think with their hearts were as men think with their heads, this is self evident in all the displays of emotion and empathizing women do, when men are always seeking logical solutions instead of empathizing. It is understandable they have those differences from looking at our eons of development. Women stayed at home with the kids and gave the what they needed: Love, affection, empathy, kids don't need to hear logical solutions because they don't understand them. Where as men have always gone out and used calculation skills when hunting and logical problem solving skills when dealing with the more complex social situations in war and teamwork. The socialization women did with each other at home always revolved around how to please their husbands, children, and ensure a pleasant living space for everybody, which is what the men needed after intense days out in nature. For these reasons today me are generally more adept biologically and socially to lead the society in all as complexities in socialization and problem solving. The world today is a natural extension of the world past, with the talents and purposes of the sexes in relative the same to each other as before. The liberation of women is a good and natural thing, and women should of course have just as many rights as men, and men as women, but women shouldn't be deprived of their right to be women, take time off from work to breast feed and so on. But also men's movements should not be regarded as a threat to feminism, it is merely an attempt for men t get back to their roots in responsibilities to their families and wives. The reality of the general nature of men and women should not be ignored.
9 Good vs Evil is Independence Vs Separation

Good and evil represent a viewpoint of souls being in connection or dis-connection from God. So this article will be a discourse on how we are connected to God and how exactly the checks and balances work and what drives us to continue to evolve.  Because the very point of God's existence is to create and share in the experience of continuously evolving, we are also indowed by that quality in us.  we are here to experience what it is to be alive.  We are here to experience as many of the other souls and share in their diffent experiences.  We feel good when we are in the presence of each other because we help each other. When we break that symbiotic relationship and one person just takes from the other out of a sheer desire to grow in experience for themselves, they then expect others to take from them and they guard everything close to them and close off from the world into a dark place that doesn't offer any growth.  We get stuck in those dark places because we forget that we are connected.  when we do things that are destructive to the souls around us there is a part of us that knows. 

There are two parts of us that dictates our inner drive.  1) The part that motivates our bodies.  2) That part that motivates our souls. As the evolution of the universe is the evolution of the three dimensional field, it has its own part in you.  These two parts of us have to evolve together, but the spiritual part of us has a limited power to influence the physical plane and has to find out how to grow independant  but not separated.  they evolve differently, the physical part of us evolves from a survival of the fittest type of situation whereas the spiritual part of us evolves as a desire to grow and do new things.  the spiritual side is the guide and the physical side in the part that experiences the the joy of taking part on the ride.  The physical side sometimes takes over from and brings its form of evolution into the mix and influences the desicions of the spiritual side.  So we start making desicions based on survival of the fittest.  Of taking from the other just because you can.  And the spiritual side gets confused and forgets that we all evolve together and are equal.  Just on different paths and different levels of evolvement.  Read my article on Reincarnation for the explanation on how paths of evolvement are different and the different levels of evolvement. 

10 Paradigm shifts, why we must believe

We must believe because belief causes the search. Columbus found America because he believed there was land on the other side, Edison made the light bulb because he believed there was electricity. Those who don't believe just have closed minds and don't think. Too many people have preconceived and don't do their homework and as a result don't grow. Look back to the time of the Roman Catholic church, they didn't think about what Galileo was saying, they just KNEW what they knew because they always knew it. It is amazing how easily people can get stuck in certain ways of thinking, unable to escape for hundreds of years. Old dogs die because you can't teach them new tricks. The paradigm of the world has completely changed so many times, from all of the superstitious cultures around the world, like indigenous cultures taking metaphors like we came out of the earth through four levels literally, to thinking black cats mean 7 years bad luck, to individuals completely changing their attitudes about life, like born again Christians and ex-drug addicts. We are always dancing from one extreme to the other, like the marijuana lover who starts getting sick and stupid from it, so they quit cold turkey and forget all the positive things they got from it and say only bad things about it.
With the introduction of all this technology we are about to totally change our attitude about life. No longer will the most ruthlessly aggressive people be the ones in power, but the gentle, networking sociable ones who utilize the strengths of all constituents of the population. I am not saying it will be different souls, but these souls will be working differently. In debates, there won't be winners and losers, just people offering their own take and letting people decide for themselves. People will no longer do certain things and act certain ways just because everybody else does, because the media will grow to such a point that everyone will not only have their own internet site, but TV station, so people will just gravitate to where their particular tastes guide them. No longer will our thoughts be controlled by a handful of huge media companies who own everything. One might say, 'I don't want that! We will just all group into our own clicks and become homogenous'. But it is not education, exploration and mixing of styles that causes homogeny, but ignorance, a lack of education, caused by a small group of people having a stranglehold on just a few channels and newspapers. Ignorance is ignoring diversity. Look at America, sure the ethnic groups click together amongst themselves, but they get along much better with each other tan in their home land because they see first hand all the different people in the world. The first thing that needs to happen is for us to realize we are basically good beings created by God. Our nature is not evil like we are told by fundamentalist Christians. They think by thinking this we become humble before God. By reducing ourselves we gain the right to survive. Like Christ had to die as a ransom for us to not have to go to hell. This insanity leads to accusing any self empowered person to belonging to a serpent man who lives in caves of fire surrounded by screaming souls. Thinking %90 of the worlds population lives once only to have this torment to look forward to is a real moral buster, spreading pessimism like a chronic disease. In this day in age of cultural mixture this attitude just causes extreme resentment to Christianity as a whole, making people throw the whole philosophy away, from belief in God, to life after death, to prayer in general. But extreme thinking on both sides won't last because of our quickly growing consciousness. Any teacher, politician, or parent who holds on to extreme attitudes is just showing they don't understand the whole spectrum and is destined to lose the respect of today's youth who grow up with both sides all around them, free from the cultural biases of their parents. Many old people would say there is more danger and violence and factionalism today than in the past, but that is only with leaders their age who are overwhelmed by all of the changes going on and don't know how to handle it. But when they die and their MTV, Internet exposed kids inherit the planet, we will forget the old age cultural squabbles. look at Germany and Japan now, 50 years later their youth in general has forgotten about their racial and cultural superiority attitudes, are interested in traveling and learning about other cultures. When we realize we are basically good, and the fundamentalist Christians quit preaching about the power of the devil, all the frustrated rock stars will have less to complain about, and will become empowering chanters of freedom. And when we stop hurting the environment because of water powered engine designs get on the internet, thus disempowering the oil companies from suppression of alternatives (which, by the way, has already happened, GEET engine from Cripple Creek, Colorado), the Earth will heal and we will all begin dreaming of a bright future again, opening a Pandora's box of opportunities. RELIGION To give you an idea of how fearful, ignorant, and quick to judge we are about our basic views on life. Lets explore the whole problem we have with religion. people are pathetically quick to judge each other when it comes to religion. If I start talking about god and the Bible to normal people, they think I am a fundamentalist Christian and start telling me how no matter what I say, they aren't going to hell, or that they are and there is nothing I can do about it. and if I start talking about Buddhism to fundamentalist Christians, needless to say they get scared and think I am falling into the idiotic grips of the Devil. and if I talk about aliens, a lot of people just think I have had too many hits of acid or was dropped on my head as a baby. Why are we so quick to judge? Well, we were never asked to have religious debates in school because it is such a sensitive subject. Facilitators think they are being shrewd by avoiding the subject, why? So we can get at each others throat's later in life? if we don't learn to speak our minds in high school or college when will we? After college we are told to get 'real jobs'. As if all the other jobs are 'fake jobs' for the weak minded. some times intelligent people chose jobs with little responsibility so they can focus on themselves, or start something of their own. Here I am offering my take on religion, which to me in another word for spirituality or reality. I arrive at answers by following patterns, coming form deep in the past of our history and my imagination; and allowing those patterns into the future to see where we are going. But in order to see those patterns I need to step back and see all facets of the world from a distance, like stepping back from the screen door and moving around in order to get a clear picture of the back yard. Another word for this is education. It is amazing how lacking in education we are in things that are timeless. Once there was a black out in L.A. and thousands of people called the cops complaining about the smoke fog in the sky, not realizing it was the milky way. or Holistic medicine, sacred geometry, or any of the other tribal truths we have lived with since the beginning. We just threw it all away as we came into the modern world. Sorry if I sound like a bible thumping maniac, but if we would just educate ourselves on the prophecies of the Bible and take into account of the world religions, we would have a much clearer understanding of the world we live in and the world we came from. But we ain't seen nothing yet, until now I have just been analyzing the everyday concerns of the common people. When we really look at the big picture, and bypass the limited cultural paradigm we were born with, we will undergo a bigger transmutation in the way we see the world than men born with slaves and dying with black people running their city ever dreamed of. What I am talking about is disclosure, the government opening the door to the presence of aliens. Only then will we see the true depth of our cultural brain washing and reevaluate everything. When you listen seriously to all the stories that people are afraid to tell in fear of ridicule, read the books written by aliens, and contemplate the vast science and history of Gods creation; it becomes clear that not only interstellar travel is possible but extraterrestrial life is everywhere; and a natural progression of our divine, eternal life. Only then will it be clear that all the superstitions and stories from the past came from true stories of people called gods who come from other planets, and those silver discs, red triangles, and shooting stars that make 90 degree turns seen by millions of people are actually vehicles driven by these 'gods' who are watching and trying to help us. These are people similar to us from other star systems like Sirius, Arcturus Zeta Reticulae, the Plaiades, and even other galaxies. When we take this into account all of our scientific loopholes make sense, like the missing links, the sudden appearances of hominids and dinosaurs, and all of the strange cultural similarities like all indigenous cultures having the same story about the Plaeides; that seven sisters came down and wanted to marry the prince of the Earth. The Pyramids that we can't even construct today that are symmetrical to a quarter of an inch. Perfectly carved stones, as if from giant machines, the 600 ton block on King David's temple in Jerusalem 50 feet in the air, at the time of its construction 100 feet in the air. A feat none of our present day cranes could hope to do, the stories about Pluto, which we have only recently discovered, the big planet we can only as of now gravitationally detect, the Dogon tribe in Libya's accurate stories about the orbit of the Sirius star that we didn't confirm until a hundred and fifty years ago of the ancient Sumarians Cuneiform translations telling accurate stories about all the planets in the solar system, from calling Pluto, invisible to the naked eye, a water planet, that we didn't confirm until the voyager spacecraft saw it and showed us it was blue, to the story of the giant planet with an elliptical orbit that we only recently detected gravitationally and are now searching for in the sky, among other things, is all explained. We all probably have miraculous stories to tell but we bury them in fear of ridicule.
As a personal example, I saw a saucer five minutes after I prayed for one to come down, in the form of lights in the distance of the desert blinking at me from left to right then right to left, then inward in the red green yellow that I was so fond of then. Then a couple months ago when my huge three foot long windshield crack suddenly disappeared and two days when I woke up with my gapped teeth suddenly together. These occurrences reassured me of a supernatural presence that our modern society adamantly rejects, why? People can give each other the screw faced evil eye to stories like this until the stories seep into common knowledge and then it becomes a reality, then we all forget the great change we have made and live as if it has always been like this. Just remember one thing, if you were to drop your great grand dad off in Boulder now and show him around he just might have a heart attack or lock himself in a closet or pass out.

