Visitors |
Iceland |
Powys 420 - 1160 750 |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
440 - 455 Nath Í mac Fiachrach  |
407 - 37 30 Guaire Aidne mac Colmáin  |
407 - 37 30 Fergal Aidne mac Artgaile  |
407 - 37 30 Cellach mac Rogallach mac Uatach  |
407 - 37 30 Indrechtach mac Dúnchado  |
407 - 37 30 Indrechtach mac Muiredaig  |
407 - 37 30 Domnall mac Cellaig mac Rogallach  |
407 - 37 30 Áed Balb mac Indrechtaig  |
407 - 37 30 Ailill Medraige mac Indrechtaig  |
407 - 37 30 Dub-Indrecht mac Cathail  |
407 - 37 30 Donn Cothaid mac Cathail  |
407 - 37 30 Muirgius mac Tommaltaig  |
407 - 37 30 Diarmait mac Tommaltaig  |
407 - 37 30 Finsnechta mac Tommaltaig  |
407 - 37 30 Mugron mac Máel Cothaid  |
407 - 37 30 Conchobar mac Taidg Mór  |
407 - 37 30 Cathal mac Conchobar mac Taidg  |
407 - 37 30 Flaithbertaigh Ua Flaithbertaigh  |
407 - 37 30 Tadg mac Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair  |
140 Ashcled (Dublin, Ireland) built. |
373 - 493 120 St. Patrick
St. Patrick: Irish Legend 2000 |
432 St. Patrick arrived in Ireland. |
Mythological Munster 
453 - |
453 - 89 36 Óengus mac Nad Froích r.
Note: supposed first Christian king of Munster
Dauí Iarlaithe mac Maithni
Note: first King of Iarmuman
Feidlimid mac Óengusa |
489 - 522 33 Eochaid mac Óengusa,
DubGilcach mac Óengusso, unknown |
480 - 1230 Kildare St. Brigid Cathedral |
493 Collected Works by Saint Patrick 387493 27.7M 1;00;41 |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
Londinium London
43 Battle of Medway River   |
43 Aulus Plautius Roman occupation of Britain |
50 Battle of Caer Caradoc   |
71 Battle of Stanwick   |
83 Battle of Mons Graupius   |
000s - 100s Calleva Atrebatum wall of Roman city of Calleva |
50 Verulamium made Municipum |
50 Tripontium Bathhouse England Bathouse Remains Founded |
60s Bath Bathhouse England |
71 4 YorkRoman Fortifications in Museum Gardens York |
72 Ribchester Bathhouse England City Founded |
73 Fishbourne Palace Dolphin mosaic |
75 - 300 HQ Legipn 2 Caerleon Amphitheatre |
80 - 211 Trimontium (Newstead) |
81 Tito Bathhouse Pianta Rome |
85 - 410 Vindolanda Tivedshambo Bathhouse UK Occupied |
43 407 Devana Road in use |
43 Silchester Amphitheater |
43 Watling Road Richborough |
43 Cliffe Bridge Dere Street |
43 Dere Road Milestone West Woodburn Northumberland |
43 Stane Road Chichester at Eartham Woods |
43 Stanegate Road Corbridge |
50 Verulamium Amphitheater England |
75 Isca Augusta Amphitheater Wales |
79 Deva Victrix Amphitheater Chester England |
178 Christian missionaries preached in Britain with success. |
179 Lucius, first Christian king, ruled in Britain. He founded Archbishopric of York |
183 Scots invaded Britain |
100 Corinium Dobunnorum Amphitheater Cirencester England |
100 Durnovaria Amphitheater Maumbury England |
100 300 Chedworth Bathhouse UK Roman Villa Mosaic Built |
120 Moridunum Carmarthen Amphitheater Wales |
150 Dolaucothi Gold Mines Britain |
@ Londinium (London)
Britannic Empire
286 - 96 10
Britain Londinium Was a breakaway state of Roman Empire. See also Carausian Revolt.
286 - 93 7 Carausius  |
293 - 6 3 Allectus  |
290s Pagans Hill Roman Temple Scotland |
300 Chedworth Roman Villa |
426 Total withdrawal of Romans soldiers from Britain when Picts & Scots invaded from north. Saxons were invited over to assist in expelling them & gradually took possession of country. Saxon Heptarchy was formed, & existed until Egbert formed kingdom of England in |
427 country was called Britain & people were called Britons. |
449 Hengest & Horsa begin AngloSaxon conquest of Britain.
Viking Queen 1967
455 Battle of Aylesford |
466 Battle of Wippedesfleot |
485 Battle of Mercredesburn |
290 - 305 15 Caradoc  |
Kingdom of Powys 
420 - 1160 750
SE England Anglians, Geats descended from Norse Gods. Mentioned in Beowulfs story.
480 - 500 20 ?  |
475 - 500 25 Horsa no charters brother of Hengest unknown |
SE England. Limited King list
430s - |
Early kings 430s - 580 150s |
kings before Drest ^ Erp are omitted to reduce length of lists.
430s Drest ^Erp 1st * Pictish Chronicle w/ known date. Ruled a hundred years & fought a hundred battles |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
50 first surviving artifact with runes on it, Meldorf Brooch, is made in Denmark. |
? - 300 ? Borholm, Denmark
300 Moved from Borholm island, Denmark, to Vistula river in Poland. |
450s - 1000s Borre mound cemetery Norway |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
400 - 600 200 Reconstructed Longhouse at Gene fornby |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |