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Britain Bronze Age 2500 - 800 1700
Nordic Bronze Age 1700 - 500 1200
Atlantic Bronze Age 1300 - 700 600
European Iron Age 1200 BCE - 400 CE 1600
Dark Age 1100 - 800 300
Archaic Period of Greece 800 - 500 300
Near East Iron Age 1300 - 600 700
Chinese Iron Age 600 - 200 400
Indian Iron Age 1200 - 200 1000
Bronze Age of Thailand 1500 - 500 1000
Assyria reclaims
Neo Assyrian Empire 912 - 612 300
1st Kings 971 - 898 73
2nd Book of Kings 890 - 582 308
Book of Second Chronicles 971 - 588 383
2500 - 800 1700 Britain Bronze Age
1700 - 500 1200 Nordic Bronze Age
1300 - 700 600 Atlantic Bronze Age
1300 - 600 700 Near East Iron Age
1500 - 500 1000 Bronze Age of Thailand
1200 - 200 1000 Indian Iron Age
- First inscriptions in Epigraphic South Arabian found in Akkele Guzay
- Olmecs build pyramids.
- Emergence of Brahmana period of Vedic Sanskrit, probable composition of Shatapatha Brahmana, and first beginning of Upanishadic and Vedantic traditions of Hinduism.
1200 BCE - 400 CE 1600 European Iron Age
- Chinese record solar eclipse
- Demotic writing appeared in Ancient Egypt.

626 Thales, first of seven sages, or wise men of Greece, suggested that earth was round.
- Chinese invent printing.
- First metal coins used by Lydians of western Anatolia. Until c. 525 BC, coins bore an image on one side only.
- Greeks adopt coins and alphabetic writing from Asia Minor.
- Iron allegedly discovered in China
7th century BC – 4th century BC – Etruscan cemetery of La Banditaccia, Cerveteri is made.
600 - 200 400 Chinese Iron Age
- First archaeological surveys of Arabian peninsula by Babylonian King Nabonidus
- Sunshu Ao (孫叔敖), China's first hydraulic engineer, creates an enormous artificial reservoir by damming a river for a massive irrigation project while employed in service of King Zhuang of Chu (died 591 BC)
- Lost-wax casting is spread to Ancient Greece