11 It's the Future man!
The time has come siblings! We must look at the past like something to come out of and change instead of using it as an excuse. My grandmother used to cut naked statues and native people out of magazines for my father and didn't let him read at night after 8 P.M. when he was a kid. She used to think blacks were a subspecies and all Catholics where evil. Now I spend as much time as possible learning about other people, in the most outwardly unassuming and diplomatic way possible. Now, not many years later I am using my $500 a month from oil rights I inherited from my grandfather to do all I can to subvert the oil companies and bring solar energy into style. My name has come a long way. I've heard old people say the kids of today suck, well I have a seventeen year old brother who is way cooler than I was as his age. I have honestly never heard him say anything negative about people who aren't like him. Love for one another and aggressive encouragement of individuality is the first thing America needs, and its high time for us freshies to blow it up in our parents faces, we owe it to them for every reason. We all need to encourage are little brothers and sisters to dye their hair blue, paint their faces green, tie stars in their hair, and tape pictures of Marijuana on their notebooks (not like they should be stoned at school). Even if that isn't their natural charisma, it needs to be done to bust open the minds of people who conciously and unconsciously enforce conformity, judgment, and creativity bashing. Restrictions on appearance is a symptom of creativity suppression, and people are starting to freak out because they feel like their choking on a meaningless black fog of hate and fear. Listen to Rage Against the Machine and pump dumbbells every day instead of writing crap in the bathroom stalls and bitching within ear shot of people who don't want to hear it. It works for me.
12 How to be Diplomatic

Diplomacy is a learned skill. If you can be diplomatic you can put anyone on your side. Present every statement in the form of a question: 'Don't you think John is sort of right?' 'no!' 'why?' not: 'John is right' 'No he's not!' 'Yes he is' Make the person feel smart. Never say their wrong or don't understand. Always have facts to backup your arguments.

2 Common Philosophical Questions 12 0
2 Fix the world by Learning to Communicate

The destruction of the world is too difficult for any one government or company to control. To give a simple example, Brazilian deforestation is mainly caused by poor people trying to make a life for themselves by going out and cutting down the forest and putting up a farm. The only thing the Brazilian government could do is try to distribute the wealth some more, but at the end of the day the people with the true power are the individuals.

It will take individuals to fix the problems of the world because of the way multinational corporations are set up. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, and maybe it is; I don't know much about economics. I could be wrong. The way I see it is that individuals buy into public corporations, so if it's the individuals who feed the corporations with their investments, and individuals who feed corporations with their business; it seems to me that these multinational coorporations that a lot of people like to see as being the ultimate evil are in fact the ultimate democracy. My point is that the problems with the world begin and end with the individual and not the corporation. I think the problems most people have with corporations are how laws are designed to boost the corporations and hurt the small businesses. But laws are made by politicians and not corporate leaders, so instead of going after the corporations we need to be keeping a closer eye on the politicians who are elected by the individual citizens. My point is that in order to have a healthy society all we need are responsible individuals. It always comes back to the individual.

To know how to communicate correctly we need to understand the two opposite paradigms, the old and the new; and understand how they are opposite. Once we see how they are opposite, all we have to do is take the simple and easy step across the line into the new paradigm and adhere to its laws. The best way to show how they are opposite is with this graph.

Old and new communication opposite Paradigm-shift graph
Old communication paradigm
New communication paradigm
- Say what other people (Pope, King, parents, teacher) tell you to say - Say what you want
- Watch what you say because your life will be in danger if you don't - Say whatever you want because nobody can kill you and you will never starve to death
- Only talk to people who are like you so you don't have to argue and instead reaffirm what you were told to believe. - Seek out people who believe differently from you so you can express yourself and hear what they have to say about it so you can develop your own beliefs and educate others on yours.
- When you talk with someone who is not like you, win the argument by destroying everything the other person says until you don't want to talk to each other anymore - When you talk to someone who is not like you, express your opinions and then listen to what the other person says about them until you both reach a new level of understanding
- If you feel you need to complain about something, do it to people who believe the same as you so you can reassure yourself that you really believe it - If you feel you need to complain about something, do it to people who have influence to change it because you have already decided you know that you think you know.

Under the old paradigm a PWS would never be possible, not only because they would be illegal, but because nobody would actually write what they believe if they know everybody in the world can read it. They would think that anything they write could be used against them in some way, however which way they wouldn't know, and wouldn't want to know. Only when people are not afraid to say what is really on their mind will a PWS be interesting enough to be readable and will the people be able to communicate with each other.

Once people reach out and try to convince each other of what they believe, and show each other who they are and where they come from, the truth will be revealed because the truth will win over the people who haven't made up their minds about things yet.

Once enough people have a PWS that expresses their beliefs about everything, and the search engines have become developed enough to catalogue them and show us the statistics about what we all believe in an undeniably truthful way, we will be ready to act on it.

3 Philosophy Show Mission Statement
The internet is so cool!!! You can monitor the news, see cool videos of all kinds, and keep in contact with all kinds of people all over the world. The coolest thing about the internet though, is that we can now use it to figure out what truth is. Once we know the truth, we will have the ability to make the best decisions as a society to become self sustainable and move gracefully forward in our development. My belief is the best way to arrive at the truth is for everybody to have their very own philosophy show. If we all shared what we believe in all the philosophical and political issues, we would would eventually arrive at the truth.
4 Our problems and what we need to do to change
From the beginning our biggest problem has always been our inability to see eye to eye, to relate to one another and realize we are all one. Freedom, the word that defines our country, our first constitutional amendment, is the necessary step in our cultivation of creativity It was suppression of knowledge by the English church, is what motivated our ancestors to founded this great county. The freedom to think what you want, say what you want, be who you are, that is what made us great, and why people flocked here. Most of the great innovators of the world were first generation immigrants to America, brilliant people who knew they couldn't do it in the old world because of feudalistic style over control. To cultivate creativity, there needs to be an anything goes attitude. Something we take for granted in this country and don't realize the value of until we leave and see the close mindedness of European cultures and hear all the attitude about how Americans are arrogant, loud, and self centered. But we aren't holier than thou, it just seems that way to people who are stuck in the 'watch what you say or else the king will behead you' attitude. We are a nation of rebels, with every generation blaming the one before and earnestly trying to change, following the pattern we have lived by since the first boat load of fed up freedom fighters arrived. But now more than ever we need to reevaluate reality; find out what we really want. Because the iron hand of suppression, the FDA, FBI NSA, CIA, IRS, etc., is alive and working hard to control us as if we are people not to be trusted. look at how all the figmentary societal rules that we have made up and blindly follow. Rules who's primary motivator is fear: Graduate from high school or you will be a failure in life, graduate from college or you won't be successful, get married before you are thirty, and god forbid, don't live with your parents. Keep up with the Jones's new clothing styles that hurt the environment. If people do break out and express themselves they are likely to be labeled with a mental illness: Having a healthy imagination means attention deficit disorder and need Ritilin, and getting stressed out calls for Prozac which almost half of us are on, and the cure for depression is lithium. We don't realize we are given drugs made from specific parts of plants, and chemicals formulated in a certain way so a Billionaire, Friend of the FDA, company can call dibs on, and then illegalize natural time tested remedies like marijuana. And people don't even know what aromatherapy is. It is the natural healing juices boiled out of plants and used to airate rooms, or use in baths or on the skin to trigger the brain to calm down and heal the body. We don't realize that even today in this country, people can't even sell these natural undoctored essential oils from plants that anybody cold produce with a $300 distiller, with a claim that it has a certain healing property; even though it has been common knowledge for thousands of years throughout all cultures. Naturopaths people have to change the spelling from 'Breath aid' to 'Breathe aide', until the FDA cracks down again and they have to change it to something totally ambiguous and make it a hush word of mouth inoculation. Why? To protect the public from harmful plants? No, to keep a strangle hold on the multi billion dollar pharmaceutical industry of man made, carcinogenic, exorbitantly priced pills. Our government is still controlled by greedy monopolists who think lust like the wealthy land owners of medieval times. Meanwhile we have $100 bottles of pills giving people brain cancer and polluting the environment. Witch burning is alive and well, but nobody knows or cares because we were never trained to think for ourselves. After college we tell ourselves we are educated and start the 9 to 5 grind, thinking everything is hunky dory. This is because we were always told what to think, and never asked what we think. And if a kid in class or any where else says something different, they are shot down by the teacher, or the skeptic who prides himself on his objective reasoning skills, thinking they are escaping the age old Christian or pagan brainwashing that we all hear of, but never realizing that his skepticism, is actually a blind eye to the truth, and not a freedom from craziness, This is because his skepticism is born of fear of something new and thus no effort to study the facts is made. People stand on two extremes of the yard with out walking around to see what the whole landscape looks like. Look where suppression got Russia, now it is an impoverished country run by gangsters. That is why it is of imminent importance to encourage kids to speak their minds, no matter what they say. but we must believe one thing fist, and that is that having the freedom to speak your mind will yield nothing but truth, and not lead to an escape of demons to reap havoc on the world. and that is where religion the whole issue that our country was founded on, comes into play.
5 Change Manners
I don't like the popular manners of today: Having your elbows on the table, dressing (if you dress nicely you should do it because you want to), waiting to eat until others are ready (because I take so long to eat), being expected to communicate in a certain way (some ways of communication are easier to understand, but some people just prefer to communicate in their own way).
6 We Don't Need Rules
We don't need rules because we all benefit from doing good. If someone doesn't do good, it is because they can't because they know they are doing wrong and are just hurting themselves and others. So they need more love from others, not less. We can teach people to be motivated to help. How do we do that? We teach them how they can help that works with their style. If a kid who thinks they don't want to help anyone, then teach them to help themselves because that will help others.
7 The Age of Secrets is Over
The age of withholding information from each other is over. It is time for us all to open up and share our thoughts and feelings with each other. Bridging the gap between the ages, countries, sexes, and all other relations. Secrets were appropriate before to ensure the preservation of all the social laws like: Father not telling his son of his failures as a child in order for the son to respect him. If he hadn't, the son may have violently overthrown his father, as they more often did then because they were more primitive. Also communication was much less intricate, so there wasn't mearly as much to say. Now with the times changing at almost exponential rates, the need to communicte to ensure an understanding in these continuously changing times, is much greater.
8 It Doesn't Matter What You Beleive, Just Express It

Everybody should share what they believe, regardless of what they believe. Everybody deserves to be heard and have their beliefs seriously commented on. My favorite thing to do is discuss an idea with someone who disagrees with me, because it stimulates my mind the most. When I have to think hard to convince someone who doesn't believe the same as I do, I feel like I am excersizing my humanness the most and living life to the fullest. The things we can do with our bodies are amazing, but it is our minds that truly set us apart from the animal world and will set us free. It is in this vain that I would be more interested in watching a video of a person selling an idea that I disagree with than seeing someone rehash an idea that I already believe. I wouldn't be interested in watching their video just so I could argue with them. I would try to imagine for a moment that what they are saying is the truth, and then I would come up with questions for them. They could answer my questions and in so doing they could explore and develop what they believe, and I could understand them more. Then I could explain why I believe in riencarnation and they could ask me some specific questions to clarify what I said to them. Then we could try to point out the weaknesses in each others logic and perhaps even arrive at some kind of cohesive agreement that is somewhere in between. As time goes on and people watch more videos of people expressing what they believe about the issues, the debates will become more and more intelligent until we inevitibally arrive at the truth!

I imagine people of all walks of life sharing their ideas on youtube and then receiving responses from people who mostly agree with them with some added comments along with people who completely disagree with them. One persons video could create a big youtube battle between two or more people that could go on and on until one person gives up, and in doing so concedes defeat. Or the winner in the debate could be decided upon by the people who make comments on the statements of the debators. When enough people participate in the debates in all issues both political and philosophical, the truth will eventually be arrived at.

Gone are the days when people merely preach to their choirs and only manage to reafirm what they already believe. This is the way of the past when people were perfectly satisfied to agree to disagree and keep themselves stuck in conflicting paradigms. Saying we should agree to disagree sounds to me like saying that we shouldn't bother to debating the issues, because the very definition of debating an issue is trying to convince the other person to beleive as you do. I don't like the culture of non-discussion just because you know you disagree. It just perpetuates the confusion when people avoid expressing their beleifs. People even refuse to discuss issues with their own family members and this is wrong. There is only one way for the citizens of our world to arrive at one cohesive truth, and that is to discuss all of the issues, especially the controversial ones.

9 Be Diplomatic
Diplomacy is a learned skill. If you can be diplomatic you can put anyone on your side. Present every statement in the form of a question: 'Don't you think John is sort of right?' 'no!' 'why?' not: 'John is right' 'No he's not!' 'Yes he is' Make the person feel smart. Never say their wrong or don't understand. Always have facts to backup your arguments.
10 Hide Nothing
This country has so many problems because we don't communicate. One of the reasons that we don't communicate is because we all write each other off as loonies and decide not to talk to each other; we aren't interested in each other. This is a side affect of having a one-sided consciousness, only caring about one sort of thing, for example: People who stay in cities and work all the time, as opposed to outdoors hermits who never work. Or monks opposed to politicians and vice versa. These vast differences in lifestyle is natural and not to be condemned, but thinking that your way is the best and other people should be like you, is when polarized (one sided) consciousness becomes harmful. Like certain people preaching their views to others, and ignoring the common denominator between them and others, as if other views aren't worth note. Or people who think getting a computer job for $45,000 is a smarter thing to do than dropping out of school and being a ski bum, outdoors guide, or world bicycle traveler; because they are too emersed in the financial gain and 'security' (which really means addiction to warmth, caffeine, sugar, television, clean clothes, a bed, warm showers, etc..), and laziness. This 'ethnocentrism' forms barricades because of their disinterest in learning and habit of control. This polarized-ethnocentrism is the cause of the environmental, and foreign relations problems of our country, and our own interpersonal problems. So we all must be interested in each other, and everything else in the world. One of the signs that we aren't communicating is that we put each other down without saying why. For example: The militia movement saying they are arming up because they don't trust the government, but not explaining why. Another way communication stammering hurts people is their false security in secrets; for example people who are suppressed, like marijuana smokers being afraid to admit it to the public, as if they are going to be suppressed.
11 How to Have a Religious Conversation Without Making it Confrontational
If you speak your mind to a fundamentalist you are bound to have differences in opinion. and the way to woo them and keep them from feeling frustrated is to keep smiling, laughing, never show weakness, for that should be reserved for your friends, and keep reminding them that no matter what we will all go to heaven, and we all want the same thing. When bringing basic differences in doctrine together like the trinity, God, and reincarnation, and idol worship, an overview and historical retracing is necessary. For all of these beliefs need to be not only respected but believed. Their truth is self evident in the millions of believers. For example, the trinity issue. Muslims fervently disregard the trinity, but only because they think Christians put too much emphasis on it, if you look at the trinity as what it is: The different levels of awareness of God, and then acknowledge that it is the importance in remembering God that is most important, there doesn't have to be an argument. Different religions are just different styles, there is nothing wrong with different styles, that is the beauty of the world, the diversification there doesn't have to be a "difference" in ideology an even there needs to be a reconciliation and honest forthright agreement and clarification between al religions in order to move on to the next age.
12 Intelligent Design vs Evolution
ancient history told bold quite interesting thing to bring to the ring in sequential order remembering all growth patterns of thought brought from fish to tot yea we fought a lot remember grog ancient cave man afraid of the dark traveling in packs like wolves eating you if you don't have a certain tattoo fried into your head through beautiful virgin girls down wells thinking it will ward off evil spells, letting your dead family members rot in the sun, fitting this ain't fun to you but its new and rad to caveman grog this tells you something about evolution its not judgmental or dualistic just part of the fundamental truth behind the patterns of growth of all sentient beings of Gods great universe don't rehearse just rock it day after day in a new way finding what's real and what's an illusion my friend all the great adages add up the clear picture if you take all parts and look at them while they are moving together like getting the clear picture from through a door or TV screen, picket fence,, from a distance all resistance from dualized emotional clinging to everything being an animal by lineage as shown by grog who came from a frog who became a monkey and then grogs mama who made grog, It happens like this genetically as well as socially we be growing like a monkey to a man like a monkey to a man like a monkey to a man. One day grog friend Zog done found a way to make big bright man what make you feel good on days when pain come unless put on many grass eater outside on and water get hard. Yes you bang rock together and through grass eater killer on top and big bright man get big. but grand father think he bring back great grandfather to hurt grand father again he had another fearful dark time as big toothed grass eater came to eat grandmother and father could not help so grandfather mad from other land inside smoking mound". and they had fire and could cook their food, a million years later grogs kids kid grog caught a horse and rode it good and guess what, then everybody could, and they traveled so much their tribe got larger with a king and they traded things from different parts of the grand land like a hand of a bear for a dear skin without a tear to where when it gets cold out there. and they learn how to make an earn to carry water on the journey to mountain top to get the fern that you can smoke and make up new words for things all over your worlds and ways to easing your days by planting the fern and corn and apple right in front of your castle of sticks and bricks. and now we've got tricks to get all the things we likes, and getting better at hunting and stuff and haven stories of gruff grandfathers who killed cave bear single-handedly oh were cruising, too bad its for a bruising cause big man from or TV screen, picket fence, got tricks to get all the thing other land
3 Meaning of Life 7 0
1 My Philosophy About the World in General

In this paper I will write about the state of the world. I will start with problems on a personal level, then tell of the state of the world as I see it, including the root causes, and end with my solutions. I will start with education, because that is where everything starts, then I will expand to our society in general, and end with our individual responsibilities.

What is education? Programming people what to think, or showing them how to think? In the end all education is, is learning about the world and the way it works, so individuals can contribute positively to the world. But Education is changing, it is no longer teaching people to blindly follow orders, but teaching them to think creatively. In dictatorial societies controlling people arises and reaps havoc like in Nazi Germany and North Korea, our society is advanced enough now for people to be innately aware of the need for honesty and equality without the need for control. The only to way to grow now is to build on God given honesty study what is right for yourself.

This revelation of freedom of thought was learned from our history of inequality that exploded after desegregation and the hippie free love and psychedelic movement that was provoked by our government overstepping their bounds in force and violence. But many people, like many of my teachers, who grew up in these times and caught the groove, forgot what freedom is all about and reverted to control and the suppression of individual creativity.

My teachers always gave me bad grades because of my failure to mindlessly spit back the meaningless information they gave me. I wasn't able to participate in their way because I would literally pass out from boredom. It was meaningless because I wasn't allowed to interpret anything for myself. And to add insult to injury, they would give me bad grades. Instead of placing my grade based on my attendance and interpretive skills, they gave me D's and C's from a purely subjective points of view. For example, In one class I did the Bibliography from the Turabian book instead of the teachers personal way, so I got a D for the paper and a D for the class.

Students should feel free to follow their hearts more than the guidelines of their teachers outdated ways, otherwise they will bore and stop trying. An English teacher once told me I was schizophrenic because I wrote about a mushroom trip. I can understand lying to cops, but what good does it do to suppress information from your teachers? If students show up every day and do all their homework assignments they deserve a good grade because they do what they are asked.

Grades in general are useless, where did they come from? To make the college application process easier? It should be no wonder students don't like teachers when they try to dictate what they should be interested in as if they don't know themselves, and then judge them. And people wonder why kids are so ambivalent by the time high school comes around. Respect for authority comes when the authority deserves it when the teacher shows a genuine desire to teach the student. Only then can they guide them in the right direction and give them information they can relate with and talk to their friends about. Who ever said school subjects had to be unrelated to real life? When they are unrelated to the students life they don't mean anything to the student. Do you know anyone who saved all their research papers from school?

The required subjects in school should change also. We need interesting subjects students can use later in life. The common student won't ever use subjects like Latin, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, algebra, linguistics, grammar, and even advanced composition, yet all these classes are required subjects. The required subjects should be the interesting classes like creative writing and research paper classes. In classes that should be interesting like History, teachers put all the attention on memorizing names and dates, and treat the one research paper, if they are lucky enough to get one, like it is the chore. For me the real chore was the memorizing, not the writing. Subjects that would fascinate the common person and give them the background knowledge to find out how the world works, and help them understand who they are and how they see the world so they can learn what to do to make it a better place are non existent in common schools.

