000s |
100s |
300s |
400s |
(Suebic Kingdom of Galicia) Portugal
400s 1635 Viseu Cathedral |
Suebic Civil War 456 - 69 13 |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
@ Tarraco (Tarragona)
000s - 100s Cornalvo Dam Spain |
000s - 300 Milagros Aqueduct Spain |
000s Almuñécar Aqueduct Spain |
20s Clunia Bathhouse Spain Mosaico de Clunia |
20s Augustus Temple Barcelona Spain |
73 La Plata Road spain |
74 Las MĂ©dulas Aqueduct Spain Pliny Writes of |
81 - 96 Segovia Aqueduct Spain |
98 - 117 Romano Bridge |
98 - 138 Alconétar Bridge spain |
100 - 325 Tarragona Amphitheater Spain in use |
104 - 6 AlcĂ¡ntara Bridge spain |
125 Iberian Peninsula Roads |
1st Roman Province of
Hispania Tarraconensis
27 BC - 293 AD 320
200s AlcĂ¡zar Castle Toledo  |
293 Split into 2 parts creating Gallaecia |
298 Split again creating Hispania Carthaginensis |
2nd Roman Province of
Hispania Tarraconensis
293 - 409 116
406 Visogothic Spain emerged under Pharamond chief of Frank Tribes. |
456 Battle of Ubicas River |
461 Battle of Cartagena |
@ Silesia
@ Dacia & Pannonia (Hungary)
271 - 406 135 |
Terving Pagans 369 - 95 26 |
369 - 81 12 Athanaric. W/ Rothesteus & Winguric. |
376 Alavivus. Rebel against Valens. |
376 - 80 4 Fritigern |
Balti 395 - 418 23 |
409 Move into Spain from France |
429 Move into Africa in Morrocco |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
4 Â 0? - 61 61? Barnabas 45 37:26 |
3,500 elephants killed in Augustus' circus games. |
000s Palatine Towers Turin |
000s Larino Amphitheater Larinum |
000s Luna Amphitheater |
000s Portunus Temple Rome backside |
79 Vespasian & Titus Temple Rome |
000s Vaisonla Romaine Bridge france |
1904 History of Rome During Later Republic & Early Principate by Greenidge, A. H. J. (Abel Hendy Jones) 227,237 K  |
1907 Religion of Ancient Rome by Bailey, Cyril 26,801 K  |
1909 Conflict of Religions in Early Roman Empire by Glover, T. R. (Terrot Reaveley) 153,598 K  |
1911 Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism by Cumont, Franz Valery Marie 96,925 K  |
0 Capua Amphitheater |
46 BCE - 15 CE 61 Ovid "the lovepoet of Romans" was born. Authored over 54 books. |
14 Via Aemilia-Rimini Romano Bridge |
17 Janus Temple Rome |
30 Verona Amphitheater |
10 35 - 100 65
Quintilian Oratory
1,295Â 18:00 |
12 35 - 108 73
Ignatius Anthology
212 2:57 |
38 Claudia Aqueduct |
15 40 - 103 63
Frontinus 71Â 1:00 |
Claudian 41 - 68 27 |
40s On Shortness of Life by Seneca Younger 4 BC 65 AD 29.4M 1;04;19 |
46 Castel Brando |
52 Anio Novus Aqueduct & Bridge. |
1881 Nero Makers of History Series by Abbott, Jacob 60,490 K |
18 60 - 130 70
Papias Frag. 10Â 7:55 |
64 Domus Aurea |
Civil War |
69 - 96 27 Tacitus Histories 100 10 10
27 100 - 65 65
Justin Martyr Collec.
508Â 7:04 |
53 210? - 290? 80? Diogenes Gr. Philosophers
639 8:53 |
210s Burial in catacombs becomes common. |
200 - 20 20 Castrense Amphitheater.  |
218 Battle of Antioch  |
218 - 22 4 Elagabalus.  "Wanton, extravagant, depraved, & horribly cruel." |
226 - 780s 550s Aqua Alexandrina Bridge |
476 - 93 17  Odoacer
350 - 70? 20 Ybor & Agio, brothers, together with their mother Gambara, who led emigration from Scandinavia |
489 Battle of Isonzo |
489 Battle of Adige |
489 Battle of Ravenna |
490 - 500 10 Claffo  |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
52 - 96 44 New Testament Eight authors wrote twentyseven books
64 - 8 4 1st Persecution by Nero began
5 - 67 62 Apostle Paul Beheaded
Peter & Paul 1981 |
81 2nd Persecution by Domitian |
106 - 7 1 3rd Persecution by Trajan
175 - 89 14 Eleuterus  |
189 - 99 10 Victor 1  |
200 5th Persecution by Severus |
235 6th Persecution by Maximus |
250 - 53 7th Persecution by
Decius who proposed to extirpate Christianity from earth by sword & fire, wild beasts, wheel, redhot iron chairs, & every variety of torture. |
257 - 60 3 8th Persecution |
275 9th Persecution by Aurelian. |
413 City of God by Saint Augustine of Hippo (354 430 76)
Agostino dIppona 1972 Italian |
431 3rd Council held at Ephesus. |
451 4th Council at Chalcedon |
452 Pope Leo 1 meets personally with Attila on Micino River & convinces him not to sack Rome. |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
60 Shipwreck of St. Paul Apostle. |
395 - 870 475 Byzantine rule. |
454 Islands occupied by Vandals (?) |
464 Islands occupied by Goths (?) |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
394 Battle of Frigidus River |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
@ Salona (Solin)
20 Divided into Pannonia & Dalmatia |
300 Diocletianus Aqueduct Croatia |
314 Battle of Cibalae |
351 Battle of Mursa Major |
388 Battle of Save River |
3 - 400s Zadar Cathedral Basilica Croatia |
4 - 500s Krk Cathedral |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
98 - 117 19 Durrës Amphitheater Albania |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
000s |
100s |
200s |
300s |
400s |
269 Battle of Naissus |
000s Viminacium City Serbia
10 Roman Sarcophogus Zemun |
306 - 442 Mediana |
@Sirmium, Serbia. Including: Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Urkaine