My whole time in school I never saw classes like: Term paper class, Religion class, world history from an indigenous point of view class, Environmental class, present day corporate abuse class, make your own rap song class, make your own movie class, or Create your own Utopia class. Why? Fortunately It is starting to become common knowledge that proper teaching is about guiding kids in their natural directions by showing them by example what you know and how it has meaning for you. Then relate it to what students are interested in to get them motivated to stop wasting time with boring activities.

Even rebellious teenager hooligans value knowledge, they just act like they don't to keep from feeling polluted by a controlling system. All you have to do as a teacher is give extra credit for the activities they already do to motivate them to work hard. It is called encouragement, and that is what grows to mutual respect. Only then can a student open up and take guidance, but it will always only be guidance. It will never be: 'Tell me what I told you so I can decide if you are smart'. Intelligence isn't all about the ability to recite the rules of society, especially if the rules of society are rooted in an old system of control that is no longer needed. We should let the students decide their own subjects and topics and give them ideas instead of demands.

One might say, 'How can one teacher handle a class of 30 when they are all doing their own thing?' But I say 'Don't forget the students will be interested in their subjects enough that they won't need the prodding that you are used to'. Here is an example contrasting the way it is with the way it should be:

The way it is: In a research paper for history class, the teacher gives the students a limited list of things to write about, shutting out a wide variety of interesting subjects that haven't been studied and could provide a new angle not yet explored. The 15 source guidelines with bibliography and footnotes and 50 fact source cards is a good idea, but specific form of style is not. Because students interests are broader than before, the subjects they chose to have papers will naturally be broader. Family trees, inventions, myths, or anything that happened in the past that affects the present should be allowed for a history class. For example, in a social issues class students should be allowed to write about marijuana, LSD, sex and even coming to class and blowing people away if they want to, so they don't feel like they are being repressed and can let their own ideas about things blossom when they are ready. This way, teachers will see if kids are suicidal or dangerous and can take preventative action. If you suppress anything in a persons mind when they are developing, it may never come back again. Our minds work differently at different ages, if you slap a six year old for jumping around they might never feel free again. It works like this for high school kids too. people became brain washed when they were in high school, and if it didn't happen then, their minds were seized in college. The emphasis should be put on whether the student is reading and writing, which it is obviously not because when we get out of school we don't value reading and writing because we were forced to read and write what wasn't ours in school. We leave school with dirty thoughts about brilliant people like Jung, Freud, and Marx, not only because it was given to us in a butchered and over processed way, but because the teachers themselves didn't seem to fully process the subjects for themselves, because they were reading from a script. They didn't have the opportunity to when they were in school, and then they went straight into teaching before getting themselves well roundly educated. Not to mention the fact that they are slaves to a school board comprised of politicians who have never taught before. Teachers teach a wide range of subjects to a wide range of people, so it is important for them to be specialists in general knowledge, renaissance people scratching the surface in all subjects. After all, you don't need to know the inner workings of subjects in order to present them to high school kids, just the gist of it and how it relates to the world to ignite the spark in students minds. Learning is supposed to be fun, but too many people, like one of my education teachers think learning is supposed to be grueling and painful. The age of making people do things out of fear is over, just like assembly line education. The age of creativity is here but to be creative you can't be afraid to speak your mind. What will ensure our national security now isn't a nation of math whizzes to make nuclear missiles, but open minded, educated, problem solvers who know their own meaning and direction and have a vision of the future so we can come up with solutions to the worlds dilemmas. The best way to teach is by example. So any paper about a subject a teacher may give a student, the teacher should have of their own to share. To show how and what you add as personal meaning to a subject. I will show my personal work on all subjects to students. But freedom for the teacher means there needs to be a reformation in education so they can teach what they are prepared to teach, instead of following the guidelines of some high paid beurocrat who has never taught and has no relationship with teachers. The relationship between students and teachers should be the same with teachers and their managers. But all of these problems in education bring us to bigger societal problems with a long history and deep roots; which must also be addressed if we are to look at the world holistically. Moral of the story, until people can say what they please in this land of the brave and home of the free, institutionalized education is nothing more that a variation of the 15 century Vatican, and of no use to people seeking the truth. And with the internet, if they don't start taxing us up the wazzoo for it, any attempt at censorship will burn into nonexistence. The fight is already won, we are on the high road to a positive new age.

2 Where Did We Come From?

Our souls came from a black hole in the center of the Univese called God.  God created you as part of a steadily evolving and everlasting cosmic liveform consisting of an infinite number of individual sentient beings growing symbiotically. 

I think we origionally popped into existence from a central fountain of creation, but manifested into the matter that we are made up of in the local universe that we can see with the hubble telescope.  It seems as though the new paradigm in astro physics is that there was no single big bang because not all the galaxies are sepparating.  It is perfectly plausible to me that local groups of galaxies can explode into existence from mini big bangs. 

I think we as souls coelesced into the beings we are now instantly and floated through space dreaming about what we wanted to become for billions of years, although not billions of years as we would experience it today.  When the planets finally coeselced out of the most solid peices of god we were able to inhabit them.

I believe both our human forms and our souls evolved steadily from algae to plants to fish to dinasaurs to mammals to humans.  I know contemplating a plant evolving into a fish is difficult but you can trace them together with omoebas.  they are much like single celled plants.  They are the perfect representation of the unit breaking free from the whole and taking on a life of its own.  The oemebas turned into multi celled beings and eventually turned into fish. 
3 Why Do We Have to Die?
The reason we have to die is because the rule of life involves cycles that need to be finished because certain habits have been made that impede our ability to continue to grow and the only way to continue to grow is by stopping for a rest and rewind and start all over.  It is similar to going to sleep every day to wake up the next day anew, but more complicated.  Because we are not totally aware beings we get stuck in certain ways of being and the only way to get unstuck is to die.  We need to keep evolving as a species and the best way to evolve is to allow new people to come up and bring new ways to be.  Also the point of being alive is to share the experience with other people and the best way to do that is to bring them up as children and teach them so we need to die to make room for all of the new people who come up.  We as souls need to have as wide of a range of experiences as possible and the best way to do that is with many different lives.
4 We Must Find The Truth
We are taught is schools too much that we have arrived at all the answers in the universe, when in reality we are far from figuring the world out. Even the most common views on relatively simple sciences like geology and astronomy are still hotly debated, yet in school we are just told the currently popular idea and not encouraged to second guess it, when we should be encouraged to second guess just as much as the top scientists do. For now I say the enemies and friends of truth are: Lies and honesty, fear and bravery, and laziness and strength. I beleive that we could fix all the problems in the world by searching for the truth.
5 How To Find Truth
We have always been told by our great sages that the truth shall be revealed. My theory on how truth shall be revealed is to identify what exactly are the enemies of truth and what are the friends of truth. Then we kill the enemies of truth and bolster the friends of truth, and bada bing! We have truth!
6 YouTube Vlogging Kills Ignorance

Lies vs Honesty - Lying is selfish and is a big waste of time for the people who are being lied to and makes everybody more and more pessimistic. I believe that deep down everybody knows that lying is bad and honesty is good, so I think that it is much easier to be honest when you are making a video for the internet than to be dishonest.

Hiding the truth is also a form a lying. One form of hiding the truth is hiding trade secrets. When people try to guard their trade secrets it may help them in their job but it stiffles the progress of our society. We should try to make each other as self sufficient as possible so we could live as efficiently as possible. People need to understand that there will always be jobs, the jobs just evolve. We need to understand that the more we evolve the more we can move forward towards utopia.

The more people who have youtube videos of themselves philosophyzing, the less likely we would be to lie and hide the truth from one another because we all know deep down that lying is bad and would never do it just for fun on the internet to the whole world.

Fear vs bravery - Fear is an enemy to truth because it discourages us to seek the truth. The best way to seek the truth is to ask someone, but we feel stupid for asking the question so we don't ask and don't get the answer. I think the main reason people don't have personal websites or ask questions or share their ideas on youtube is because they are afraid of someone giving them a nasty comment telling them they are stupid, crazy, freaky, or some other insult. That fear isn't real though because they are just words and have to power other than the power you give them. You could use a nasty insult as fuel to further your point and explain to the person something you may think they don't understand, and you can feel beneficial to them, like a teacher.

Laziness vr strength - Sloth is one of the seven sins for a reason. We need to strive if we are going to proceed. You get out of life what you put into it. The beautiful thing is to put up a video expressing yourself on youtube you don't have to try very hard, you just do it. The more videos you make the easier it becomes. That's my theory anyway.

7 Why Humans are at the Top of the Food Chain

civilizations, because wars are more infrequent and the life expectancy is greater. Our destructin of the environment merely a natural by product of our technological epoch. What are we going to use for fuel in the erly 19th century put gas? We have alsays built houses out of wood, bigger populations naturally use more resources. And we are becoming more environmentally freindly. Firsst lets look at what the Gentiles and Jews thought before Christ and what he brought. They both were much more primitive than todays world. They thought the world was flat, the Greeks beleived in the Olympian Gods, people beleived in ghosts and sacrifices and Jesus brought the world out of that, but Europe still had confusion beleiving the world is round, and somehow finding a way to still beleive i ceremonies suposed to save your soul, not knowig anything beyond your country or tow, extremely limited knowledge of the history of the Earth, life on Earth, hman history and development, the dynamics of civiliation like laws, morality, customs, and relationships. For example the tremendoyus strides weÕve made in the 20th century alone. The 15th century alone. The 15th century was another tremendous epoch caused by the printing press caused by the common peoples demand for their own Bible. But the 15th century was merely the beginning of the age of bringing us together, we still had 400 yers before the common first world citien is free to travel around the world, we can speak to someone on the other side of he world and maintain steady contact with many people easily through the internet, there is a woulrd language, and a general knowledge of right and wrong. For example, racial and sexual equality, respect for children, respecting order, authority adn murder, the mentaly ill. This added with all that we have scientifically earned we are obviously ready for a areinterpretation of all the religinos and thoughtforms of the world. now with the introduction of scienc, Christians obviously canÕt cling to the beleif the world was created in seven days. An expect ot be taken seriously by intelligent people. Taking only your teachers interpretation of letter that was written 3000 years ago by a human, and choosing to beleive it just on account that Jesus never directly preached that we should beleive everything written in the old Testament in an absolutely literal sense; and ignoring all the please to see the truth from the vast maority of respectable citizens of the kingdom of God, is insamne. We can no longer be afraid of the devil, nowing the laws of cause and effect, from such a wide range of examples. Historically and in the present; and reincarnation. Christianity must now learn to invision a heavan incorporated with astronomy, complete with all the angels, the triniy, and hords of ascended humans from many planets. From a religious perspective, if God so loved the world he must have made much more than one planet with life. And science must agree with Christianity because it is the child of Christianity. Most major scientific thinkers were deeply religious. The moticatin for scientific inovation is the desire and beleif that we can improve our circumstances, which comes from the beleif in God. The desire for kingdoms to spread was for a large part moticated by people wanting to share the gospel, causing the invention of social structure and all the inventions that comne from that like the inventions that come from that like al the tools of trade caused by the specialiation of work caused by te intricacy of society. The early part of the old testament has a lot of rulety that aide growth, whichis scientific thinking. Religion and science canÕt cross each other out because everything that exists in one also exists in the other, and as one comes up empy handed, the answer lies in the other. For example Gene therapy , natural selection has always kept our population down nder control, and ensured biological evolution continuation; we have gene therapy to wee out bad genes in people to aide in the congtinuation of biological evolution, and the technology to live efficientl enough to accomodate more people, and to be able to control the population from personal responsibility. This scientifically caused population explosion has eradicated our responsibility to breed, causing an unprecedented freedom to explore reality for a vast number of people who choose either not to have children, or wait until they have educated themselves properly, causing an exodus of enlightenment for the world caused by the conflomeration all this knowledge from all ends of the spectrum; that will make the 15th century enlightenment look like a kindergarden project. Truths that exist in both religion and science are gravity and relationships, postivive and negative, giving and taking growht in complexity as time goes on, things combining to create something new. Sickness being healed by faith and a postitive attitude, and all mind over matter phenomenon. Christianity must now Re evaluate abortion (With the recognitino of riencarnation) Just because a soul doesn't have a chance to becom ethis human, doesn't mean it won't get another chance. A world with few orphans and a populatin control is better than a land of teenage adn single parents. u fe. The longer i waieght the more mature i get before i get a girl, so if i get a girl i really love and loves me i hope to got i could cherish it and give it my all. where ass maybe

4 Key to Happiness 10 0
1 We Must Believe in a Paradigm Shift
We must believe because belief causes the search. Columbus found America because he believed there was land on the other side, Edison made the light bulb because he believed there was electricity. Those who don't believe just have closed minds and don't think. Too many people have preconceived and don't do their homework and as a result don't grow. Look back to the time of the Roman Catholic church, they didn't think about what Galileo was saying, they just KNEW what they knew because they always knew it. It is amazing how easily people can get stuck in certain ways of thinking, unable to escape for hundreds of years. Old dogs die because you can't teach them new tricks. The paradigm of the world has completely changed so many times, from all of the superstitious cultures around the world, like indigenous cultures taking metaphors like we came out of the earth through four levels literally, to thinking black cats mean 7 years bad luck, to individuals completely changing their attitudes about life, like born again Christians and ex-drug addicts. We are always dancing from one extreme to the other, like the marijuana lover who starts getting sick and stupid from it, so they quit cold turkey and forget all the positive things they got from it and say only bad things about it.
With the introduction of all this technology we are about to totally change our attitude about life. No longer will the most ruthlessly aggressive people be the ones in power, but the gentle, networking sociable ones who utilize the strengths of all constituents of the population. I am not saying it will be different souls, but these souls will be working differently. In debates, there won't be winners and losers, just people offering their own take and letting people decide for themselves. People will no longer do certain things and act certain ways just because everybody else does, because the media will grow to such a point that everyone will not only have their own internet site, but TV station, so people will just gravitate to where their particular tastes guide them. No longer will our thoughts be controlled by a handful of huge media companies who own everything. One might say, 'I don't want that! We will just all group into our own clicks and become homogenous'. But it is not education, exploration and mixing of styles that causes homogeny, but ignorance, a lack of education, caused by a small group of people having a stranglehold on just a few channels and newspapers. Ignorance is ignoring diversity. Look at America, sure the ethnic groups click together amongst themselves, but they get along much better with each other tan in their home land because they see first hand all the different people in the world. The first thing that needs to happen is for us to realize we are basically good beings created by God. Our nature is not evil like we are told by fundamentalist Christians. They think by thinking this we become humble before God. By reducing ourselves we gain the right to survive. Like Christ had to die as a ransom for us to not have to go to hell. This insanity leads to accusing any self empowered person to belonging to a serpent man who lives in caves of fire surrounded by screaming souls. Thinking %90 of the worlds population lives once only to have this torment to look forward to is a real moral buster, spreading pessimism like a chronic disease. In this day in age of cultural mixture this attitude just causes extreme resentment to Christianity as a whole, making people throw the whole philosophy away, from belief in God, to life after death, to prayer in general. But extreme thinking on both sides won't last because of our quickly growing consciousness. Any teacher, politician, or parent who holds on to extreme attitudes is just showing they don't understand the whole spectrum and is destined to lose the respect of today's youth who grow up with both sides all around them, free from the cultural biases of their parents. Many old people would say there is more danger and violence and factionalism today than in the past, but that is only with leaders their age who are overwhelmed by all of the changes going on and don't know how to handle it. But when they die and their MTV, Internet exposed kids inherit the planet, we will forget the old age cultural squabbles. look at Germany and Japan now, 50 years later their youth in general has forgotten about their racial and cultural superiority attitudes, are interested in traveling and learning about other cultures. When we realize we are basically good, and the fundamentalist Christians quit preaching about the power of the devil, all the frustrated rock stars will have less to complain about, and will become empowering chanters of freedom. And when we stop hurting the environment because of water powered engine designs get on the internet, thus disempowering the oil companies from suppression of alternatives (which, by the way, has already happened, GEET engine from Cripple Creek, Colorado), the Earth will heal and we will all begin dreaming of a bright future again, opening a Pandora's box of opportunities. RELIGION To give you an idea of how fearful, ignorant, and quick to judge we are about our basic views on life. Lets explore the whole problem we have with religion. people are pathetically quick to judge each other when it comes to religion. If I start talking about god and the Bible to normal people, they think I am a fundamentalist Christian and start telling me how no matter what I say, they aren't going to hell, or that they are and there is nothing I can do about it. and if I start talking about Buddhism to fundamentalist Christians, needless to say they get scared and think I am falling into the idiotic grips of the Devil. and if I talk about aliens, a lot of people just think I have had too many hits of acid or was dropped on my head as a baby. Why are we so quick to judge? Well, we were never asked to have religious debates in school because it is such a sensitive subject. Facilitators think they are being shrewd by avoiding the subject, why? So we can get at each others throat's later in life? if we don't learn to speak our minds in high school or college when will we? After college we are told to get 'real jobs'. As if all the other jobs are 'fake jobs' for the weak minded. some times intelligent people chose jobs with little responsibility so they can focus on themselves, or start something of their own. Here I am offering my take on religion, which to me in another word for spirituality or reality. I arrive at answers by following patterns, coming form deep in the past of our history and my imagination; and allowing those patterns into the future to see where we are going. But in order to see those patterns I need to step back and see all facets of the world from a distance, like stepping back from the screen door and moving around in order to get a clear picture of the back yard. Another word for this is education. It is amazing how lacking in education we are in things that are timeless. Once there was a black out in L.A. and thousands of people called the cops complaining about the smoke fog in the sky, not realizing it was the milky way. or Holistic medicine, sacred geometry, or any of the other tribal truths we have lived with since the beginning. We just threw it all away as we came into the modern world. Sorry if I sound like a bible thumping maniac, but if we would just educate ourselves on the prophecies of the Bible and take into account of the world religions, we would have a much clearer understanding of the world we live in and the world we came from. But we ain't seen nothing yet, until now I have just been analyzing the everyday concerns of the common people. When we really look at the big picture, and bypass the limited cultural paradigm we were born with, we will undergo a bigger transmutation in the way we see the world than men born with slaves and dying with black people running their city ever dreamed of. What I am talking about is disclosure, the government opening the door to the presence of aliens. Only then will we see the true depth of our cultural brain washing and reevaluate everything. When you listen seriously to all the stories that people are afraid to tell in fear of ridicule, read the books written by aliens, and contemplate the vast science and history of Gods creation; it becomes clear that not only interstellar travel is possible but extraterrestrial life is everywhere; and a natural progression of our divine, eternal life. Only then will it be clear that all the superstitions and stories from the past came from true stories of people called gods who come from other planets, and those silver discs, red triangles, and shooting stars that make 90 degree turns seen by millions of people are actually vehicles driven by these 'gods' who are watching and trying to help us. These are people similar to us from other star systems like Sirius, Arcturus Zeta Reticulae, the Plaiades, and even other galaxies. When we take this into account all of our scientific loopholes make sense, like the missing links, the sudden appearances of hominids and dinosaurs, and all of the strange cultural similarities like all indigenous cultures having the same story about the Plaeides; that seven sisters came down and wanted to marry the prince of the Earth. The Pyramids that we can't even construct today that are symmetrical to a quarter of an inch. Perfectly carved stones, as if from giant machines, the 600 ton block on King David's temple in Jerusalem 50 feet in the air, at the time of its construction 100 feet in the air. A feat none of our present day cranes could hope to do, the stories about Pluto, which we have only recently discovered, the big planet we can only as of now gravitationally detect, the Dogon tribe in Libya's accurate stories about the orbit of the Sirius star that we didn't confirm until a hundred and fifty years ago of the ancient Sumarians Cuneiform translations telling accurate stories about all the planets in the solar system, from calling Pluto, invisible to the naked eye, a water planet, that we didn't confirm until the voyager spacecraft saw it and showed us it was blue, to the story of the giant planet with an elliptical orbit that we only recently detected gravitationally and are now searching for in the sky, among other things, is all explained. We all probably have miraculous stories to tell but we bury them in fear of ridicule.
As a personal example, I saw a saucer five minutes after I prayed for one to come down, in the form of lights in the distance of the desert blinking at me from left to right then right to left, then inward in the red green yellow that I was so fond of then. Then a couple months ago when my huge three foot long windshield crack suddenly disappeared and two days when I woke up with my gapped teeth suddenly together. These occurrences reassured me of a supernatural presence that our modern society adamantly rejects, why? People can give each other the screw faced evil eye to stories like this until the stories seep into common knowledge and then it becomes a reality, then we all forget the great change we have made and live as if it has always been like this. Just remember one thing, if you were to drop your great grand dad off in Boulder now and show him around he just might have a heart attack or lock himself in a closet or pass out.
2 We need to Empower the Individual

Once we truly understand that all the worlds problems can be fixed if we all act responsibly as individuals, than a pandoras box of possibilities will open up, and we will never be bored, cynical, or feel helpless again, because we will all be powerful as individuals.

The best way for you to exersize your power is to express yourself, and the most intelligent way to express yourself is to share what you beleive about all the political and philosophical issues. Most people won't share what they believe because they think they are unqualified to do so. I contend, however, that we are all qualified to express what we beleive, just as we are qualified to vote for who we think would be the most appropriate policitian.

The interesting thing is that the people who control the world right now grew up in a world that was still divided in terms of information access to the other people in the world, so they are in effect living in a world that is no longer relevant. Think about that for a moment. That the old people who control the world right now are obsolete because their minds are out of date. This happens every time a planet makes the transition from division to unity, and it is my belief that the transition from the old paradigm being the dominant paradigm to the new paradigm being the dominant paradigm takes place in about 50 years. I predict this time frame as being between 1968 to 2018. I chose 1968 as the beginning year because it was the first explosion of the new way of thought with the summer of love and all that. I believe the knowledge of ourselves will be strong enough by 2018 because by then the world will be pretty much ravaged, we will be able to see how we can actually live here sustainably, and most people will have PWS up so that we will all know how to actually communicate and understand each other.

3 Ignore the Devil
To teach God, teach only God, to bring God into presence, bring God only into presence, for God doesn't need the Devil, the environments in Peril? Be an environmentalist. The races are in peril? Preach to the racists. This world isn't in tethers its coming to together, a beautiful sight, races together without a fight people learning English and everything else from their dishes. About the common goal, Serbs can't kill without everyone to know, and UN keeping tyrants in control. and ideas spreading through movies and music, now America but soon the Soviets will spread Gods culture for everyone to see. The worlds culture steadily refined into equality use this to teach God, Christ's vision of success and love conquers all, teach the bible only positively and you won't fall God doesn't know hell so why should you dwell in something Godless, I see for in your eyes, unless you forget the Devil and show that Gods love is willing and able to clear this world of Greed and trouble. The prodigal son teach's you should teach people with problems, focus on them, those people with problems, focus on them, those of us who are happy, believe in The evil tenants- The 15th century Catholic church was the evil tenants fundamentalists who are condemning all others to Hell are the evil tenants, using the name of Christianity to spread fear and driving Gods children away from the house of love
4 It's better to Believe...
It is better to believe because it keeps doors open. When you disbelieve you close doors possibilities. Disbelief without reasons or alternatives is fear. In order to disbelieve, you must understand and to understand you must listen. People say 'I don't believe what I don't see', but they believe in the solar system and diseases, they give these issues so little thought it makes me wonder why they blindly chose to just disbelieve. It shuts conversations off before they can ripen, and accuses people who do belief of being naive or skating in circles, but that is just judgment, thinking your smarter because you don't believe. That goes along the same lines as a culture that has so many social taboos and forms of etiquette people must follow, that their creativity becomes stifled
5 Change the Paradigm

We need to save the forests! Untouched forests, thousands of years in the making, are the only thing in the world that can support the beautiful biodiversity that we still have. We only have five percent of them left in America, yet the logging is increasing. It is expected to increase 16 percent next year in Colorado alone because of the 'Rescissions Bill'. There have been more extinction's in the last few generations than ever before, including the great dinosaur extinction's. Biologists say if we keep up the logging at this rate, in 10-15 years the forests of Colorado will PERMENANTLY lose their ability to support the life presently living here. Why are only a vast minority of people fighting against this destruction? Maybe it has something to do with the old paradigm of looking at the world: Since we first came here, we have killed millions upon millions of indigenous-thinking people. On top of that, we recruited the rich African tradition to slave for us for a couple hundred years. When slavery was finally abolished, people felt so strongly against it that an additional 600,000 people had to die. Change can happen. Think about how slavery is viewed now.

If you think about it, it is clear we are products of this old paradigm of looking at the world in an explorative way. If the whole world lived as Americans do, it would take about 30 Earths to sustain us. Is that morally just? In a poll taken, 79% of us agreed 'that the long term health of public forests should not be compromised by the short-term need for natural resources'. Why do we keep subsidizing the timber industry's one billion dollar a year budget?! We should put that money to all the alternatives out there. Things need to change, and we aren't helpless, a majority instead of a minority of us need to spend our spare time being active, there is only one way to bring about this needed change, it is for more of us to join the cause. Register with the Green party and be ultimately active. Do your part to change the paradigm!

6 It's all in the Mind
The secret to success is all in the mind. The difference between doing it tough and not doing it at all is a mere line to cross, the flip of a coin, the decision whether to do it or not. Except not necessarily always. This morning I went to the gym by myself because Mike wussed out. I didn't feel totally motivated, so when I went into the gym, I only lifted a couple of things and then didn't even swim because I couldn't bust the groove and there was nothing I could do about it. I don't feel bad because I know I busted the cap good to go there in the first place, and it is my situation that made me wuss out, knowing how exceptionally sensitive to situations I am. That means I pay attention to the situation I am in, and most importantly I care. When I am jacked I am super strong. If I can stay jacked I can be the strongest person in the world. I feel like my life is starting. I know my life is starting. So, the moral of the story is that the key to being rocked is to put yourself in a rocking situation in the first place, then rock it out from there. And most importantly, don't get down on yourself if you aren't rocking when your situation isn't, because the stress isn't worth it. When you rock you rock, and when you don't you don't.
7 Understand Dualism
How to define the difference between the non dualistic mind and the discerning mind? Keep emotion out of it. don't let it through you. and what is the difference between the empty mind the seeking mind? Just when which one is appropriate. They feed off of each other. It is better to have a balance between the two than struggle with a constantly fidgeting mind that thinks up useless schemes and worries and wears itself out at
the same time. Addressing how certain lessons are appropriate for some and not others. Of course this is true because lessons come in stages because of peoples inherent skepticism and fear of things, they wouldn't know where advanced information would connect, and how it is different from something that is truly cooky. Basic laws must first be in place for all. The most important being 1) Freedom of speech, the first amendment. If this was cherished the way it should, then people would be much more used to brushing nutty theory aside and accepting the plethora of what they want, and be more educated, because new information wouldn't seem so avant guard. New styles wouldn't belong to the brave, but the truly inventive.
8 How To Stay Calm in a Crazy World
staying calm in a crazy world is a chore to explore deep u so many new things hitting our society head on kids changing paradigms of all sorts in a single life time. Horse and buggy to spacecraft tells you were in the midst of a time warp and we haven't even hit over drive yet how can I tell? look at the possibilities today we haven t even harnessed, designer babies cerebral computer chips speaking with cars and terra forming mars everything's melting together its clear we can do whatever we want once we grow pot for paper use water for gas it will all last unless we pollute our planet to death or kill every thing with nuclear bombs. but it looks like our alien brothers are helping us out for I have heard many a testimony from navy sailors speaking of big black triangle or oval with bright lights taking missiles and melting warheads maybe from accidental activation they are helping us with no hesitatation speaking to us in books painting a brave new world we are about to realize the great mystery the answer to your wildest imagination communication with spirits wildfire spreads when all grass fickle's reach a certain temperature and its clear we are entering critical point now with knowledge. so many new things hit a time warp
9 Live The Simple Life
As we are living in a world that is changing at an unprecedented speed so we need to have a philosophy about how we are going to maintain control over ourselves and stay socially responsible enough to be a possitive force of conservating all the good things that we have as well as a force for positive transformation.  We don't have enough respect for ideas about slowing down and contributing to environmental and social ills compared to driving the economy.  There are certain things about the economy that need to change. It should be looked at socially acceptable to live a simple life. Examples of living a simple life are, living in your car, living with your parents, riding a bike around town, and creating a self sufficient life style. 
10 Move out of your house now!
Please be like me and move out of your house and live up here on campus, it's a lot better. You might think it's a waste of time, but it's not. When I lived in houses, I was spending all my time getting blitzed and hanging out with my roommates and doing their dishes. Now I spend all my time doing the things I wished I was doing when I lived in a house. Plus I get to look at the stars every night and watch the little reflector bugs fly around. You may think you can't afford it, but it's actually a lot cheaper than living in a house. I lived splendidly last year on just about $4000, A lot of people spend that on rent alone. You may think it's bad for the environment, but I don't think so. As long as you don't pee there (like me) you would leave your campsite just the way you found it. And you wouldn't be helping a house degrade the environment (water, electricity, wood, etc..). You may think the law enforcers would get you, not true. I have told told the cops up here more than once that I live up here, and they have never told me to stop. u a it ain't but I don't think they really care. It kind of sucks when it rains, but I just go to the picnic shelter behind the Bader Sheridan's or put a tarp over me. And when it snows it don't matter because snow don't get you wet. Most importantly, if you live in a car during college, you can live in a car anywhere. Scientists are making a bean now that has all the nutrients you need combined with rice, so you could almost live for free baby! all my time getting blitzedy time doing the things I wish can
5 Is there a God? 3 0
1 Beleive in God
Beleive in God, just beleive in God, you athiest, those fundamentalist christians didn't mean it when they said you either believe in god or you go to hell, there just stupid, all they mean't was, beleive in God, you don't even have to call it god, just believe in god, believe we are all one under the same sun, you athiest, stop calling yourself an athiest and educate yourself a little bit, study physics unified feild, meditate and feel the oneness, but for the love of god believe in god, are you trying to egg the fundamentalists on, all they want you to do is beleive in god, beleive in god, they didn't mean it when they mentioned the devil, there just stupid and didn't do their homework, doesn't mean you have to go and not beleive in god, thats as stupid as beleiving in the devil like they do, just beleive in god, in god we trust, stop maken a fuss and beleive we have a purpose, this ain't no accident, truth is stranger than fiction, only if you beleive will your mind retreive the other 90 percent we lost when we stopped beleiving in god, if you don't believe in God, what do you beleive in, money, you probably think this is the only life you life, so you gots to make the most of it, and climb all over your brother, and seize the day, its cause you don't beleive in god, beleive in god, call it eternity if you want, but believe in it, cause if you don't, you won't have a vision, no long term goals for your soul, you won't know if you fuck me over now, your gonna have to pay me back in the next life, its logic, believe in god, were supposed to believe in god, if we don't beleive in god, we'll beleive in something other than god, like money, and we'll cut all the treas down, cause we don't know their god, I'm not telling you to call god god, don't put words in my mouth, just believe in god you athiest believe in god
2 To the Atheists

The Bible was written to control. Yes, to provide a guiding light to humanity. A guiding light to humanity. Do you mean it was written so few people could control the masses? Yes. The New testament is about Jesus teaching people they don't need the Pharisees and Sadducees special knowledge, for all we nee to get to heaven is righteousness, that is why they crucified him. Well, religion is control. Notes- Christ is imperialistic ad buddhism keeps to itself, both wish for better days. Taoism teaches against vision of future? and Confucianism?

- 'Why are we fanatical?'
- Why kill in name of God?

3 How Does God Keep It All Together?
Because we came from God, we are connected to God. So everything in the universe is connected so nothing can happen with out having an effect on anything else in the universe. Just in the way that radio signals are carried through the air what you do is connected to God.  In this way everything is not only kept into check, but constantly pushed on the line of evolution. 
6 Reincarnation 8 0
1 Law of Evolution
Lets start with the universal law of evolution.  Everything takes billions of years of evolution to become what it is today.  Even the simplest grain of sand took billions of years for the star to create the metals in it and then disperse them out into the Universe until it conglomerated into a planet which melted and froze countless times until it created a simple grain of sand.  Naturally things more complex than sand, like a computer, took billions of more years on top of that to evolve.  So it just doesn´t make sense that the most complex of all Gods creatures, us, just popped out of the ether.  1) We must have been in existence before we entered this world in our present bodies. 2) We must have been in a situation very similar to the situation we are in now, seeing that the laws of the Universe show that evolution is a gradual steady thing and not a leaps and bounds thing.  Sure, things suddenly happen like supernovas, but they are a result of Billions of years of buildup; and it doesn't take billions of years for God to build us up until it spits us into this world.  That concept would suggest that God created us out of nothing, and we didn't come from nothing.  I contest we grew gradually over a great many years.
2 We Remember

The next obvious reason to believe in Reincarnation is the simple fact that we remember our past lives.  The best way to describe the fact that we remember our past lives is the simple fact that we feel so natural here as if we have been through all this before.  We all have preconceived ideas about things that we experience, and that comes from our soul experience, not the hard wiring of our brains. We all have preconceived notions about countries we haven´t been to, for example.  When we go to a new country it is exactly how we expected it to be, because we have already been there. 

Another way we remember is from our dreams.  We dream of being in situations we have never been in before. For example when we have a dream about walking through the dessert.  One could argue that our mind is creating everything, but what would be the biological purpose of dreaming of a situation that you have never been in, that you have only imagined.  The physical mind is only the hardware that you could say the software of our souls is controlling.  And the purpose of dreaming that situation is because we are actually living in our non physical mind.  We need to realize that our non physical spirits, our souls, are in control of our brains, not the other way around. 

3 Everything is Related

Once we realize that everything is indeed related, than we realize that the non belief in Reincarnation makes no sense.  Lets try to imagine everything related under the Heaven-Hell doctrine.  According to the live on Earth one time belief, our souls spring up out of nowhere to live such complex and meaningful lives as to make all other forms of life seem like they are only here to support us. Then we graduate to a non physical place far away for eternity.  When one thinks about this idea one quickly sees that it separates us from everything else, which makes it false.  If you believe that your soul pops up out of the ether to live as a human and then to go to Heaven or Hell forever, what about the animals?  Do they go to animal Heaven or Hell then? Does that Animal Heaven and Hell exist for all eternity for them? I have never heard the Christian explanation for that which is another suggestion that the Heaven-Hell paradigm could be a faulty argument. Any strong theory needs to have all of the bases covered. The Heaven-Hell paradigm suggests that God made some souls better than, or separate from others.  Another way to escape this incongruency of logic is by just saying that animals don't have souls, which is what a lot of the proponents of the Heaven Hell paradigm contest.

Once you realize that everything is related and eternal it becomes abundantly clear that all life forms must therefore be ultimately equal.  God is a network of self conscious beings sharing the experience of life with one another. Because the various life forms are all on a different stage in their paths people believe that some life forms are superior to others, but only in one life to live paradigm. Humans live the same kinds of lives as animals and evolve in the same way. Animals and humans have families and emotions and grow and learn and live and die, so in the eyes of God we humans are siblings to the animal world, and so we both naturally evolve for eternity.  That means that animals must reincarnate too.  Animals surely reincarnate into more intelligent animals and finally into humans.  In a universe where animals live once like us and then go to animal heaven suggests that animal souls are inferior to ours as an animal heaven would be a whole lot less interesting that ours due to the fact that they live much simpler and less interesting lives in this world. It seems too confusing for God to have to catalogue different heavens and hells for all of the different animal species. You could say that animal heaven is the same place as human heaven, but I would imagine that after an eternity the animals would start getting bored being just animals and would want to be humans.

4 Intelligent people have always believed in Reincarnation
Aristotle who talked about the transmigration of souls, David Hume, Plato, Socrates, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Emanuel Kant, Nietsche, Shakespeare, Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Faulkner, Whittier, Lowell, Mark Twain, Longfellow, Jack London, Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Burns, Charles Dickens, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Paracelsus, John Lindberg, Thomas Edison, George Patton, Frederick the Great, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Saint Augustine, Saint Justin, Saint Gregory, Saint Synesius, and Saint Origen.
5 Consensus Says So

Perhaps the best reason to believe in Reincarnation is the fact that the vast majority of people in the world today and throughout history believe in Reincarnation. From looking at polls and Religious adherent statistics I estimate that most people in the world believe in reincarnation. There are 1.7 Billion who belong to Hinduism, Chinese Traditional, Jainism and Buddhism, religions that beleive in reincarnation. Then in countries that are primarily Christian like the US, in '86 37% beleived in Reincarnation. In England it was %30 in 1980. Those numbers have been on the rise. In 1969 it was only 18% in England and in 1980 it was 24%.

I think the only people in the world who don't believe in Reincarnation are the Christians and Muslims, and unfortunately for the belief in Reincarnation those two religions comprise about half of the worlds population, although I am sure that a good percentage of the populations of those two religions believe in Reincarnation.  Even Christianity and Judaism believed in Reincarnation in the past. The only reason it doesn't now is because of a political move by the Romans in the year 325 at the council of Nicea when they decided that they were going to take control of the Christian religion. 

The reason the Romans annexed Christianity was because Christianity believed in one God for everybody. Monotheism is a good religion for an empire to have so people don't have unnecessary wars about who's god is better. The problem is that the Romans didn't stop there, they wanted to have control over the constituents of the religion so they could keep control over them.  Realize that by the year 325 Christianity was a very big religion and the Romans still had power, although their power was waning and they desperately needed a way to keep control over their constituents in order to preserve their empire's survival. 

At the council of Nicea they gathered up all of the Christian documents they could get their hands on and put together the Bible.  The ideas of God and Heaven were great, but they needed a way to secure control of this Heaven and Hell.  They must have genuinely thought they had a monopoly on heaven.  Throughout the ancient world there have been societies who have been more advanced that the others surrounding them and rightly took it upon themselves to teach the surrounding societies about their ways.  And Rome was definitely a light in the ancient world, and taught those who they concurred a lot of useful information and opened trade.  But by the year 325 the Roman Empire was just a large army controlled by Germans who had never been to Rome. And as all military entities do, they designed a blueprint for control.  But they had to rule by fear the same way as they did when they threatened people with crucifiction.  They invented a hot torturous place called Hell that you will go for eternity if you're bad.  It is easier to subdue people who are afraid of death because of the fact that they will go to Hell.  The Romans had a lot harder time subduing the Barbarian tribes who weren't afraid of death because they knew they would live to fight in their next life as a member of the same tribe.  The Church even made money from selling admittance to heaven; enough to make Saint Peters Basilica. 

I calculate the belief in Reincarnation constitutes more than half of the population today, and is higher among younger people than older people so it is increasing.  However the belief in the Heaven-Hell paradigm is constituted primarily by uneducated people who have never been exposed to the belief in Reincarnation.  Polls show that Conservative Christians such as Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-Day Adventists, and Christian Scientists, those who are most likely to not believe in Reincarnation make nearly half as much money as the more liberal Christians such as the Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and Unitarians.  People who make less money are generally also less educated, and those who are less educated tend to believe in the more traditional belief in Hell.  People who are less educated are also more likely to not question the Heaven-Hell dogma.  They have no reason to because nobody has ever actually explained the concept of Reincarnation to them.  I will give you an example. My wife Paola is a Chilean Catholic, and because she is a Catholic she has always just believed in the Heaven-Hell concept.  But after three years of being around me, just because of the fact that I believe in Reincarnation she has changed her mind and now she believes. I never explained the concept to her the way I am explaining the concept now, she merely changed her mind through osmosis.  That is how the human psyche works, a lot of the time people believe stuff just because the people around them do.

7 Benefits and ills of Reincarnation verses Heaven/Hell
I know I got a little sidetracked but it just goes to show that the concept of Reincarnation ties into pattern and law in the physical, and spiritual Universe.  One cannot use the Heaven/Hell paradigm to explain the world the way it is.  Why would the world be created in such near infinite complexity just to be the home of Trillions upon Trillions of completely disconnected life forms to live but one life time and then go off to a place that is not even explained with the slightest bit of imagination.  One who believes in the Heaven/Hell paradigm has no choice but to believe that people who live their one and only life in a rich family in a rich nation is quite simply higher in the eyes of God than someone who has to live their life in a poor family in a poor country.  One must therefore ask why did God chose this soul over the other when neither of them had a previous life? Is it just sheer luck?  When we think like that we will naturally start to believe that we are better than those who are less fortunate than us, that it is Gods will that it is like that, and thus it is Gods will that we do whatever we can to maintain ourselves above and the less fortunate below. 
8 Even The Bible and Koran support Reincarnation
“And Allah hath caused you to spring forth from the Earth like a plant; Hereafter will He turn you back into it again, and will bring you forth anew” (Sura 71:17-18)
The Bible

Judaism’s The Zohar, a Kabalistic classic believed to date from the first century AD, states:

“The souls must re-enter the absolute, whence they have emerged.  But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third and so forth; until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God.

”Christianity’s Bible includes: “Him that over cometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out.”      (Revelation 3:12)

When did the church and, ultimately, modern day Christianity turn away from reincarnation?  Most historians see the crucial turning point in the Second Council of Constantinople

(the Fifth Ecumenical Council of the Church) in 553 CE, during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian 1.  It was one of the council’s 14 anathemas, or denunciations, which stated, that if anyone asserted the fabulous pre existence of souls, and asserted the monstrous restoration which followed it, that person would be anathema. A few such biblical references include:

    “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”   (Malachi 4:5)

   “Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist; notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.  And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.  And for all the prophets and the law which was prophesied until John.  And if ye will receive it, this is Elijah, which was for to come.” (Matthew 11:11‑14)U  

“But I say unto you, That Elijah is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed.  Likewise shall also the Son of Man suffer of them.  Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist.” (Matthew 17:12‑13)U    

“Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am.”  (John 8:58)U  

  “And Jesus went out, and his disciples, into the towns of Caesarea Philippi: and by the way, he asked his disciples, saying unto them, Whom do men say that I am?  And they answered, John the Baptist: but some say, Elijah; and others, One of the Prophets. And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?  And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ.  And he charged them that they should tell no man of him.”  (Mark 8: 27-30)U  

  “And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.  And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?  Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.” (John 9:1‑3)

7 Philosophy about Education 13 0
1 My Philosophy about Education
Part 1
Education is learning about the world and the way it works, so that the individual can contribute positively to the world and themselves. Education is no loner teaching people to blindly follow orders so that they respect authority and act responsibly. Our society is advanced enough now for the common people to be innately aware of honesty and equality. This revelation in the reality of proper relationships happened after desegregation and the hippie free love movement. But my teachers, who actually grew up i the time missed it, still giving me bad grade because of my failure to mindlessly spit back the meaningless information they gave me. It was meaningless because I wasn't allowed to interpret anything for myself. Instead of placing the grade on my attendance, and together I turned the homework in, they gave me D's and C's because I did the Bibliography of the Turabian book instead of their personal way, or didn't want to listed to their comments. A student should have a right not to follow the guidelines of a teachers personal way (the classes I am talking about that I got D's in are an art class because I listened to my walk-in instead of kissing his ass, and a composition class because he said I was schizophrenic because I was talking about mushroom trips) I think he was fired because he stopped teaching there, and the southwest studies class because of the bibliography, (she was also fired) , if the student shows up every day and does all the homework assignments they deserve a good grade because they are doing what they are asked; and everybody wants to learn in life and values school ho completes the assignments. Teachers have no right to give bad grades out of a personal control hungry vendetta, they are playing with these peoples lives. A bad grade can not only cause someone to not get in the school they want, but also later the persons confidence. It should be no wonder students don't like teachers when they try to dictate what they should be interested in as if they don't know themselves. Respect for authority comes when the authority deserves it when the teacher has showed a genuine desire to teach the student and guide them in the right direction and give them information they can relate to and talk to their friends about. But in order for this to happen there needs to be the proper subjects that the student can use later in life,. The common student won't ever use subjects like Latin, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, algebra, linguistics, grammar, and even advanced composition, yet all these classes are required subjects. And subjects that would fascinate the common person and give them the background knowledge to find out how the world works, how they see the world, and what they can do to make the world a better place are non existent in common schools from kinder garden all the way through graduation day from college classes like: Term paper class, religion class, world history form civilization environmentalism activism politics point of view, make your own rap song class, make your own movie class, utopia class, and integration of all subjects class, among just a few. it is becoming common knowledge that teachings no longer pumping meaningless data into heads, but guiding kids into their natural directions by showing them by example what you now how it has meaning for you and relating it to what they are interested in to get them motivated to stop wasting their time being bored and doing educational activities. Even rebellious teenagers are not only always seeking new things to do, but trying to learn so they can be an understanding intelligent member in their click, not to mention the fact that they would like to make, so they don't suffer from boredom. -lesson plan for individual classes
 Part 2

The main way education needs to change is instead of the teacher setting guide lines for the students, to follow in order to keep their attention and motivate them and spur and drive them; we should now turn that around and let the stud their own education. Decide their own subjects and topics and order they do it. The teacher may now become a guide. You may say "How can one teacher handle a class of 30 when they are all doing their own thing". Well, I don't think it would make a difference because for one the students will be interested in their subject enough that they wouldn't need as much prodding from the teacher to get to the next step, save the teacher time and frustration. I'll give an example contrasting the way it is with the way it should be. As it is, the class is research paper for history class. First mistake is the teacher gives the students a limited list of things to write about. Shutting out a wide variety of interesting subject that haven't been studied. The tests should provide proper review for the subjects studied. Or in a book report giving the students a list of books they can work with, shutting out books they are really interested in. The 15 source guidelines with bibliography and footnotes and 50 fact source cards is a good idea, but specific form in these things is not. Because students interests are broader than before, the subjects they chose to have papers on should be broader than before. For example: Family trees, inventions, myths, or anything that happened in the past that affects the present should be allowed for a history class, instead of keeping it to merely what the teacher presented. For example, in a social issues class students should be allowed to write about marijuana, and LSD, and sex if they want to, so they don't feel like they are being repressed and can let their own ideas about things blossom when they are ready. If you suppress anything in a persons mind when they are developing, it may never come back again, or shut the student off to education and the teacher. The emphasis should be put on whether the student is reading and writing, because when kids get out of school they don't value reading and writing because they were forced to read and write what they didn't want to i school. They leave school with dirty thoughts about brilliant people like Jung, Freud, and Marx, not only because it was given to them in a butchered and over processed way, but also because the teachers themselves didn't fully process the subjects for themselves. No wonder they didn't, they didn't have the opportunity to when they were in school, and then they went straight into teaching before getting themselves adequately well-roundedly educated. Teachers teach a wide range of subjects to a wide range of people, so it is important for them to be specialists in general knowledge, perhaps you could say being specialists in being non specialists, scratching the surface in all subjects. For after all, you don't need to know the inner workings of subjects in order to present it to high school kids, just the gist of it and how it relates to other things. The object of the game is to motivate the kids, and in order to stir the kids you need to make the comfortable with you, believe you, respect you, and see that you want to help them. It is meant the people who work together be friends. This includes the teacher-student relationship. You want to make a friend happy, and so a student who considers a teacher his friend is more likely to want to please him. The age of making people do things out of fear is over. The assembly line education is over. The age of creativity is here. What will ensure our national security now isn't a nation of math whizzes, but open minded, educated, problem solvers who know the meaning and direction of themselves and the world they live in. The best way to teach is by example, because it is the subject learning in a way that actually shows the way something is done. So any paper about a subject a

teacher gives a student the teacher should have one of their own. To show how and that you can add personal
meaning to each subject. So I will show my personal work on all subjects to students. But this shows the need for another reformation that needs to be done in education and that is the need for more freedom for the teachers to teach what they are prepared to teach. Instead of following the guidelines of some high paid official who has never taught who the teacher has never meet before, the relationship between student and teacher should be extended to the teacher and his superiors.

2 Teachers
I'm the teacher, but humble. I just say what I gotta say.  I'm not special, I just want to know just like you, wanna help you help me, I know things, not everything, tell me tell me, secrets suck! I studied hard I care, I'm happy and good. Yea love! love! Everything. But not non love. How could you love non love? Everybody loves me everybody loves me, everybody loves me everybody loves me. I'm frantic? fervent! Yea! Ooah ah! Savior of the Universe! I'm Humble! No?! Then slap me down, if it makes you feel any better, but it won't. No all that'll make you feel better is lovin me, loving me, everybody, everybody loves me. i love your hair glistening in the wind I love being with you I love talking to you I love looking in your eyes, I love you jokes, songs. 'Oh lal la I like preaching religion because its the one thing we all get emotional and have opinions. I could never get used to it. I'm a teacher, full on preacher, not so special, just a everyday wrestler with tha truth, baby were in our youth helpin me help you I got knowledge want to use it, full fledge , so what's up secrets Hard core I got tha score, ain't no bore 4 4 on tha floor, give more more, 1 2 3 4 open the door
3 Teacher's Lives

I was fortunate enough to do my practicum work in many different settings: Durango high, Ecalante middle school, that focus school on third street, and New Vista high school in Boulder. The teachers in all these places seemed to enjoy their jobs more than average, and most were veterans.

I asked four teachers what their life was like outside of school. The oldest of whom, a 13 year veteran named Susie, said that she didn't really do any work away from school and feels she has enough time for her children. She said she usually goes home around five o'clock.
Susie's assistant teacher Kim, who is in student teacher status but is getting paid for taking responsibility for a multiple sclerosis child, said the same thing. Kim was in the process of getting her masters and had previous teachers to work under and said one teacher put all of the responsibility on her which was stressful and unpleasant.

Vonnie Walker said she never likes to take her work home, so she is usually doing it at school until five.
The most interesting interviewee I had was a woman who was substituting a class that I was observing. She said she quit teaching after three years because she voluntarily took on too many responsibilities and burned out and got too emotionally involved in the lives of her students, so she started a store. When I asked her if she ever intended on taking up teaching again, she said she might but in a small mellow school. I told her I heard rookie teachers are in danger of being fired if they don't take up the loose ends; and she said they are encouraged for the sake of experienced.

It doesn't seem like teaching is as hard of a job as it is portrayed by my teachers at Fort Lewis. I expect to be up to my ears in work seven days a week for my first year, but after that I think I could get away with having the evenings and weekends to myself.

The main thing I learned from my practicum work is that I want to study all the things that I have wanted to learn but haven't had the chance because of school. I don't want to be another teacher who can't answer the non academic questions that students ask. I want to be a teacher not just for the paycheck and three months off, but so I can preach my mind to young innocent minds. I plan to ride my bike across Tibet and then be an ultra distance mountain bike racer, spending my spare time reading and writing on what interests me: Health, politics, history, cutting edge things, technology, etc., not to mention my grammar.

The second most important thing I learned as a practicum student is the relationship between students and teachers. Being a practicum student at New Vista high school I felt half adult-half kid. For the first time since graduation I felt separate from high school kids. This might be because the kids at this high school are the social cast outs of Boulder all assembled in the same place a fifth the size of my high school, or because I cared to communicate more than I did in high school; but I felt like the kids weren't as outgoing to me as they would have have been if I was their age. When I asked them questions about what they were doing, they just briefly answered me, but didn't try to repel me which made me feel comfortable. Teachers have respect from kids, so they seem to be able to ask and tell them anything without fear of being judged in a way that might hurt them in any way, almost as if the kids are living intelligent guinea pigs to try any experiment with that the teacher may see fit, which really excites me.

The third thing I learned was that teachers are normal people. When I was in high school I had the impression they were all control freaks both in and out of school; basically not normal people. From observing the practicum hours I analyzed the teachers discipline techniques from a more adult, objective standpoint, which both confirmed and corrected the ideas I had as a child. Vonnie Walker did a great job at making sure her Middle School students acted responsibly, but Susie could have done it a lot different. I like Susie a lot and think she is a great teacher, but she gets too angry with mischievous kids. I didn't tell her because I didn't feel like I was with her enough, and didn't have the motivation or didn't think about it at the right time, but I think it is possible to effectively stop a kid from doing destructive things by telling them to their face as if they are a peer. A boy named Dirk sabotaged a spelling computer and Susie got mad, but I don't think she ever explained to him why and how what he did was wrong. Once he got mad and yelled and I said 'You need to work on your temper' and he said 'I know'. Some of the teachers I had as a kid would have kicked him out of the class or yelled at him or something else immature.